3 minute read

Doing the Building Thinking

The big thing that the modern lumber menclrant har come to know and undentandand which undentanding har given him practically a new bueinec world tq veft fu1ir that HIS job is to do the BUILDING THINKING for hir town and community.

THAT ir hir iob. HE is the boy whore burinec! ir,to kccp ahead of the houndr in the building game, and if he ir to direct the building energier of his town, he muct think jurt a little ahead of the boyr to whom building ir only a ride line.

Ae the local people in the rmall town go to the locd doctor with their phyircal illr; ar they go to the dentirt for their dental troublee; to the lawyer for their legal anirtance; to the tailor for their advice as to drere; ro rhould they go to their local BUILDING MERCHANT for their buildins THOUGHTS and IDEASI, and ro they WILL if he ir alive and on the job, and giving them the rame degree of rcrvice h HIS line, that the doctor, dentirt, lan'yer and tailor do in THEIRS.

Get the thought, Mr. Dealer, that practicdly all the money that is being made in your town ir being rpent jurt ar fast ar it comer in. Are YOU getting YOUR rhare of that carh? If not, what b the rearon? Ir it becaure your goodr are lese valuable than thoee of the other fellow, or ir it becaure you are making less of an effort to grab the dollan than the other fellow?

The building (IHINKER of your community will rell IDEASi rather than building material. He will know more than how to buy and rell rtock; he will know more tlnn rimply the quality and urer of the materialr he handles; he will do more than rimply keep track of the stock on hand, the tccountr and the collectionr; he will do more than simply be courteour to people about him, and know t'hem in a carud way.

It doecn't take expert THINKING to rimply keep track of a, rtock of lumber, mearure it out to people who come to buy, and then keep track of the accormtc. ThG lumber dealer is too big, too broad, and too ambitiour a man to confine himeelf to so small and narow a program.

But, on the contrary, he will do the THINKING for hir trade in the building line. He will realize that MR. CON-

SUMER IS KING, and he will rerve hirn accordingly.

One dip in the rea of BETTER BUSINESS bringr to the energetic and ambitiour man that deeirg for a PLUNGE. For the man who trier Modenr Merchandiring h. hir buriner and fails to 6nd it dluring-we have no ruggertionr to offer. A man in who:e systern.there ir the makingr of ruccerc, will find interert, ratirfaction and profit in the ure of modera idear in retail merchandisi"s.

He will become a HOME BLJILDER. He will take upon hir own rhoulden tbe duty of doing the BETTER BUILD INGS preaching to hir conrnunity. He will conrider it hir penonal obligation to ree to it that no more box car hourer are built in hir dirtrict. He will derive enjo5rment from thc work of showing, proving and convincing the home orvrren of the future that it ir jurt ar cheap and a thourand timer ar satisfactory to build an attractive, modern, ctep-raving home, ar to build the old-farhioned houre.

He will be able to rhow them that cvcn in the little cot. tage, a fair amount of brainr and tarte, and a modern

Don't give your customer ADVICE, Give him INFORMATION.

PLAN can make attractive what would otrhenvire be only a rhell of boarda

The parable of the Ten Talente argu€l againrt the old scheme of retail lumbering. The parable commandr dl men to ure the brainr and energy and talent that the Lord gavc them; and the Lord bave mency upon any man whore talent reached no farther tlran the operation of an old-tirmy lurnber yard. HE not only did NOT do the building rhinking for hb commrmity, but did not do burineu rhinking for HIMSELF.

Don't lay you cantt afrord to do tlrere thiagr. .Ar a matter of fact, you can't afford to do anything elre. Leam to give BUILDING SERVICE to your trade, do the building THINKING for your community, and you will 6nd thatlike CH.dRITY-it blerrer him that giver and hi"r that taker.

Watch for "PAUL BUNYAN" Lath

SOMETHING NEW-A GREAT SELLER-A GOOD BT,'Y REDUCES BUILDING COST. Sheathing and lath combined in one piecF<me lerr item of material to buy. Saver labor. Speede building. SUBSTANTIAL A rolid job of rheath. ing, perfectly bonded to rtucco. DURABLE. No metal to corrode. Preventr cracking. Manufactured and Dirtributed by

Mgn. wEsTwooD, cAL.

intrepid"Forty-Niners" first struck gold

T TERE inspired amid theee forest .f-l giants, Biet Harte gave us"The Luckbl Roaring C,amp,'and other tales-those vivid impressionE oI gold rush day*

Here MarkTwain, in his earlier daYs, drank deep the compelling roluance of the superb Sierrasrwhich gave to his western writings their absorbing Iascination flere, already patriarchs,these nichty aeeelooked down upon the strugglefor goldandempirereven belore the pony e:cDresrl riders marched wits against miaudiag Sioux and AraPaho

Here, Ior thrree-euartets of a century since tho€e stirring timeg theee timber sentinels o! rrogres have deen maturing that today the needs of man in industry and home making might be fulfflled. From the very heart oI this lamous region comeg

Manulacttued by equipment which matches in full the perlection of thie magaificent timber. Ready now lor prompt supply, Calilornia Swar and White Pine Lumber products, including wide finish.pattern stocko moldings, siding, lath" Iactory plank'and shop lumber. Correspondence invited.

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