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Schumacher Is Great Advertiser
The wall board folks everywhere are famous for their advertising. This is naturally true, since in a few years tine through the power of forceful ad.vertising and sales methods, wall boards have created for themselves a tremendous place in the building life of the nation.
And California has a wall board concern of its own that rivals the best the east can ofrer in the use of intelligent and enthusiastic advertising as a fundamental part of its business. This is the Sehumacher WaII Board Company, of Los Angeles, makers of a now famous brand of plasterboard.
The whole Schumacher gang, father, son Joseph, the general manager, and John, his assistant, and EarI Schmidt the genial Sales Manager, are believers in the great power of advertising for business for the firm.
And from one end of California to the other they have blazed the name of " Schumacher WalI Board " wherever building material is known and used. They use newspaper space with splendid creative copy, and. they use every other forceful method of advertising that appeals to them. They always have exhibits and booths where they can serve their trade by so doing and help their dealers sell, and the dealers have come to look to Schumacher naturally for that sort of service. And they GET IT.
Here is a very excellent illustration of the sort of advertising the Schmacher's d.o. This picture shows the grand entrance to the Pageant of Progress and Ind.ustrial Exposition recently held for two weeks at Exposition Park in Los
Angeles. As you entered the gate from any d.irection, you were confronted with a huge and yet attractive ad.vertisement of the Schumacher 'WalI Board Co. It was a mighty fenee, built high in the air, showing a mountain and timber scene, with the Schumacher advertisement across the top of it. Undoubtedly this was the best ad.vertisement in the entire exposition, and a wonderful piece of publicity characteristic of this organization.
A Wise Banker Wisely Scys.'--
We ofier one of the bert manufactured Lath in tbc spft6tBright, futl width and thicknesr-up to grade-and made from etrictly old growth yellow Fir.
New York City
E. Bartholomew Hardwood Co., Chicaeo, Ill.
Lawton Flooring & Shingle Company, lnc., Philadelphla, Pa.

E. L. Sourhern Company, Clevel.rn.l. tlhi.
Wm. C. McConnell Co., CambridSe, Boston, Mass.
Bav Bros. Lumber Co., St. Louis, Mo.
Tu'in City Hardwood Lumber Co., Minnesota
Tranrfcr, Mrnn.
E. L. Rr rre. I'res.,624 Soutlr Normrndic,