2 minute read
E. L. BnucE CoMPANY, Manufacturers
The Power ot
Little swabs of soap
Little claubs of paint
, Make the yard and office
Look like what they ain't.
The retail paint trade of the country could. easily be doubled. That may sound optimistic but it is admitted by business men that d.emand. can be created where need exists. If anybocly does not believe that the need for more paint exists, let him just casually observe the interiors and. exteriors of builclings he passes or enters.
Paint dealers should use more "Reason 'Why" copy. There is a tendency merely to mention the brands handled and to elaim that "we have the best paint" rather than to give reasons why paint should be used.
For instance, most people have a wholesome dread of disease. How many paint dealers call attention to the fact in their advertising that paints are sanitary agents? That the vapors of drying paint possess real germicidal value in addition to smoothing the ffnished surface so that no resting place remains for bacteria, dust and dirt.
The health appeal will sell paint to many people that the beauty and surface protection appeal will not influence.
Ilowever, there should be more than one string to the paint dealers' ad.vertising bow. One ad should feature beautiful appearance; another economy in surface protection; another the health and cleanliness features. One appeal will catch one property owner; another some other one.
The best baseball pitchers believe in mixing 'em up, in having a large repertoire and serving the batter with something difrerent every pitch. The paint dealer could take pattern after the piteher and vary his advertising to use all
Paint Supply For Lumber Dealers
the numerous appeals that will induce paint purchases. If this were done, it's a cinch that the assertion in our first paragraph that paint sales could be cloubletl would be realized.
The Yard OIIlce Towel
By J. C. D.
'When I think of the The old fashioned That used to'hang u By the yard ofrice
I think that In these days Could hammer To wear as it
The all used. it, tried it , the foreman, er-poor man-
The yard The 'When were gone, The shed The Each some grime ofr Ast put a heap on.
It thicker, and rougher, harder, and tougher, And ach day it put on inkier hue.
Un one windy morning any warDrng, It fell to the floor And was BROKEN IN TWO.
LUMBER YARDS anticipating the rale of PAINT, not ar a ridclinc, but ag a leading building material, should firrt conrider alinc of paint that ir made Bl the conhacting painter and conbecting builder, and FOR the contracting painter and builder.
Our materiale are nadc for thc contractor who T H E knowr what materialr will do to arcLt in ro painting the lumber ar to improvc itr acccptability. GO.
WE HAVE A PATNT PROPOSHON FOR Lt llBER goE S. Mein St. Y.A,RDS. Will bc ptcucd to rubmit it on rcqucrt. LOS ANGEIIS
Douglas Fir
Northern White Pine
Idaho White Pine
Western Soft Pine
White Fir
Pocific Coost Hmtlock
WashingtonRedCedar Red Flr andLarch
NorwaY Pine
Cedat PolesandPiling