2 minute read

The Bradley Lumber Company and Its Hardwood Service

One of the greatest hard'wood and hard'wood flooring prod.ucing cotcerns in the entire South, is The Bradley Lumber do*putty, of Warren, Arkansas' It has the equipment, the ti*U"i, the experience, and the business punch that ihe average buyer likes to know he can depend upon'

The sawmill, to begin with, is a big and modern one, equipped with tw-o bands and every auxiliary machine that moaertr hardwood milling knows, and turning out an average of 85,000 feet of hardwood iumber daily.

The' hardwood flooring department is as modernly equipped as money and experience can make it, and' turns oot iS,OOO feet daiiy of as finely textured and manufactured oak flooring as evei came from a saw. They are particularly proud ofttte quality of their timber at -Warren, both their oak and gum being strictly virgin, and cut from the finest hardwood forests standing in Arnerica today.

Their flooring factory turns out principally oak flooring, but also has a constant output of beech and gum flooring, both of which are growing in demand.

They have equipped this plant with every facility for furnishing the lumber trade a wide but valued variety of stock hardwoods, so that the buyer may secure either straight cars of anything, but may also if need be secure mixecl cars containing numerous staple items to supply his various needs.

From their own plant they furnish rough or dressed. oak Iumber, rough or dressed gum, oak or gum finish, plain or quartered oak flooring, red gum flooring, beech flooring, oak or gum mouldings and trim, oak wagon stbck cut to suit the purchaser in special wagon stock machines, parquetry strips aromatic red cedar for closet lining.

Their big dry sheds hold over six million feet of stock for the convenience of their customers, and a big battery of twelve modern dry kilns enables them to take their logs from the woods and ship the dried and ready lumber in unusually short order. Few hardwood' plants have any such equiPment.

They have a box factorY adjacent to their mill and hardwood flooring faetory, in which they manufacture supplies for the box trade, and also turn out special stock for the furniture trade. They have everything that is good in Southern hard.woods, and their plant is equipped to turn out anything desired in special cut stock for hardwood users of any description.

This fact makes their serviee an unusual one, and they make it a part of their business to cater to the special requirements of hardwood users. They have been doing so for many years, and will be still in the game long after most of the present manufacturers of hardwood have cut their last log.

Two mighty keen young men handle this splendid institution. R. W. ("Bob") Fullerton, son of the famous old time lumberman S. H. Fullerton, of St. L,ouis, is President and General Manager, and he wants nothing better than the opportunity to show the discriminating buyer what a real service department for the trade the Bradley Lumber ComPanY is.

C. I-,l. Foretich is Sales Manager and a thorough student of the needs of the hardwood trade, and of their ability to serve those needs.

"If it's Bradley's it's better", is the slogan they have adopted, and do their best to live uP to.

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