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More Glimpses of Bradley Lumber Co. Plant.

Old Tmersi
In the retail lumber trade remember wcll the line of adc we used to run l0 years ago. Here'g a aamplc:
Wait Jlot-Waste llot
Saye Sylverter Weaver
Oncc upon a timc therc wac a bravc altronomer who with hie truaty teleecope could cxplore the .heavens with cntirc aafet5r cven on the darkcot nightc-that ig if he had no other cngagcmcnt.
Onc night he war cxamining thc moon with the cye of a connoirseur. In romc wayr he felt thc moon quitc unratiefactory, but he was in an indulgcnt mood and made no correctiona.
It ncver raing on 1[g 66611-6n 1t1ii account, the factoriec produiing roofing there 6y6 fsy-in fact invisiblc to thc naked eye. But it does rain in California and October uaually haa onc heavy atorm.
You don't need a telcacope to know a worn out roof when you own oneor one that needs painting, repairing or re-covering. Wcaver'c Arctii White Roo6ng for every need and re- quirement and Wcaver Wdterproof Paintg for renovating all clascee of roofr-made in colors and black.
Don't wait until it rains-sct burv while the sun ahines and bc lr.p"r.i -aak your dcaler for Weaver hoofingr and Roof Paints or acnd for ram- ples and quotationr and roofing advtcc to

Manufacturcrr of Satirfaction