1 minute read
oof Co.
HERE'S ANOTHER of the Vcavcr ada that made a hit many ycarr ago:
Stamp Stamp Stamp
Sayr Sylvatcr Wcavcr
Trading stamps with roof ordore may soon bc a feature of Wcaver Roofittg. Theac stampe, if any, will bc watcrproof, and bcing adheeivc, can bc uaed to fix lcaka in othcr kinds of roofing.
Juat how many stamps go with cach roll ic hard to detcrminc, aa thc roofing itaelf ir ao well worth thc money' we arc afraid many of our cultomer! will rcfuac thc atampe ar too much for nothing.
And when you gct too much for your moncy thcre ia uaually a hollow cpot aomcwhctc, maybc in your own hcad; likc the Yankei who got at an awful bargain two akulle of Juliur Caesar, one a. a child of ten ycara and thc other as a man.
A tranaaction in which the buyer and rcllcr are both pleaced necdr no trading stamps, chromoa nor lottery tickete, and Fricnd Customer haa to be pleaeed with Wcavcr Roofing or no money accepted.
Jurt in pareing wo might add that thocc not already buying Wcaver productFto use or 1q 66ll-s;6 urgcd to hurry up that ordcr bcfore it ir dcclared contraband of war. Rcquccta for priccr and aamplca (with or without roofing convcrcation) arc aa welcomc ar thc eowcrr in May, and are much morc ncccssary to thc welfarc of thc
Manufacturcn of Satirfaction.