1 minute read

Garlson fs King In San Joaquin Valley

Over in the San Joaquin valley they have three great institutions that the natives like to brag about-the annual raisin crop, Yosemite Park and Earl Carlson.

It is of the latter institution that we are about to discourse, with a few hundred well chosen words. EarI is not FROM the San Joaquin valley, exactly, but he certainly is OF it, and FOR, it.

And the people of the valley likewise are FOR, him-particularly the lumbermen. While Earl's business pursuits bring him into daily contact with the lumber folks, his acquaintance and his popularity are not limited to that somewhat restricted circle. He knows everyone from Bakersfield to Stockton and.

son, aged. seven weeks. The latter youngster, as you may have surmised., was named after Augustus James Russell, the big chief of the Santa Fe Lumber Company, and. honestly, "Gus" is almost as proud of the chap as Earl is.

Earl is an enthusiastic Hoo-Hoo and belongs to the Osirian cloister. IIe is a Mason, a Shriner, a humdinger, and a gogetter; of the last two organizations he is a charter member.


J. H. Baxter & Co. have purchased the stearner Cowan Shamock and on its arrival from the Atlantic Coast. will be used in transporting creosoted piling from tbe Northrvest. The Cowan Shamock is similar to the boats recently purchased by the Hammond and California & Oregon I_rumber companies. The boat will be ready for ser.lice in about thirty days. J. If. Baxter & Co. handle aborrt sevent.l-ffve pereent of all the creosoted piling used on the Coast and arc representatives of the Pacific Creosoting Co. and J. 1I. Coleman Creosoting Co. of Seattle.

Every Califoraia Lunberman Should Attend

The State Association Convention In San Francisco, Saturday, October 28.


with creri ghJ,tHr"tit3?:rJJ: ;:ffi'X*lt rt"""u"tu"

It is just about 17 years now that EarI first started to travel in the valley for the Santa Fe Lumber Company and with the exception of trryo or three brief diversions for the $ame concern, to Los Angeles and to Portland, he has been covering that territory ever since. While still a young man, he probably is the oldest salesman in the valley-when continuous service for one company is consid.ered. AncI in recent years he has been including the coast country in his territory-down as far as San Luis Obispo.

Earl is a native of California and lives in Oakland. He bas three hobbies. One is his wife and the others are Earl Kemble Carlson, aged 23 months, and James Russell Carl-

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