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Dealers Keen for Redwood Service
Retail lumber merchants in California as well as in other parts of the country are reporting excellent results from the trade extension service recently put into eftect by the California Redwood Association.
A great many dealers are writing in to the oflices of the various redwood manufacturers in San Francisco asking for copies of the trade extension manual prepared by the association and distributed through the manufacturer-q and their sales agents
One of the strongest points in the redwood canrpaign is the "Dealer Help Service" which has been found mighty effective in getting the redwood idea before the eonsumirrg public.
Basically this service consists of twelve incliviclual f" page folders, each 4x9 in size with illustrations jn tt'ro colors and with copy so prepared that the dealer may send eaeh folder to his own customers and prospects over his own signature. Space is provided for printing in" the signature of the dealer so that for all practical purposes the literature and advertising matter are his very own.
Another strong point in the campaign is the ne\lrspaper advertising service. It has been impressed upon the redwood folks that local salesmen and dealers consta,ntly have real need for an advertising service to meet loeal requirements. To take advantage of this situation the rechvoo'l association has prepaid a neries of attractive newspaper cuts. each illustrating one particular use for which redwood is
Your Garage
-should be as neat and attractive as your home. That's why you should use Redwood-which takes paints and stains wonderfullv well.
Yo.rr gteenhouse and pergola will last for generations if built of Redwood-which resists rot.
Write or ?hone for all building materials. Dealer's spec.ially adapted. These cuts also provide ample space for insertion of the dealer's name and. can be used in l-ocal n_ewspaper advertising or in circular advertising issued by the dealer. The association supples these cuts to the dealers at actual cost, but orders should be placed either with the individual manufacturer or manufacturer's agent from whom the dealer customarily obtains his supplies of redwood.
Building and Repairs
Your building and repair bill is less when Redwood is used. That's because it lasts for generations. And Redwood in short lengths costs less.