1 minute read
That Huntington Lake Outing
(By AI Turner)
The early part of just last week
And in the morning up we went The work went with a zip To see the tunnel there To beat the time and get through quick, And rode the rock cars to the faceSo as to make the trip. 'Twas some big thing, I'Il swear.
The bunch hung round the old hotel
And at this time, I want to say The night before the day Joe Martin is some driver We pulled out for the mountain peaks. That car of his could climb a tree Twas quite a brave array. Or rival and diver.
The pedcllers and the buyerswho Are like a Ford, we know; The former always are in highThe latter work in low.
Wives and daughters, sisters too, Helped make the happy throng. It wouldn't be a picnic, boys, Unless they were along.
Our teeth were good and so the dust Was masticated ffne But I'd like to had the car ahead Just trailing back of mine.
The bunch at last drove to the l-.lodge A'd after cleaning up Tried who could tell the biggest yarn Before 'twas time to sup.
Next time that Burgess find.s he needs Some one to lend a collar, Believe me, boys, I want to be The first man there to holer.
For change in clothing EImo King Had all the bunch outguessed. The clothes that fellow had with him Would outfit all the rest.
And after dinner to the fi.re, The whole crowd soon were strolling Where Ferger in his smooth, calrr way Started the ball a rolling.
And after that we wandered back To hear the Edison boys And everybody will agree 'Twas some intelligent noise
, The music at the d.ance was good. The floor was packed. all night - A weaving swaying, happy crowd - ft was a pretty sight.
Ralph Duncan had an awful time To work through on that floor Until Frecl Conner paved the way Just like an open d.oor.
Billy Kendrick and Frank Minard Both were missed., we'll all say But circumstances unforseen Kept both of them away.
The trip down through the canyon was Too big to write of here. The grandeur and immensity, Too much for words, I fear.