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Show and Tell Them How to Build the Modern Way
Our Photographic Service and completc detailed plane makc it poarible for homc buildcn to have better home+more attractive, convenient and practical homea than they have ever beeo privileged to build bcfore.
It enablee them to chooge the most modern idcar deaigned to givc 1ar-imum homc walue, and as they are advised in advance of construction just what cvcry departrnent of the new home will loolc and be like, each trdngaction is conrummated with completc ratirfaction.
Remernber-each new modern home built in your town crcates a dcnand for otficr* and ar theae new eatisfied home ownerE are your most valuablc arcctFmaL,c more of th'rtt.
Your Service Dcpartment ghould be thc moat important dcpartment of your bueioco'+rc you making it eo?

Sell Protection and Safisfaction
The big thing you have to aell in roofing ie not ro many rolle nor ao many squarc!, nor ro many pound+it io protection-saibfaqtion.
Ncither of thece is determin.d by weight, or size. They arc detcrmined by thc einccrity that is expressed in their production.
The outstanding feature of is the sincerity that is expressed in its manufacture. The purpose of its makers is to produce a roofing that will afiord maximum protection and unqualified satisfaction.
Are you capitalizing this feature in Weaver Roofing?

Sylveater L lVeavcr
2436 Elrtt Eighth St" - Loa Angeler
Telephone BRoedway O784