1 minute read
Stanislaus Lumber Gompany Takes lts Own ]Uledicine
^ Lumber companies, constantly preaching to customers the use ot nne woods, seldom think of using these same woods themselves. However, the stanislaus Lumber conipany of Mod"rtll, " notable ex- ception to this rule. The new offices Lr t[ri. enterprising t",,rr.i ""-- pgny contain both hardwood foors and hardwood anj or;;;; ;i"" (fit)-panels. 4r r.h"y." bv the accompanyi.rg ph"iogr.pfr". tii"r" woods answer the double purpose of giving-a *""tifuinriir-ti't"-trr" offices and furnishing a piactical sales- disflay.
These handsome panels, as well as the Acorn Brand oak Le# Flooring u.sed !1 the stanislaus Lumber company, *"r" rr"* it" ample stocks of the Strable Hardwood Company.