2 minute read
Concerning the California Mechanics Lien Law
By Mr. David Woodhead, Los Angeles, before the Millwork Institute of California, at Santa Cruz
I was very much interested in the discussion of the lien law yesterday. i think California has probably the best lien law of iny stat6 in the Union. I have had some experience with the Texas lie-n law and I believe that the material man in Texas, as I knew the lien law many years ago, would be bette-r ofi without than with it. In Californii tirat is nbt the case, and I am free to say as far as I am concerned if the California lien law was abolished tomorrow, if .i could find some one to whom we could sell our little business, they could have it right quick because I know what it means to be without that protection.
On the other hand, there is a little injustice that is sometimes verv trasic indeed in its eftects on some people on account of them nof knoiing the law and its provisions, and those people who sgffer from that l-ack of knowledgi are usually the ones that can least afiord to carry the burden.
I know we havc had some poor people come in our office where we have taken advantage of the tien law and they will have to -pay a bitl twice, and it hal been pretty hard for me always-to-c-ollect itti tutt amount of the claim; and in many instances I did not feel verv well satisfied with mvself in the amount that we did collect.
It hai occurred to me thai when that is presented to the next legislature that quite a nu,mber of- the legislators will be inclined tJcorrect that pirt of our law. The danger is that if it is touched at all, they wilf be ofiering all kind..!- of ihanges and modifi.cations and the first thing we know we will have a number ot Jokers- tn there that will inv*alidate its efficiency. This is of the greatest importance and we should try to keep the law as it is, without any modification whatever.
What can we do then in regard to amending thc lav ia regrrd to the owner not being put on notice? ^ It occurs to DG wc rntg!-t aooiv-to the councils 5f-ttte various cities, or the oayorq end ask if,Jni t" init-ci itii uuitaiog department of- the citv wbco.crcr e oermit is given bv them or issued by them' that a copy- ol trlc raw Itt""id Llli"t o,it to the o*'ner, caliing the attention of the owner i; th; p.";;6"i "r ttt. law and ih. imfiott"oce of the ovrcr rtud-vinc it io as to protect trimsetf against-possible liens' It roold be i"i u.ti.t r"i1liC uuiiaiog depariment to do -that th.o itrold Qp i;; ih;;.il"iiot to f,""-" it'i-p"sed upon him to sqnd it-ct-it ;;"ili b;-f* u-.ttet-ior us to have the risponsibiiltv of scnding oot the law upon the building departments. It would not oDly r'vc uii -""yit"i-t, but it w;utd -save money to Poor pcople-who cannot afioid the loss. There have been many poor ploplc ur 14 Anceles who have lost their little hoores on account ot thc rirtcut!/ ;i ilil "o"it"itot "od oo account of their not knowing thc lav.
Oregon Uill Burns
The Grande Ronde Lumber Company main sawmill at Perrv. four miles west of La Grandl, Ore-, burned oq the "iltti bf Sept. 8. The loss was between $-15o,ffi and $dD,0O0. Insuiance was $70,(XX). About 75 men are out of work but 15 million feet of lumber in the yards will keep the planing mill and shipping-crews busy for some time' tr,.-"itt iBuildings *"iJi""ia by the *dter Irom afr,ffi gall,on tank whichiad been installid three weeks previously.
well ventilated shede in our yard where HARDwooD LLTMBER and FLooRTNG are protectcd hom rain "r,a "or, "rrJ-i"ti".r.J t" y"" ilnr-C-rtt and CLEAR and FREE FROM CHECKS' WE RUSH RUSH ORDERS
We employ HIGH POWERED, -COMPETENT lt{Etl to fill orders' Ve carrv HIGH GRADE sTocK and we.sell to HIGH-clAs5Tnapg at DO'WN RIGHT Low PRIcEsi. WE SATISFY YOU _ LET US SHOW YOU