1 minute read
Association Acts on Uniust Reiections
As previottsly noted in SERVICE, the last meeting of the Executive Committee took action seeking to protect the membership in the arbitrary rejection of shipments at destination, especially where it appeared the rejection was based solely on a falling market. Through cooperation among' the Association's several offices, in approximately 100 instances the Association has succeeded in persuading customers to receive shipments or unload them subject to official inspection and adjustment where that was necessary. In this respect, there has been excellent cooPeration on the part of retail associations. In some instances, however, bulrers arbitrarily refused to receive shipments, and members were compelled to sell them elsewhere at substantial loss and expense' and it is in this connection that the Executive Committee plans to take action in some individual cases on a basis serving to Protect the membership at large.
Several outstanding cases are being considered and will be selected where the facts are clear and order requirements compliecl rvith, and the actions must necessarily. be restricte<l to instances selected by the Association as suitable for the purpose intended and where Association Counsel assures the legal aspects are clear, and also where the member interested will agree to cooperate by furnishing all required evidence and testimony. It is hoped the offending parties will consent to arbitration but if not, suits will be instituted at the expense of the Association and in either event, the facts will be published.
It is pleasing to note the willingness on the part of cus-
Floyd Dernier Calls On Northern California Trade
Floyd Dernier, of Los Angeles, the husling mana^ger and buildiirg plan expert of the Lumbermen's Service Associaiion, hir'compleied a two weeks' business trip callilg on the retail lumber trade of the San Francisco Bay, Sacra-""to Valley, and San Joaquin Valley Districts' He reooiis tttat he-finds the lu;be; market in good condition and [hat the retail lumber trade in practically all districts report the lumber demand satisfactorY.