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Dry Kilns
tomers to work with the Association in receiving shipments where minor unavoidable controversies occur. but when customers for some pretext or other unjustly refuse to carry out their part of the contract, apparently because of a declining market, the Executive Committee proposes to take what steps it can to Protect the members from such unfair methods.
Complete tine of drt recording and reguleting intuncncrr hnbcr tifu lnd f,at and edge hmbcr rtaclcrr.
A widespread campaign to unite various factors of the building industry into a movement against ,.unscrupulous contractors," and i4 support of adequate legislation, will be launched._throughout-southern California" by the Los Angeles Builders' exchange,. acording to an announcement by Paul F. Langworthy, secretaiv.
Officials of the exchange_wiil address meetings in Orange c-ount-Y, San Bernardino, Santa Monica, Venide, Glendale, Pasadena, Long Beach and San Diego to enlist tie suppori ot contractors and dealers in the war on ,.irresponJible builders," and co-operation will be sought with architects, municipal ald county authorities in ihe prosecution of cases that demand it.
"The phenomenal building activity in Southern Calif,ornia during the_ past _few jears," dlclared Langworthy, "has \ep.t-the. Urilding industry operating at full iapacity. The Builders' Exchange of L<is Angelesl with a membeiship of more than 800, is the seconi largest builders, exchange in the United States affiliated riith ttre national association, and we are now at the point where we can use our influence for the good of the industry throughout Southern California.
"There are various issues of vital importance before the builders and dealers, but the problem of the ,unscrupulous contractor' calls for immediate attention. We intind to proceed against him in !I9 *?y.; first, by enlisting the support of the entire building industry of Southern-Cali!orgi1, either through membership or'affiliation .rvith the Builders' Exchange of Los Angiles; and second, when this is accomplished, by presenting a united front against unethical methods of every description and in securing additional legislative measures, whiih will make it possibie for owners who have been wronged to file criminal'as well as civil actions against the 'unsirupulous contractor.,,,
Farmers To Buy Lumber Says Kansas City Man
Portland, Sept. 25.-A heavy demand for Pacific northwest lumber will follow the harvesting of the pr.esent big crops in-th_e middle west and the east, according to H. R-. Ennis of Kansas City, president of the Nationa"l Association of Real Estate boaids, who is in portland today.
Ennis declared that the farmers of the country ar.e five years ,behind in their construction program. .',The fact that they are making money this year -will mean that a great deal of this money will go into lumber for the erec- tion of much-needed buildingJ for the farms of the east, middle west and west," he said.
Export Market Advancing
Seattle, Wn., Sept. 18-Owing to heavy and increasing inquiry and sale of hemlock biby squaies to Japan th"e Douglas Fir Exploitation & Expbrt company ioday advanced prices on these schedules io $19, $20, ina $2f, and the market is holding firm. Mills in that group are comple-t_ely blocked with business that will carry them well into_ November, and are continuing to decline prompt liftings. Medium and large fir squares ire steady wittr ah increising- demand, but baby fir squares are dull. The tendency of freights is higher.