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Eagle Rock Lumber Company Completes Unique Offices
Reflecting the spirit of the original "Homes," the buildine- co".ttt:rcted at the expense of much hard effort' and i;--;;;cases the lives of ^the hardy pioneers that properll' ot a Home, the recintly completed office il"ifai"s ii the Eagle Rock Lumber Company, is a wonderful exJmple of the variety .and beauty that can be rncor- i"t" the businesi ho-.. of a Building Material Merchant. --fi"""iii"tly designed and finished, the main office buildi"s is built'of ro"ugh logs up to the eaves, and is then h-"l.n"a on *itn tplTt tha-ke..- Flower boxes, of slab-s' and .rULt" stone posts, nttittt ofi the rustic effect' It is indeed r-rttptlt. to see the tt"ttte at the entrance, one lvould im""in.'tt. building as housing a wealthy rancher, or artist. -'i"iia" thev haie finished the offices u'ith a great variety of-*oodt, there being no two pieces of the same variety ;;"e -;"t;here in tfre building, inside' The counter is .onittr.t.i.a of hardrvood pan-ls, oak, gum. m-ahogany, birch, beech and others, each finished with a dilferent etfect, and the counter top is macle of samples of all grades of hardwood flooring. --Att ittt"testing feiture is the construction of the rvindows. The casings, stool, headers, etc' are all run to a Jifferent pattern, alttd of a difierent wood, making it hardly ,r.."...ty for them to seek a sample board of their casing patterns. '-M;. Swanson's private office is finished throughout in curly Redwood, and is a wonderful display of the wood "Thit Lasts." tn. ai.pt"y room, where they have installed samples of ,r."il' all^kinds of built in features, breakfast nooks' ironing doards, medicine cabinets etc., also houses their plan displav and Service DePartment.
' Mr. B. F. Swanson is the proprietor of this Progressive outfit, and he has expressed himself a-s- being -well pleased with the results obtained from the Modern Merchandising methods.