3 minute read
J. E. MARTIN tnconoretrd undcr thc hvr of cruforntr Mrr. sar_]lco of6cc J. c. IXonna,."?;r#"Jfi.i,lt"trrffi l;k*r...".
Mgl. P"*I."d Offi.. b A"s.b* urrd+ sev- Norrhrortota OGcr w. r. BLA.K ?.?,i"J L#is*Tffi-'Hj*fHtr*J#,r subrcription pricc, f2.txf pcr ycer
Singlc Copier,25 ccntr cach.
I.oS ANGEI F.-s, CAL, OCTOBER l, lg}4
How Lumber Looks
. Conficting report!.
ReaIIy, it would be hard to give an abeolutely true' unbiared report of the exirting conditionr in the hmbcr market in Californian ar ttey are on the 29tb of Septcmbcr'
In Lor Angeles, tte market that is reported and pointcd to more often ttan otter partr of the rtate, t[e wholenle market ir a little bit softer. By that we mean tte demand ratter than the prices ttat have been preveili"g for ten dayr. Thie ir not rmusual; a feve patient in convalercence generally har a bad day or eo, jurt to give the doctor a little more money, and it would have been remarkable if the Southern Cali' fornia market har dimbed eteadilY without a rhort period of indecbiou.
The random pricet did not bood ar far ar a great many hed prediced' hence, during the part few dayr, while reler were not ar brirkr yet pricel held their own.
Thc Sacrancoto and Srn Jo.Fb Vdlcyr hevc mt picked up ar hld bccn bopcd rnd 6c dcilcrr in 6c.c tcrritoriee are not in the mort optonidic frtnc of Ehd.
The San Dicgo dealcn arc rell ltfoficd vth th& vobc for the part two montbl end rcpott ectffiy end ercqrcctr for a continuation drring thc vintcr.
It ser unounccd brt SeturdrY morning, thrt' et r mccting of thc Lor Angcla Lumbcrmcn'r E:chragc' on Fridiy, Scpt. 25th, it ver dccidod to dirolvc thc ErcLen3a Thir throrr out of cxirtcacc onc of thc oldcrt er' rociationr in thc rlrtc.
Thc LumbcttnGn't Etchen3o vu conporcd of rbout thirtccn Lor An' gclcr lumbcr concGrD.r nort of thcm of thc lrrgcr conprnicq end hu opcretcd in Lor Aa3clcr for e loa3 pcriod of tirnc. -
Hcnry Riddiford, vctcrrn lunbcrnrnn hrr bccn thc ectivc Sccrctrr5r of tLc body, end vith thir ncv novq will bc rclcucd to dcrotc hir cntirc timc to thc rttcntion of thc Strtc Rctril Arrocirtioq of rLich hc ir Sccrctrry, in Southcra Qlifonir.
The one big dominating featurc in looking at trhingr, ir that the millr are not hungry for burineeq from reportr that come from tte Northwert. Cutting orderr are etill hard to place, in fact any orden for materiab not piled on the dockr, are bard to place.
The buildins figuree do not beer out any thoug[tl6-fi dropprng mar&eL The routhem city irsued permitr in September to tte value of over ttirteen million dollarr. On the night of the 27th the figuret were in ercels oJ 12 milIion. In Augu* they built nearly fourteea nillion Receipt at the Los Angelet harbor, for September will' when the finat figurea are in, reach iut about 12O million feet. ThiE is a little higher than for August
The Bay Dirtrict reportr a hedthy acivity' following tteir good month in Augurt. Permitr are rtmning well for the month of September, and tte dealers have nqt fusued any alarming complaints.
Shingler are rcrkcr h thc Pd wcdr. Rcachiryt r top pricc ebd thirty-five crntr ovcr thc lgvcl fut Scy hd Erinhincd for rir nontbrr tf,cY hrve droppcd brc|r lbod tcl cd. Leth heve o4 chrngcdr Htislily, h the lart tro wcclr
TbG fr Enb, in lhcir rqct &run![ thc Wc.tCortt Lubcrrotr Antir tion, rbow e rcCCr cd of g{r(m'(m' with da toteb of lO2'fiD'dXD. Hco b an intcrcrtins trble' b.od by S. Arro<ietio on Se0cnbcr 2;N,, &oti.g r rmmt1l of tf,cfo ;cclly nlor ,rvcrlgGr, fc fo wc&: lVccl End. lf,td Ead. WGGL E d- WoL ErJScpt-iD Scpt.l3 llapLe Aaf. tr VoL - Av3. VoL Av3. VoL Av3. VoL Av3. klNo.2 hlNo.2&Btr.
V. G. Floorin3 52tM $132!
S. G. Floorin3 ZllM 233t tfr{ No.2 & Btr.
Cciling SJ}M 2i7l
116 No.2 & Btr. Drop Siding 60fM 3l.al l:t-10 No. I Cou. sls & s/L.... s7:2M ta55 28112-11 No. I S&E .... {07lll LZI lr3M 3a5.5t ,12?M SaStl llsf ||S.0 r5M :lf.c zGil, '.t tzu 253 lr?M zt3l ryu a2, tcu 2s.c szzM 3l2t oil}' tg ilu r-zt
5r2M ra.$ ?taM tarS ailtu tart aSM t5l2 SIOM r5if fil[ ls.C
The redwood millr report e wcclCt cut of cigbt Dilfun feet, witb raler of prac{ically thci ramc lmrnt. Thc Sod. era Pine milb report rhowr ralce and producti<n tilLi! fd million fect of balalchg' wit[ a cut of 72 nillirn 6GGr rnd sdee 68 million.