1 minute read
And Yet They Have Grown Gre.at
Sometimes we encounter cases of people that make a great success of business without using any of the things that seem to be essential to business success in this day and generation, and we are forced to wonder why.
For instance. The other day I was tdking to a lumberman friend of mine, and he told me the facts and showed me a letter that proved the above statement, with interest. Twenty years ago this fall this lumberman, then a very young man, bought his first life insurance policy. It was a twenty year pay policy, for two thousand dollars. He has kept up his paSrments regularly, and kept this small first policy of his ir full force and effect. The twenty years are now up.
But get this: during the twenty years that have elapsed since he took out that policy, this man has bought about one hundred thousand dollars worth of life insura.ce. From the time he bought that first two thousand dollar policy from that particular concern, no representative of that company has ever called on him. No sdesman has ever suggested that they would like to sell him some more. But his office has been thronged by salesmen for other firms, and the result is that whenever he bought insurance, he bought other lines. Today he still holds just that one two thousand dollar policy from this first concern he patronized. All this in spite of the fact that this first concern have had an office in his city thrirugh all the twenty years.
The other day, when his twenty year time was about to expire, he got a letter from the office of that insurance company in his to\nn. He opened it feeling that there would probably be a little greeting, or friendly remark of some kind from a twenty year old friend.
Instead, here is the letter he got. I copied it myself. It reads: "Dear Sir:- Your policy expires September l9th. If you could conveniently drop in to the office, bring the policy and all reciepts with you, we will explain to you the difrerent options in the policy. If not convenient to come to the office, please advise us and we will have someone drop in to see you. Yours Truly, Manager."
Think of that for a letter, under such conditions- Here is "Mr. Pip" intensifiedThe buyer bought the first policy on his own volition, was never cdled on or solicited again, they lost the chance to sell him a hundred thousand dollars worth of insurance, and then they send him such a letter at the end of twenty years.
How do you explain it?