3 minute read
Tacoma Planing Mills Building Los Angeles Warehouse
Mr. Lea Bronson, President of the Tacoma Planing l\lills Inc.. of Tacoma. has been in Southern California for the past two weeks, and has just announced the very interesting fact that his company has broken ground for a large brick and concrete warehouse, on East 62nd Street, Los Angeles.
The nerv building rvill be used as a distributing lvarehouse, installed for the convenience of dealers stocking less than car-load lots of finish and mouldings, and particularly for the dealers to fill in their shorts. "Tacoma Finish," a registered trade-marked name, has become known as a brand among' the highest for grade that is manufactured. The Tacoma Planing Mills officials are proud of the large demand that is made for their product, and are expending a considerable amount of money in building this new warehouse, to give the untimate in service, on their products.
They will stock all stock patterns and sizes of Fir finish, and mouldings, making deliveries from the rvarehouse by truck only. The building rvill give them in the neighborhood of ten thousand square feet of storage space, and is being arranged so that the stocks can be properly stored and protected. They rvill serve all of Southern California from this unit.
Mr. F. A. Castetter, President of the Oregon Lumber Agency, which company has had the exclusive sale in California for the Tacoma Planing l\{ills stocks, rvill act as General Manager of their distributing rvarehouse, moving his offices to the nerv location from the Central Building. Mr. Castetter has explained that this nerv move does not afiect the activities of the Oregon Lumber Agency, rvith their other accounts.
The nerv building is located at 783-791 East 62nd Street, in a fast grorving industrial tract, rvhere they have spur tracks etc. They expect to be occupying the building not later than October l5th, and will make an announcement in this journal on that date.
IlIr,. Bronson is President of the Tacoma Planing Mills, and Mr. K. E. Emerson is Secretary Treasurer.
Every bundle of Tacoma Finish is trade-marked, with the registered "Tacoma Finish" mark, in the oval lines, as it appears in their advertisements. l\{r. Bronson is an advocate of trademarking in the lumber business, and points to the success that has been made by other large institutions, in placing their name on lumber manufactured by them.
Hugh Handley Back On The Job Again
Hugh Handley, of the Van Atsdale-Harris Lumber Co., San Francisco, has returned from his vacation which he spent at Gold Lake. He reported an enjoyable time. He rvas accompanied by his rvife and their three children.
Charlie Meyers Returns From Hunting Trip
Charlie I\feyers, of the Spring Valley Lumber Co., San Francisco, has returned from his vacation which he spent in Sonoma County on a hunting expedition. Charlie reports that there rvere six in his party, and although they Nere not very successful in getting game, they had a rvonderful time.
TheNew Long-Bell Planing Milt

A planing mill, coveri'ng an area of five and one-fourth acres, which is one of the units of the neu'ly completed lumber manufacturing plants of The Long-Bell Lumber Company, was officially opened September 15. The building is of heavy timber construction r,r'ith a five-inch concrete floor and a sawtooth roof with 28.000 souare feet of lighting area.
, Lumber in packages is delivered to the planing mill from the dry sorters and rough lumber sheds by melns of two cable transfers having a carrying capacity of 2,00O,000 board feet in eight hours, and from the green sorters and the_yard.by cars hauled by electric locomotives running on 3O-inch gauge track.
The equipment of the planing mill consists of 77 machines, having a total capacity of 125,000 board feet per
Removal Notice
Announcement is made of the removal of Association offices f.rom 425 to 600 Call Burilding, 24 New Montgomery Street, San Francisco.
California White And Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association
Telepho'ne Garfield 5400.
Cenrr n eo Puauc hour, which are supplied by two 551-foot bridge cranes handling lumber in packages onto two 1O by J4-;trch live rolls in front of each machine.
. Lumber in packages fram the Planing Mill is delivered by means of cable transfer to the two dressed lumber sheds rvith a storage capacity of 30,000,000 board feet, or to the loading sheds. Packages to be placed in stock at the dressed lumber and loading sheds are handled by a 75-foot bridge crane. Packages to be loaded and shipped by rail pass-_through the, dressed lumber and loading sheds, handled by trvo 7S-foot bridge cranes onto cars,-or ontb trucks which are hauled to cars by an electric tractor. The loading capacity of these units is 56 cars at one set-up.
_ Shavings and sawdust from the planing mill is handled by an Allington-Curtiss, high pressure blorver system 'which delivers this material to the main porver plani fuel house through a l3-inch galvanized pipe. The power required to do this rvork, is supplied by a 380 hoise-power synchronous motor.
81O Loew's State Bldg. MAin 5621)-5621
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