2 minute read
Huge Raft Received At Portland
What is said to be the largest raft of logs to be towed into the Columbia River arrived there recently. The raft rvas 300 feet long and 90 feet rvide and contained 1,250,(XX) feet of Spruce shipped from Prince Rupert, B. C., to the I\{ultnomah Lumber and Box Company of Portland. This company has made arrangements to ship five other rafts similar in capacity to this one.
Cappy Slade Gets Action On His Challenge
Sept. 15, 1924
California Lumber trIerchant, Fay Bldg.. Los Angeles, California.
The writer noticed rvith great interest the article in the last issue of the Lumber Merchant, a challengt issued by "Cappy' Slade to any lumberman golfer in this fair city of San Francisco.
I take it that by the issuing of this challenge, "Cappy" must be good and it would give the rvriter the greatest of pleasure to be the first of this small village to be humbled by his Golfing Prorvess; so I do hereby accept the Southern Gentleman's challenge to a match of anJ' lengJth desired at any time and place that can be mutually arranged.
Nervously yours, "Bob" Mdullough,
Rotary Club Is Told Troubles Of Lumberuan
C. W. Pinkerton of Local Company Tells of Joys and Tribulations of the Retail Dealer
Srlcr O6cc tlobrrt Blds. SAN FRANCISOO
Lor An3clor OGco 397 Pacifc ELctric Bldg. Phooo TUclcr 5IIl
M etnbers Catifornia Reduood Asseiation
Our Leaders
Many of the secrets of the retail lumber business werc disclosed recently to the Rotarians by one of the m€mbers of the club. C. W. Pinkerton. of the Whittier Lumber companv. His recital of the joys and tribulations of the retail lumber dealer rvas sanctioned and approved by his competitor, C. C. Barr, who is dso a charter member of the club, and rvho also enjoys the classification, "retail lumber dealer," as held of the local branch of the Barr Lumber company.
The talk given by \{r. Pinkerton was one of a series of business talks rvhich is being presented by the program committee this year. Chairman Daniels of the committee proposes to give every member of the club an opportunity to relate some of the salient facts about the business in rvhich the member is engaged.-Whittier "News."
Kakma, Wosh. Brand Slringlcs 5/2 or U2 PERFrcTS (lOO7o CLo. IOO% V.C. rc Sqp) Creen or K D. also *A* od clcat.
"BRIDAL VEIL" CLEARS Soft old Grovth ycllov Fb Finirh, Floorin3, Ccilin3 ud Sidiry ir StrrfLt or Uirod Gue
Selling The Customer Is Not Always Enough

There is the customer's customer still to be conriderd, if the dealer is to becom€ e ttrepeattt purchaser.'
The Dollar - Portland stock which we sell in California is the sort that brings in repeat orders from the dealer because the dealer finds that it always pleases his Customer.
We will soon commence trademarking it to identify its extreme yet uniform excellence.