5 minute read
ft-"tternHardwood Company Proud of It-- rr r 7TtI ' .- IIf^-l '| Etl i rsl Part 'l'aken in World Fligl..
Pointing u'ith pride to the fact that the lumber in the sumed in the fuselage andin.the-wings.' During.the.fligtt
. never-to-b"e-forgotien 'round the world planes was furnish- there rilere no changes made in the structure of the- planes, ' ed by an instiiution located at the starting point of this of course the motors- wer-e ch-a181d, but_ it i-s understood histo?ical flight, officials of the Western Hirdwood Lum- that the original lumber that left Santa Monica, ret-urn9d, ber Compan"y, Lo; Angeles, in their advertisement in this and -in as good condition as the day it was placed in the lssue, announces that fict. machine"
M{. B. W. Byrne, secretary-of the compann has stated
To give an idea of the intricate work that is rcquircd on that.his company, rvorking with government officers ahd of- tn.." it-..ftr"icat biras, Mr. Byrne states that in eich plane ficials of the Douglas- Comp.any, builders g,f th9 planes, i, " "t "rt beam spanning a6out four feet long ani six worked for many day^s in detailing a-nd assigning the proPer i""t." *ia", -"a. bf laminated spruce, and so c6nstructed materials for the_various parts_of the machines, that were ttt"t itt. rpin *itt bear a load oi sevin hundred poutrds. to be of rvood. He says that lumber g-oing into- a-n aero- itii entitd beam itself weighs but seven ounces. plane of this_size, or o! any.siz*., must first of all, be very The pontoons that were used in a large part of the f,igtt carefully and faultlessly dried. He i9 proud o! t|9 talt
"#.r:J?;t;r;;;. *liifri.s -fi"'. hundred fra ;1?l"ll',::il?::'di"il?:::ii1
iyil+..1.--q:":q;;"t', ."a "'E u"?rt i" six--atii-tiir't more carefully than lumber being used for any other pur-- comPartments'.all of wood' pose. It is inspected dozens of iimes, and must pass testsMt: ByPe :qtes that his comPany was the ohly one in of the most exacting nature. J' sr'g Los Angeles being equip.ped to.meet-the very strict regu-
In these machines there was used four different kinds lations on the dping-gf th9 stock, and that they feel proud of woods, all from the 'Western Hardwood Lumber coil to have been_selicte-d by t'hc Douglas company, to furnish pany. these matenals'
^ Tie giant propellers that winged tfe large machines The_Douglas Cogpany, aSanta l4goio Co-rp-aratior,.is complet?ty "tb"tilitr. gi;b., "r.-U"i1y'of ma-hogany and !r_e-aded- by. Mr. D. W. Douglas, pre-siden! and Mr-- H. Ht rvalriut. in the po"too?" they used'".rr.., of"oak and ]ff-"!?.l, vice presidenl and Cenj$-malragcr. They are mahogany and a tonsiderable imountof spruce was con- builders of all kinds of commercial planes-
Established 1885
We Specidizc on Grayr Harbor Old C'routh Soft Yellow Fr
StcC l&bt rDd rl}y Slroag
"Everlagtiog' H.sdnood fbthg it rt'a"ufacttrrpd u.ndcc idc.l odfiom by rneo who undecstaod fircrroodnufngt
It is ccicotif,crlly td!.&iG4 bngud .nd groncd with cptit-bair prccifonr end fripp"d ia wiro-boun4 dY hodlod buodlcs.
Getting Out A Paper
Getting out a paper is no picnic.
If we print jokes, people say we are silly.
ff we don't, they say we are too serious.
If we publish original matter, they say we lack variety. , If we publish things from other papers, we are too lazy to write.
If we are rustling news, we are not attending to the business of our own department.
If we don't print contributions, we don't show proper appreciation.
If we do print them, the paper is filled with junk
Like as not some fellow will say we swiped this from an exchange.
So we did.
That Proved It
Customer: "This skunk coat is very fine. Will it stand the rain?"
Salesman: "Madam, did you ever see a skunk carrying an umbrella?"
Go Or Stay
The Little Road says, Go, The Little House says, Stay; And oh, it's bonny here at home, But I must go auray.
The Little Road, like me, Would seek and turn and know; And forth I must to learn the things The Little Road would show.
And go I must, my dears, And journey while f may, Though heart be sore for the Little House That had no word but Stay.
Maybe, no other way Your child could ever know
Why a Little House would have you stay, When a Little Road says, Go.
-By Josephine Preston Peabody.
My Mental Attitude
I find that the way I am treated in the days work, depends upon the state of mind I bring into it.
If I enter a circle of men whom I take to be superior to me, f am fikely to be snubbed.
If I impute to them the feeling that I am inferior, f will not fail to be inferior.
If I am self-confident, I awaken confidence.
If f cringe, I make others want to step on me.
If I am cheerful, cheerfulness is handed me by others.Crane.
Business Has Changed
Not so long ago it was the thing for "business man" to mix white sand wirth the sugar, dope kidney and liver medicine, and generally take advantage of every business deal, salving their consciences on Sunday with the thought that "Business is businesst" Today the man that takes unfair advantage of another in business is a fool."-(San Diego Rotary Club.)
"THE COLONELS LADY AND JUDY O'GRADY" fs'nt it strangc that Princes and Kings, And Clowns that caper in sawdust rings, And common folks like you and me, Are builders for all eternity? To each is given a bag of tools A shapeless mass and a book of rules; And each must make, e'er life is flown, A stumbling block or a stepping stone. (Unknown.)
A Fine Testimonial
"Your medicine has helped me wonderfully," wrote the grateful woman. "A month ago I could not spank the baby, and now I am able to thrash my husband.',

E*clusive representatives in Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas for the Hutchinson Lumber Company, Oroville, Cal.
Manufacturers of White and Sugar Pine, and Douglas Fir.
We handle all varieties of lumber manufactured by this splendid mill.
Our offices are located at 3il0 Chapman Building, [.os Angeler Phone VAndike 4912
Spauldiqg Log€1n$ Company I n:m,|.Hi 1;!
spaurding carried on the nrst prizc in AnnUal PiCniC
Forrest Haworth, Sales Manager,
tY:"lf ;l'.i'.'*--f:r#:'J3"J"r Hr;*t:S
tar.raoh +rrair *arinrrc nna-iinnc +rra nfFcers nnd ofFce smile prize and .Albert .{t:".pp outdistanced all competi- between their various operations, the officers and office 'e-ptoyee, or the.c-!,as.-k. SpJai,,g ^r-o!gi1s carried ofi the booby ,.*j..?'h,?:1"::,""t.?'3in;.1J,"i'if"1,,.e"".'"i,:,'l..'..!lt" which the umpire,s held their Annual P.i,cniq on.Sunday, September 7th. life rvas const-antly -.ni""a and Cha"s. *. .Sp"ofaing who
A count made while the picnic- dinner was in progress sat on the side linis rvas called upon to ; ;; a trigh"court showed slightl_y ov_er one hundred hungry mouths making and preveht bloodshed inroads into the "Hot Dog" sandrviches, ice cream, and lemonade which was furnished by Chas. K. Spaulding. Baskets filled with the usual supply of beet colored eggs,
ScpL +, f92{. California Redwood Association, 2,$ California St, San Francisco, Calif.
Enclosed please find check for llS.dt for 75 thfi Dealers signs as advertised in thc Scpt- I isme of JACK DTONNE S UOST FAUOUS JOURNAL
We take the liberty of suggcsting Demc be placcd somqwhat as follows:
For rq, Hatnth Cr.as. K. Spauldtng P. C. Sllrrru; pies, cakes and fried chicken were unloaded on the one long table and no one went away hungry. -
One of the most entertaining features of the day was a pie eating contest won by Mr. O. A. Macy of the Portland office.
\rarious contests were held for the children, ladies and old married men. Clifford Spaulding won the swimming
Certainly a great work! We thank youl
By Cecil R. E. Gilson, Mgr.