2 minute read
Californio Pine Veneers
A Dppgndable supply for the Manufacturers of scsh and Doori, Millwork and Furnituie
Carefully selected lo-gs. !\e creatn of our d-aily receipts of over 750,000 feet of the finest susar Pine and-california wtii" pui"-t"l;'",;;;;r; in the veneer prant pond. with a capacitv of t0.0,000 "q""1.-i..t ;i:i:d;;{ ;:;il veneers every day (two shifts), production will start in the ,rear- future. on, 6Jr, "."h and door faciory re_ quires, at present, about 15,000 veneer f""ii"iiv. -ffiti'i'ii" exception the entire out- put is available for your requirements.
Dependable quality assured by the exceptional quality of the original logs; and the tatest and most modern factorv equipment ."d pi""iiJ". --o"tv trrJ-f*t "-.-'rt'l'i"ru.- proof glue is used.
Dependable production assured by th-e large capacity of the veneer plant itself, and a log supply in connection with ""t pl."t operation and logging which proceeds con- tinuously, winter and summer.
Eighth Annual ShinEle Con$ress
December llth and 12th
The date and place for the eighth Annual Shingle Congress has been selected.
This year Seattle will be the scene of the Congress, at the Olympic }Iotel, on December llth and l2th'
A recent bulletin from the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, had this to say:
"The Congress this year will be practically the opening Convention of the New Olympic Hotel and is expected to be the largest attended of any previous Congress.
"The Shingle Congress is an open forum for discussion of matters pertaining to the Red Cedar Shingle Industry, therefore all shingle manufacturers are earnestly requested to write in immediately to the Shingle Branch, any subjects that they may have in mind, for discussion to be placed on the program.
"Manufacturers as well' as rhill superintendents, filers and others attached to any and all shingle mills, whether members of any association or not, are requested to -attend the Shinsle Congress to obtain the benefits to be derived from ass6ciation with their fellow mill men and take part in the discussion."
Bloedel Goes East
Bellingham, Wash., Sept. 25.-A voyage t9 tlt3 {!lan-ti-c coast vii the Panama canal was started by J. H. Bloedel, president of the Bloedel Donovan Lumber m-ills yesterday. ilis son, Prentice, accompanied him. Just before leaving Bloedel said that the company's Skyhomish camp probably would start running again within a few days-
Miniature Shingles Find Favor
The Saciamento Lumber Company has a decidedly unio.r. f""tot" that they use with splendid results, in th-e i;; ;i ; miniiture wood shingle, both of cedar and red*."i.- fn" shingles ere lfix3lnches in size,-are cut like a frrll shingle and on the back have this wording:. How is Your roof ? \
Sacramento Lumber ComPanY
Building Material SuPPIY House -Sacramento. Cal.
Thev are sent through the mail, with a onetent stamp' and oificials of the c6mpany report that they have received much favorable comment.
.ii."l, *ittt a fine sense of humor,-returned one of the shingles to them recen-tly, anonymously' wrth a Pencll note, "Fine, how is yours?"
- U".-i".t C;mtn, sales manager of the Boykin Lu.mber ComDany of Houstoh, is spending two or three lveeks ln Calif-ornia and the Northwest- -'ili; ir M;. Gtiffith't first trip to California, he took ad.rr"rrt"s. of his opportunity iri spending several days at L;r-N;";l.t ""a'S"n Fraircisco,-taking in all the sigtrts' He is aclompanied bY Mrs. Griffith.
The Boykin Lumber Company are .large. operatgrs. ln in the Soirth, operating their own mills, etc', and- they tn"i"l"i" om".t itt ttrriustr the South and East' Mr' -L' i:-ii;;iilI. ft".ia""t "ia general manaser' and Mr' Griffith is the sales manager-
M;. G;;;A H. Biown. Presdent of the Strable Hard*;;; d.-;;;;, o-"kt"ttd, spent a few davs in Ips AnJ.jIJr.-.i'#*ii.' il;. B;&"l*iit' u's- Br6wn, is making i" -.*l."a.d motor tour of the state, and will return to Oaktand about the first of October-
5 Rcgulrr Truc& Modcb
2 Secdel TftcL Modcb
3 Rcsular Coacb MedGL
For f3 ycar! rhL compqDy bar bccn na|ring trudc, mlmtain drg:s' citY' ilcr city and drcct nihrray burc... ltr tnrdo lnd butsc. bavc madc good ftm bgging camp to thc ligl$c.t ddivctY xoN&. Built by weetcnr DGn Ytho know 'rc.tctn condtionr; they t,rc ntPcrior for reik under th; ondtionr tl,OOq0D h RoPrlr Pertr Aror tf-tio AI Orc |D. Cod.