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Californians Honored By Hoo-Hoo
Wastell, Secretary Manaser of the California Re- tail Lumbermen's Association wa-s appointed State Councillor for California. This gentlemen has also given valuable service to the order, seiving as Snark of thi Bay District for 1923-24, and giving Hoo Hoo all that was in him ih enthusiasrn and haid work.
A firre team of representative California lumberm'en.
__Frank Curran, selected by the Los Angeles Hoo flo.o to act as Vicegerant Sriark for the coiring year, is in -receipt of the following telegram, from -Iienry R. Isherwood, at St. Louis.
Frank Curran, Los Angeles.
Two very well known California lumber sons were honored at the recent Thirty-Third Annual of the Con_ catenated Order of H_oo Hoo, at Minneapolis last month.
David Woodhead, President of the Wbodhe.ad Lumber Uompahy, Los $.ngeles, was unan,imously elected to serve gll tllj"preme Nine, !o1 th9 Hoo Hoo year September 9th., ,1924 to- Septemb er 9th., 1925. He will'act a" Sopre-. Gurdon. Mr. Woodhead has performed valuable slrvice lo th." 9td9.r, in Cali.fornia. IIe was the second Vi".g.r""i snark in the Los Angeles D_istrict, following R. A] For_ ,sythe,.the "daddy" oi Hoo Hoo in Souther-n California, oemg the man who revived its activities, back in L920, and who acted as the first Snark. Dave Woodhead served for two y_ears, served nobly and well. Hoo Hoo took on a re- newed impetus, gainin! hundreds of members.
"Our.new Snark Jim Allen is glad to officially and per_sonally approve your appointment as Vicegerent and -gratified to note your selection is tribute oI your brothers to your high personal qualities, ability for le_adership and tremendous energy, fnternation4l tteadquarters and myself greet you and tender our earnest co-operation."
Los Angeles Lumbermen To Hold Dinner Dance
To Los start off the social festivities of the Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club will hold a Dinner some time late in October or earlv in November. r
M-r. J.J, R"a, Los Angeles m-anirger for W. R. Chamberlin & Co. has been appointed the-General Chairman of the affair, with a large foice of helpers, and he will probaDly announce the place ahd date within the next two weeks.
Once Is Not Enough
Any house can serve any customer onceBUT
1900 Eart 15th St.
Loo Angeles
HUmbolt lWz
Determination to serve well and the ability to do so,. through PRACTICAL DGERIENCE, enables US to offer you that iirtelligent handling of your orders which has convinced customers to rely on