5 minute read
hirtyrfhird Annual Greatest of All
The election of James H. Atlen, of St. Louis, as Snark.of the niverse and eisht ofher distinsuished lumbermen as memDers ot u r ii,i. e i ;-d-' "igrri -o trt. r -ai r ii "eu=ft h.a l u m b ermin. a. p..l".b. l:, 91 th;'S;;1"*;tNii",-""*. a. a iplgndid clim.ax to the Thirtv-third
at Minneapblis, September 8,-9 and 10.
The records of the'Order may truthfully mark this as the greatestof-all such nee_tings-three diy. s rgple.te *l+ ^9lt",t1i9il_q- ":-"1,T; of-all such meetings-three days replete with outstanding agc-om-ptirtt-""i. in the -interests of ihe Order and the Ind-uslrv' Ybigh i,,;lt r,. tcfiaatcd in the onward narch of the ideals of Friendship, i"ill bt reflected in the onward march of the ol p,
Confidence and Education.
- ini"e prominent Hoo-Hoo who had been mentioned for the Snarkship-A. J. Hager, of Lansing, Mich., Ted T. Jo.n-es., of Minneaoolis. and Ben S. Woodhead, of Beaumont, Tex.,-wtthdrew thelr names from the nominating committee after that body had deliberated some time without leaching an agreement as to the new Gia.i "f Hoo-Hoo, and the comriittee blought out the name of Mr. Allen.
The convention unanimously accepted the nomination of Mr. Allen and aoproved the choice of the other members of the Supreme Nine. The- irigh gorlerning body which will guide the destinies of the Order forlhJensuing year is composed of the follwoing: inc mills. reforestation preserves' and a school -wleqgg y.Pung lutnb;-d;'" irav be instrucied in the rudiqents of lhgr l*Fustrv 'ust as orospective farmers are given tutelage -otr -agricultural matter$
Snark of the Universe-James H. Allen, St. Louis.
Senior Hoo-Hoo-A. J. Hager, Lansing, Mich.
;fi;ad u} laotp-u Pr-unrf of- chicaqo' """i"iiJ-i"-";;;t' ; athe -ilational Retiil r-umuer Dealcrs'- Agsociaii;;. -it. ;or?ssed ttre opinion that ttie work of Hoo-Hoo'-both ;;;il '.;.;iil-h; s"p';;. NinJ ind Hou-se of ltcii-qts' should i'i'a"it" "'"iii i[fi;h aii; H;-H99 clubs, qrd that HoeH-oo sboul-d ;;-t.{.d;;i.ii-lo itii, ao"G"t of Heatttri H-appiness aa{ rtonq ltife ior thC Industry as well as for the individual members of thc tJrdcf. '"^Pil $;il'itlit;."siiaii itt."' a.iivired a splendid addrcss,on th9 "r-rl""ai-oi-iri" FoiGt.t novement' launched in St Louis through International Headquarters of the Order.
- -i" tfr. evening of Tuesday one of the most r.emarkabte Concatenati"n-s ln trllioii-was held. -Too much cannot be said of the manncr iii-i;niin -li *is "conducted, but one cannot -a-Ppreciate {re imp:cssive dignitv and splendid effects given by -Vicegerent- Snark Koy Thomplon-and his able degree team in administering the rrtes to a sotendld class of 36, from a mere word picture. '''S-il; iirtt*i*G'ttid been held in advance of the C.gncat' an-d ."J* -.-uii oi tt i Nine know his part without referring to ltc ritu;I. When it came to administering of the commandrnenb ot
"To All Hoo-Hoo:
'"The honor of bcing your lcadcr during thc acrt year is doubly apprcciralcl bccausc- it vas not sought. i have acccitcd- the honor and thank you most heartily.
"It is a *rcat crnotion to bc awahencd to thc activc and n6trttic acnse of duty to onc's countt17, his industri and his fellow rorker in a tire of, pcace, ."a to bc -conecious of thc fact that vigc, tine and moncv must be cxpended without hopc of monctary rcmuicration or elevation to any highcr ofEcc in ftoo-Hoo. I am eagcr to lcnow ihat tbc reaults of this work will bc.
"Witt rurselfish coopcration among tfc oficcts and members of our Oriier, according to the logic of some of our bcst tlt'nkcrs' we sbould 6ll a grcat need of our'a and othcr industricer and assurc thc hcalthy progrcss of industry in gpocral.
"Il[y first rncssagc to you otherwisc is shorL I
Tunior Hoo-Hoo-Ted T. Jones, Minneapolis' -Boium-U. M. Carlton, Boston.
Sciivenoter-Andrew MacCuaig, Spokarte. Tabberwock-L. W. King' Beaumont' I'ex'tGto"iti"tt-theodore Sparks, Winnipeg, Canada' ilfcanoper-Milton Klein, Atlanta, Ga. vGurdon-David Woodhead, Los Angeles.
One of America's most distinguished lumbermen, E' L' Carpenter' of "[h-e "Sr,i"ii- e"ipentei-ciarki compagy, Minneapolis, extended ;;.;ii;n;';;-'l.t'"ii oi trlinneapolis ldmblrmen, and prg1netlv -al- :;;;;J'th."';r'.ii""e"--"f-piisoir Simpkin tg.ioin Hoo'Hoo' -Mr' C"1'p1r-.tli'da-"oi-U.t""ged to the Order although a veteran l'rrberman, ,"*'j:tJllig".i"if kiliT"-i'#f '''+'f,?$f ii;:ii;; "i;'b, i" pror"oiing closer relationship within the- industry, ;;;;;d i; it't i"ii-"t Tumbermen and Hbo-Hoo to foster the ie;;t-;T conservation and reforestation'
The Annual report of Snark LeMaster followed' The report. of S"ii!i"'d;ii!'"t'"'t'"t ittteiwo"d was ne-xt' Following -the rssding Ji tfr"-iioorts. both of wtrictr were well received, Snark Lel[aster ;;;i;t'#;iii'"lit-in"tini committee to consider candidates for the Subreme Nine.
R. L. Bavne of Spokane, Wash., totd of the activities of. the s""i""-i Ctiir.- f"hiJ H. Atlen gav'e some interesting suggestions, ;fi;T;;"-ii;i Jio--iiie" be aipointed^bv each club and ofiered i.ir'ii'l,ias;-Littt. eitiuit or F6deral Court.in -each jurisdiction ai a voluttlary commission to handle !"1r1Qgt bankrup-tcy cas.es at ;"#"ffi;;;i ""tr- Mr. Allen oftered $100 for the first club organizing such a committee.
Mr, Allen also suggested the establishment of demonstration plan- mcrely dedre to givc al aurtcotb dcfidtio d e Hoo-Hoo, as folloan:
'A HoeHoo ir a nan coFgPd b thc lumb6 indultry rho ie gnt fol to & hi! counrf,y, aad fdllorrclcr o rnch lo c6o' t'on tdCt hc ir cau*d to bc ttougbtfolly ae tivc for a bcttcr rclatioubb bclrcco dl mar, and fa tbe conrcrvetio of hir Netion's rcsourcc&
"A nan, cvcn thoogb q1il 19. curelv cucccsftrl lbo ceccl bioatU' br basic-DririDlcs. aomc of HG tiEG' ad rore of hir-noacy to bc accariblc to tbo.G ygt meo in thc Iumbcr indtrtct lto uc ditint to lcarn, to live, and to bc hoocably rccctsfull
'Thc Sutreoc NiDG, aDd rnyt lf' *dl codceru aurinc onr-tcrm oI ofiic to rolc thc dcfuititn gil' eo divc to bc aa ab$lutc tnrtt Yoo till' I bil' co-qcritc ald hdp our FGet- $cr -o povc tbt ftodgoo ir Oc bcecgt- En&rclotrd rcroucc ol the Luobcr IndultrY."
Hoo-Hoo, the room was in darkness gptil-each-9$cg pcgan.hir "dd.ei". when a blue-stained flashlight illrrninated hit fcaturcs alorit s ttis'talt and flickered out when hc was through.-
-The Wednesday session did not convetrc lc@rding to schecuc because the comirittees had not comptetcd their rccooDend.tiont. ttri r.-ititl"c iommittce brought in its report, proporing ttc naoc of Mr. Allen, who is vice-president aod gencral aanagcr ol .thc^National Lumber and Tie Company, and thc Continctrtrl lic Lomi""i, ."e-pt*ident of thc Stir[L-g Hardvood Flooringl Conpany, for the Snarkship. --Thi; *iJ-ii-lto-w.a bv the sclection of Spotane, IiVpb- for the t9i5 meed"g. R. L. Balne, Spokane Vicegcent Snert' J.-H-. Brown, oresident of the Spokane Oub, and nine othcr membcrs ot thc (Jndcr irom that citv weie on hand to pr€ss their claims.
-- Iimei H:'nite". L. M. Tullv and Julius Scidel werc appointcd as-Jiornmittee to ionsider the purcha* ! Sr Louis-of a.Itcrm.rcat home for International Headquarters. A- rcport ol tIlclf trDornSl will bc submitted to the Novembcr Mecting- .'-l oioo"i.t-ioltttiease the dues in the ordcr to $6=00 a year-1Pd the r;in;tatement fee to $20 was submitted to thc Suprcmc Nioc and House of Ancients for consideration.
-Ttren followed the embalming of Snark l-cMaster and thc pnercntation of the Snark's ring. Parson Simpldn madc thc predrtagon e*u,fi 'g"l?o**"#"3unt"T*"bJilhffitrl"tlnTfl given to his ofrce.
" Th" tt"* Snark, James H. Allen thel tootr up thc robcr of o6ce and sooke brieflv. - He brought the convention to . closc rithin r Jtrort'time and ihe remaindei of the day was given orcr- tg P-rGD.ration for the big dinner-dance at the St. Paul Athletic Club in tbc evening. This was a fine event, attended by 400 persons.
-'i'i;'w;d-hiil eou"t y Ctut'*.s the scine of a Hoo-Hoo gotf tournament on ThursdaY.