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Contract Form and Grade-Tally Cards Prepared by Lumber Standards Cornmittee
Washington, SepL 20.-Progress is being made very rapidly toward the establishment of American Lumber Standards in all branches of the industry
_ An important announcement has just been made by the Central Committee on Lumber Standards in relation t'o tt " use of uniform grade-tally cards.
' Attached herewith is a copy_of the latter ind grade-tally form sent out today by the -Central Commjttee" on Luniber Standards. In addition is copy of contract form for Ietterheads.
Contract Form for Letterheads I
, A. ? result of an inquiry from one of the lumber mahu- facturing associations-foi a suggested form of contract statement for letterheads, to be used by their members. embodying the clause that the lumber iold is graded under 'rules to conform to American Lumber Standa-rds, the Cen- tral Committee has prepared the following statement: Agreements subject to causes beyond our con- trol. Quotations subject to change -wittrout notice and to ptior sale. Products manufactured, graded and sold under grading rules of the... ..Association, revised conform to Ameri-
American Lumber Standard Grade-Tally Card
The suggestion has been made to the'Central Committee on Lumber Standards that a form of grade-tally card be prepared and submitted to the interestdd associiticins. for their information and as a suggestioh.
Accordingly a request was made of a number of individual companies and associations for samples of cards now in use. From these was prepared the attaChed sheet, which may _serve as a guide in complying with Sections 55, 56 and 57, of the American Lumber Standards, quoted below:
"55. That cards be placed in cars of lumber at mill of qrigrn, showing piece tally by grades and sizes: Provided, That wholesale dealer, or other buyer or shipper, may, by arrahgement with mill of origin provide for use, for this purpgle,- of_wholesaler's or buyer's or shipper's car card: Provided, That in such case, said wholeiiler, buyer, or shipper whose name appears on card is financially'iesponsible for the correctness of the tally as shown on such car card: And Provided, That this shall not be construed as relieving-the m-anufac.turer from his responsibility, if any, to such'wholesaler, buyer, or shipper.
"56. That the grades thus required to be entered on
For the purpose of determining precisely how many small residences, including California bungalows and duplex drvellings, have been erected in Los Angeles and surrounding communities since last Jan. 1, and also how many are planned _for construction during the r,emaining four mopths of. 1924, the statistical deplrtment of thE United Bonded Contractors association,- a Los Angeles organization of small home builders, has instituted ai exhaustive survey which, when completed, will be one of the mosi thorough ever undertaken in the city.
tally card be the official association srades as defined in published grading rules:. Provided, TEat this requirement rs not construed as prohibiting the entry on tally cards of special gra_des, but tirat such diltry is nol recognled
American Lumber Standards.
"57. That the American Lumber Standards be understood as not applying to "special', grades (that is, not rec-ognrzed in published grading rules) whether ehtered.on tally cards or not."
.Order No...
Car No.......Weather........Date of Shipment........
Destination Route Via
STOCK: Gleen, Part Dry, 'Wet, Ileavy, Drv. srzds. Standard, Extra Standard. Size Length
WEATHER: Clear, Cloudy, Rain.
CAR: O.K., Leaky Roof, Poor Doors. Grade Kiad Talty By Whom lqmber in this shipment has been inspected under the bf- ficial Grading Rules of the. .-....
......,.....Checker. Rcchcckcd on drdcr,by..,. ........,..,....
Important:-Carefully observe cbnditions of load uDon ar_ rival at destination,. If a closed car, note if door sdab are all'intact and make a record of 'seal numbers. Carefully tally contents of_car and if same does not correspond witL the above record secure independent re-check, preservins original certified unloading tally. This information necesl sary to support claim for loss. or damage.
Al claims must be filed within ten days after arrival of shipment.
The-survey will show exactly how many homes costing less than $10,000 have been eiected since the first of th-e year, how many are now in cours'e of construction and also the number for which tentative cohtracts have been ar11tgl^q. 9--"ly residences ranging in cost from g1000 to $25,000 will be included in thE survey, it is said.'
Other interesting things which the- iurvey will disclose are the total amount involved in contracts recorded in !o.: i."ggJ.s county this ye-ar and the aggregate ""rne", individually, of frame, brick, stucco and concrete dwellings built since last Jan. 1 in Los Angeles.
The Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club held their first meeting since their summer vacation at the Travelers Hotel, Sacrimento, on Saturday noon, September 20. The meeting r'vas largely attended.
The Mechanics Lien Larv. rvhich the General Contractors Association is endeavoring to have abolished, 'ivas discussed at the meeting. The Club endorsed the action that rvas taken by the California Retail Lumbermen's Association at a meeting of the Board of Directors at their Santa Cruz meeting, rvhen decision tvas reached that the Lien Law should be retained and authorized the appointment of a Legislative Committee to l-randle the matter. E. T. Robie, of the Auburn Lumber Co., Auburn. was appointed to represent the Club on the Legislative Committee.
C. D. Lel\{aster, Past Snark of the Ur.riverse of the Order of Hoo-Hoo, rvho hacl just retttrned from the Hoo-Hoo Annual Meeting was present at the meeting and gave an interesting accoutrt of the Hoo-Hoo Annual and also discussed industrial conditions in the East.
There was an excellent luncheon serr-ed ancl several enjoyable musical numbers rvere rendered by the Sacratnento Lumber-jack Orchestra.
Redwood Association Directors Meet
A meeting of the Directors of the California Redrvood Association -rn'as held in San Francisco on September 16. The Directors have arranged with the Forest Service Laboratory at N{adison, Wisconsin, to carry on a co-operative investigation with the Laboratory, who will determine the chemicil composition of the natural coloring matter ,in Redlvood. Airangements were also con-rpleted 'ivherebrLord & Thomas, the nationally knorvn advertising agenc)'' rvill handle the Association advertising.
H.J. (Bill) Bailey, sales manager of the Saginarv-Timber Co.,'Aberdeen, \Arashington, was a recent San Francisco visitolr,vhere he conferred rvith A. J. Russell of the Santa Fe Lumber Co. rvho sells their product, Saginarv Shingles in the California market. He. a.lso spent a f^erv days-in Los Angeles, rvhere he u'as a-r'isitor at the office of -Tack Ellis, tht Santa Fe Lurnber Co. representative in Southern California. Before his return to Aberdeen. he rvill call on the lumber trade of Texas and cover the Eastern market as far east as Nerv York. His trip rvill cover a period of over trvo months. ^
In speaking of conditions in the shingle market in the Nortl-rwest ; he states that they are Yery satisfactory, that his concern is having a good demand for tlteir products. and at present time their-production is behind tl.reir order file.
Forty-nine of the faithful responded to the gavel, a!-t!e Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club meeting on Septembet 26thBernJS. Barker, of the Pacific Read;- Cut Homes, Inc., rvas chairman. He introduced I\[r. Bruce Findlay, rvho spoke for a ferv minutes explaining about the comi-ng drive in November for the Communit)' Chest' \Ir. Findlay told that the goal in the drite s-as trvo and one-half million dollars, and that about ten thottsand s-orkers rrould be rvorking for a rveek, to accomplish it.
BernE then annottnced a debate, "Resoll'ed: That conditions are favorable for a stiffening in the price of random fir, at San Pedro. Ted Larvrence and Earl Hoffman took the afhrmatir-e, opposed by' Leo Hubbard and Charley Orvens for the othir side- The negative rron. as decided b1' the three judges: Frank Cttrran, A. T. Shorv and E. Tennant. Ilanl- good arguments Nere offered, together u'ith a consiclerable anrottnt of humor, by the debators.
Frank Connelll' annottnced that the Club lvould hold a goli tournament ever-\' t\vo rnonths during the coming iear, and that the first one s'ottld be announced soon. - Charley Brace u'on the attendance prize. a pipe. donated by Charley Rathburn.
Bart Macomber Returns From Eastern Trip
Bart Jfacomber, of F. B. ]Iacomber & Sons, San Francisco. has returned to California after spending the past tu'o months on a business trip to the Atlantic Coast' He \\'ent as far east as Boston and \es' York and also spent considerable time calling on the White and Sugar Pine trade in the Chicago and \Iississippi \rallel- markets. He arranged his scheclule so as to be present at the Hoo-Hoo -\nnGl lleeting at \Iinneapolis t'here he took a prominent.part in the entertainment rendering several of his PoDtllar sor-lgs.