1 minute read
The Philosophy of Mr. Pip
Comin' events rite often cast their shadders before 'em. Fer some years with me now business, in a certain way, has been piclcin' up an' in culmernation of the forecasted event all my BUSINESS HAS PICKED UP AN' LEFT.
I allows that if if'don't git'to be so we has more lumber yards in this town I ain't figgerin' on havin' the chance t9 figger menny more bills.
I believe in CONSOLERDATIONS, but I don't believe in mixin' lumber an' putty with other kinds of business. Now, as I has no pertickler need for fieauty shops an' millinery stores in town, it would be right pleasin' to me to see them places absortied, in the order named, by laundrys an' feed stores.
Then their customers could git natural color an' healthy exercise on a washboard. They could also learn the cost of the hay used in makin' their fdur season hats.
At present, what ails the lumber business in this town is they ain't ENUFF LUMBER YARDS. I has the dnly lumber yard left here an' I HA.S NO COMPETITION BUT MYSELF.
All the other lumber dealers in town has dosed theirselves with JACK DIONNE'S PEP SERUM. They has taken to them BETTER MERCHANDISIN' METHODLIike a pup takes to pot licker. They is runnin' Department Stores with lumber as a sideJine an' claims to be BUILDIN' MERCHANTS an' SELLS SERVICE AN' QUAI-ITY AN' SATISFACTION. But they ain't hurtin' me none with their PRICE in figgerin' bills for their prospects-l don't get no chance to figger none.
If all the lumbermen here still done business accordin'to my ideasCarried only lumber an' shingles an' putty-
Didn't give no builder service, or advertise, or deliver_
Didn't extend no credit accommodationsDidn't help CREATE AND CONSTRUCT THE DEMAND FER BUILDINS' an' other uses fer lumber-
An' jest waited fer people to COME AN' BUYThen they might not be enufi lumber business to go all aroundl
Some of the dealers pretty soon. would be lookin' fer different fields that have better pastures an' fresher waters.
Buf-[p1ER AI-L IS DONE AN' SAID i tutespectiv' of conditions, in business it is the survival of the fittest.
An' you can take it from me, I will fit 'em to a standstill whenever I get a chance to figger a billFER I KEEPS THE CHEAPEST LUMBER AT THE CHEAPEST PRICEI