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A Splendid Retail Advertisement ee"At"dqr,
9AIDTHE UNtt BROSIJ HEr' rDrflE rtrr€ eED eoosrER, THESESTCTTRCN IS AT' 'bpN HoxEt'BoosrEg.
Farm buildings give the best service rvhen carefully planned. Let us show vou our book of olans for houses. barns' silos' or anything you need ln 'rmd.rn f.rm buildings. This is a service gladly rendered our customers' We can promptly deliver all building material best adapted to lour requirements. 'Now is the time to anricipate your building. Come in and let's talk ir orer.
C. G. BIRD, Manager
From the RePort of the SNARK OF THE UNIVERSE at the 33rd Annual Minneapolis OF-FICERS ancl BROTHtrRS :
A third of Century ago there t'as Planted irr Gurdon, Arkansas, a tiny acorn of .Intlustrial Fraternalism. Harcllr' coulcl those visionarv. lllanters have realized that in the sl-rort span of thirty-three vears a mightv Oak of Industrial Brotherhoocl. the representa"tir-es of rvhich are here assembled. rl'ottld har-c s'ro\\-n. And hardlv can \\'e rvho hate rvitncssed this irar.-elous grou'th i'isualize the ftrture that is before rls. Three -..ot. 1'."tt and ten, tl-re ordinar.y :P1l o! life, is too short incl too much filled n'ith individual problems to give a true perspective oi that of rvhich ir," "." a partl And rve, as were the fottnclers of this great order. are still groping in darkness, for real Brotherhood in Indrrstrv ltas not 1'et been accontplished; although the joys. and benefits u'e har-e aliearly experienced are convincing to tlrge 11s ever for- u'ard ton'ard the trtte goal oi Irrclustrial Fraternalistn. Todal-, as \ve here assemble to do honor ancl hourage to this. the first and greatest rnovement of it. kind our civilization has knou't.t ancl to transact the nccessar\'business to insure it contintrous health. haopirress ancl long life. let tts be ever rnindfrrl of thc heiitage that has l>een entrttsted to orrr keeping. L.t rrs eximplif-r'the nohle llurlto:e ()f this Orcler lll creating a governitrg infltrence in this conr-ention of Charitrl of Thorrsht and -\ctiorr. I"riendship and Coooeration. orr ;rll nrattcrs at harrd. atrrl u'e u-i1l have been gc,od .ti'u'arrls r,f u'orthr- catlsc.