3 minute read
Right Over the OId .Wood Shingles!
The rainy s€aaon will rcon be here and thourands of roofs in your territory will need attention. This is the opportune time to apply an entire new roof right over the old worn out rhingles.
Ploneer Shingle Deeign Roll Roofing can be applied right over the old wood rhingles. It saves painting or staining; eliminates fuh.ue repair bills; cr$e the cost of insuranae and provides a dunble and beautifuI roof.
Get After The Business
"Do you seroe all Southqn California?"
"You betruith rapid transit ttucht."
Evcry minute of, cvery hour in the day Woody ir enapping thrr onden for out of the city cur tomerr, rupplying tlrem out of lhat lr(XlOr(X)O feet of oak -maple, birch and bccch hrrdwood f,ooring drvayr in Woodytt watchourc redy for immcdiate delivcry.
W'etve got the truckr, wc'Ye got the mcn' wetyc g"t the fooring, we'YG gqt speert on deliverier. Now wheretr your ondcr?

' A dinner dance held by the San Fernando Valley Lumbermen's Club on the evening of September l6th, at the Encino Country Club, was attended by well over fifty of the Valley lumbermen, their ladies and guests.
A very enjoyable time was reported by those in attendance. President C. C. Campbell presided, assisted by a number of the other members, all of whom joined in making the affair a success.
The next regular business meeting of the Club will be held at the Black Cat Cafe, San Fernando, on the evening of October 8th.
Publisher Speaks At Rotary Club Lu
Denveg Taylor Now Associated With California & Oregon Lumber Co.
Denver Taylor of Portland, Oregon, for many years associated with the lumber busihess in the Northwest, has been appointed Sales Manager of the California & Oregon Lumber Co. with headquarters at their San Franc[co office. Prior to his locating in Portland, he was sales menager for several years of the puget Sound Saw-mill & Shingle Qo. at Bellingham, Washington, and was atso con_ nected with the sales department oi the Hoquiam Lumber & Single Co. at Hoquiam, Washington.
Denver has an extremely large acquaintanceship among the lumbermen of the pacific Ciast and his manv't;;b;r: men friends in the Bay District are pleased to iee him ent-ering the California -field and are wistring him success in his new position. /
Nch To Build Railroad
Jack Dionne, publisher of The California Lumber Mer_ chant, a member of the Houston Rotary club, spoke before the Glendale Rotary club at Tuesday's luncheon held at the Tuesday Afternoon clubhouse, declaring that the progressive merchandising of lumber is translating logs into homes.
Mr. Dionne flavored his remarks with a rapid_fire bar_ rage of stories that kept the local Rotarians and their guests in an uproar. "I believe in self-made men,,, he said, "and I believe Rotary hames them."-Glendale ,,News,'.
Fruit Growers Supply Company
Manufacturcrr of Crlifornia Whitc rnd Srryar Plnc Lunbcr
Milb et Sureavillc rnd Hilt, CeL
I5O,(X)O,(X)O FGGI Annurl Cepecitr
B. W. ADAMS, Msr. Salcr Dcpt
Firct National Banh Bldg. - San Francirco
E. K. Wood Lumber Co.

N. 'ff. Bank Btdg. portland, Ore.
We Specialize in Grays Harbor OLD GROWTI{ YELLOW
FtR Finish and Vertical Grain Flooring. If you like extn good quality Red Cedar Shingler we can furnirh them.
Spokanq, Wash.-Construction of a logging railroad two miles long, tapping 2,000 acres of c-iriici western \.vnrt€ prne, was started recently on the Columbia river nor_th of Marcus by the Hedlund Box & Lumber Company of Spokane
A bridge across the Kettle river at the gorge will be necessary to gain access to the timber. e canii that will eventually employ 50 to 75 men has been opened and loggr.ng operations are expected to get under way by the opening of rvinter.
The Hedlund company has owned the timber for four o5 five years. _ The lracl contains standing timber sudcrent to keep the Spokane plant supplied foi two years.
Sfecialr!: Old Grodh Ycllor Fie Chat Southort Rcprulcatrtivc
ALPINE LBR. C0. -#&Tr'
Kiln and Air Dricd Uppcn
Grecn Clearc and C,ommonr
Rail and Cargo Shipmcnte
16 Calif St. - San Francirco
6Pine the ,tL u^/....i"-.| 4:1 ;-. A,.r4'\ tCfl 1?"+^ P.^,t *o;
Test of Time, Temperature and E*Posure

And here are fundamental facts about Sugar Pine: Sugar Pine trees, the largest of thi pines, are e:rceptionally free from dis' ease,-and the huge logs produce large quan' tities of widetf,ick anii lone lumber. The lons.slow growthofthis spec-ies makes this lumb€r redarkably soft ancl uniform in tex' ture, and easy to work up fc-any use. Bul' letin 426, U. S. Department of Agriculture,
Suear Pine Manufacturers keep on hand a suiply of thoroughly seasme-d lumber. Everv lumber rard should carry Sugar Pine in stock to supply it for its matry buildhg and indrrstrial uses.