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Up and Down the -f/' Dtate
suPERroR LUMRER "$*rl"rr"" co. CHANGES Hayward Lumber Buy Yard & Investment Co. At Manteca
The Superior Lumber & Fuel Co., the well known re- tail lumber concern of Sacramento, has been sold to W. f. Kngx of Aitken, Minnesota. Mr. Knox formerly conducted a retail lumber business at Aitken. The Suoerior Lumber & Fuel Co. rvas owned and managed by W. p. Spellman, who is rvell known to the lumber"trade of Cali{ornia.
Allan Turner Spends Week In Sacramento Valley
Allan Turner, the San Francisco wholesaler, has returned from a weeks trip through the Sacramento Val- ley calling on the trade. Allan- took some time ofi to visit the Sacramehto State Fair vi,hich he said was largely attended this year. He states that he found the ludbe; business in the Valley very satisf,actory.
Irwin Spends Honeymoon In Bay District
Howard W. Irwin of Portland, Oregon, and his wife, who are recent newlyrveds have returned north after spending several days in the Bay District. He was visit- ing his father, Robert Irwin of Richmond, who is associated with the rvell knorvn lumber firm of Irwin and Lewis. Howard W. Irwin is associated.with the Portland office of J. J. Moore & Co.
Twisted Pronerbs:
"lt's a poor rule that doesn't shirfr both ways."
Unless you give us the opportunity to ,show you the trade building features of our
. The..H?y-"ra Lumber & Investment Co., Los Angeles, has added another to their string of yards thiough theltate, rvith their recent purchase of -the-lumber ani hardware business formerly conducted by the Manteca Lumber Company.
Arthur A. Martin has taken charge of the yard.
- Jolr" Olson, Los Angeles manager of the Southern Cali- fornia operations of ehas. R. MlCormick & Co., *as a recent visitor at the company,s San Francisco office. Re- ferring to the lumber mirk6t in Southern California. he states that it has shown a steady improvement since the first of August.
MASON E. KLINE VISITS LOS ANGELES you'll miss profits that should swell YOUR bank account.
.Mason _E. $,lin_e, in.charge_of the Creosoting Department of Chas. R. McCormick & Co. with headqua-rters'in thlii San Francisco office, has returned from -a several days' business trip to I-os Angeles. While in Los Angeles, 'tre: called on the trade and conferred with H. B. Wiclkersham' rvho -has charge of the industrial department in the .o-- pany's Los Angeles office.
All the richness of Mahogany, but lower in price and in cost of finish.
C adw allader- Gibson Co., f nc.
The ONLY Inportqs with our own Timbq Supply anil MiIk in Luzon. and with PACIFIC COAST HEADQUAR?.ERS at Sth and Brannan Sts. San Francieco
Oahland - Los Angeles
Celifornia'r own product har ttood the tert of time. "it lasts"
O. F. Folsom, of the O. F. Folsom Lumber Co., San Francisco, is on a ten days business trip in the Northwest. He is calling on his mill connections in the Portland and Puget Sound Districts.
T. L. Hubbard of San Jose is getting his first experience in the lumber business and is now associated with the well known retail lumber concern. Hubbard & Carmichael Bros. of San Jose, of which concern his father is a partner. He plans to learn the lumber business from the ground up, lnd as he is a very popular young gentleman in the San Jose District, his many friends are wishing him much success in his new venture.
FLoYD H. HART t88rTUJA" coNDrrroNs rN
Floyd H. Hart, secretary of the Tomlin Box Co., of Medford, Oregon, is spending two u'eeks in California looking over conditions in the lumber market. After spending a few days in San Francisco, he left for Fresno and Los Angeles. He reports the lumber market active in his section.

O. V. Nichols, is now associated with the Jones Hardwood Co. of San Francisco where he will act as Yard and Office Manager. Mr. Nichols is well known with the hardwood trade ln the Bay District and has been associated with the hardwood business in San Francisco for many Years.
R. F. Hammatt, secretary-menager of the Cdifo'rnia Redwood Association, is on a short business trip to Stockton and Sacramento. He will spend a few days calling on the dealers and architects of that district.
Ruth Wilson Returns Erot Enjoyable Vacation
Ruth Wilson, who is associated with the sales department of the Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco, has returned to her work after spending an ehjoyable two weeks vacation. During her vacation she had as her guest, her mother who recently arrived from Aberdeen, South Dakota-
Too Late to Classify
Expcricnccd salestran and managcr, rcdtoo! c dnc,-sril c cargo, in San Francisco or Bay tcrrtdy. _ Bclt oa rcf,ets Address Bo: X-1, care Califorr& Lunbcr fcrcheot.
Position as yard salesoan or yard forcoan, by 4e4 narric{ agc 28. Digtt ycara cxlrcrcnoc, both Eactcsa aDd Welt CoarEmployed now but wistr position dtb ch:ncc to edvrre. Addrcss Box Y-1, care Cdifcda Luobcr Ucrchant
Opcning for salcs-manag6, or gcaetal n-n.tcr of, orn rctaif dG partnrcnt. Located in Southctn Califonda, vc want man sith local lxpcricnce, crcdit nanaging, ctc. Will oficr good rdary and ttc positioa has poedtiliticr. Ad&cec Bo: lCF, crisc C.lifornia ll'aober Mcrdrant