3 minute read
Facts Concerning the Pacific Northwest Lumber Industry
By Mr. E. D. Kingsley; President of
the West Coast
Association, Before the Thirty Fourth Annual Convention of Hoo IIoo, at Spokane
I arn assigned, on this program to discuss {acts concerning the lumber industry; however, facts do not seem to concern that industry. We have the facts but, somehou' or other, we don't seem to apply them very''well to our business.
For instance, we know, from reports compiled by the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, that unsold mill stocks on September lst were away below normal and in very poor assortment for general mixed car schedule.
We know that. 1925 will be the greatest producing year in the history of the fir region, and yet the stocks carried over from last year have been wiped out because, in the first eight months of this year, we have shipped 170 million feet more than our unprecedented production. The new business booked this year, thus far, has exceeded our great procluction by 140 million feet.
Looking these facts over, any economist will tell you that we have a seller's market. For once, however, the economists are wrong-it has been a buyers' market all this year; and in the face of facts, tremendously strong in their favor. West Coast manufacturers, generally speaking, are unhappy and some even distressed. They have responsibilities to their employees and to the communities in which their manufacturing operations are located, rvhich, in times like these, 'rveigh heavily upon them. An Oregon lumber manufacturer went to a fortune teller notlong ago and was told that he would imme-
(Continued on Page 59.)
We Specialistr in Supplying the Trade with }IATIOI{AI
Mrb 1924
63+646 A|irc lltrcct - t-a Arydcl
E. K. lVood Lumber Co.
N. W. Bank Btdg. Portland, Ore.
Wc Spccializc in Graya Harbor OID GROWT}I YELLOW FIR Finighand Vertical G"T Flooring. lf you like extra good qudity Red Cedar Shinglec we can fundsh them.
Twohy Lumber Co.

22 | Kcrckhoff Bldg. Los Angelea, BDwy. 0843
CARGO-Fir, Rcdwood, Sugrr Pine-RAIL
We can alwaya lupply Fir Columna and Drain Boardg from gtock
Excluaivc Southern California Agenta produced. The points are then cropped or sheared to rhake uniform length files, the name branded in, blanks straightened, and they are then ready for hardening.
(Continued from Page 54.)
The hardening process is very important. Files are heated in red-hot lead, but as red-hot lead will fill up the teeth of a file, it is necessary to protect the teeth. Th'e
Steps In The Manufacture Of Simonds Files
f SHEARED - Tbc bar of epeciat aaglyqie atcel ia abcced to tbc ftEopcr ledlth for thc dctircd file'
2 TANGED - The tang is cccfullv fcmcd bv d;aqiqg oc cad of thc abescd bar to a l)oitrt' tapcriag botlr ia tlriclacrr ud in widt!.
4 - GROITND - Both ridcr aad cdget of thc
& HARDENED & TEIIPERED - Tbe file now socr tbrougb a trm which hardor the tccth to a very higb dcgrc of bsdas, aabllnl thc6 to st all ottcr metab wblch may aot bc cquelly bard. Thc file ir clcmcd of roy rcalc ald ir fiairhqi, mdy for pacLing. ln thb . carc oil and grease on the blanks are removed by immersing in a hot alkaline bath, after which they are covered with a paste preparation which, when dry on the file, pre-venls lhe iead fiom sticking into the teeth when heated. After bein! heated for a certain period of time and at specific temper4tures in red-hot lead, the file is withdrawn ahd plunged into a saturated solution of salt brine, thus hardening' The files are exceedingly dirty after this operation, and to clean theni they are placed in a sand-blast machine and scoured, after which they are.thoroughly dried by the use of steam.
The fileis now tested for hardness, and the tangs are blued or softened by heating in red-hot lead, withdrawh and cooled in oil. They are then covered with finest quality of oil to prevent rust, receive a final inspection, are wrapped in packages and packed in paper boxes containing onehalf dozen or on€ dozen, depending on sizes and kinds, and are ready for shipment.
J. C. Ferguson,. manager of the Shaver Lake Lumber Co. and well known'San Joaquin Valley lumberman, spent a few days in San Francisco around the firstof the month. He was looking over lumber conditions in the Bay District and..calting en:lnaly,.pf his