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"Give the customer what he wants, cut the way hewants it." That is the policy at Westwood. Year round operation in all depart' ments not only assures a large and well assorted stock, but enables us to get our special orders promptly.
The exceptional quality of California White Pine and Sugar Pine for which our forests tributary to Westwood are noted, is enhanced by careful manufacture. In the Saw Mill, with a capacity of 250 million feet annually, in the Sash and Door Factory, Box Factory, Moulding and Siding Factories the same policy is maintained.
Extra Wide and Thick Pattern Stock, Box Shook, Sash Cuttings and Special Stocks, -vlhafg'r/s1 your requirement you can getit at Westwood or we can make itto order for you.
Now we add for your service the VeneerFactory, largest andmostmodern of its kind, with a- ..p"Jity of | 00,000 square feet, three-ply, daily. E.t.ty step of manufacture the best tractise d.veloped by the industry with me' chanical equipment specially designed and built'
Odorless dairy containers, fruit boxes, furniture backs, drawer bottoms, table and counter tops, signs, partitions, show window trims, door paneis, p"n.l.d interiors-there is no end to the ,r*. of PAUL BUNYAN'S California Pine Veneers.
LUMBER DEALERS are building new business with PAUL BUNYAN'S VENEERS. MANUFACTURERS are discovering new economies in thissoft pine quality that will not check, that easily sands to a smooth 6nish and that develops such beautiful surfaces.
MIXED CARS from Westwood offer unequalled advantages in variety of stock, short haul and favorable rates East.
"Producers of White Pine for Over Half a Cenlurg"