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TUcker 8641
YYha YourNecd Lunbcr, , q"4 Ttir Ntmbcr
Sacramento Fair
California's greatest and best state fair has gone into history, and w-hile all exhibiting counties did tfremselves proud, the display made by Mendocino courrty'will tinger longest in the mernory of those interested jn fgrgsts .and forest products. Entering the beautiful and fragrant booth, one felt-the wonder and peace of the forests and lingered to enjoy the exhibits of wood, both,in,their natural state. and after the hand of man had prepared them for the comfort and adornment of the homi. Among the many interesting bits of information furnished the public in Mendotino's booth was the fact that the Union' Ldmber Company of Fort Bragg, plants epch year 1,500,000 redwood trees propagated inlts own nur*ery.
J. E. Cool, Kansas City, was a recent visitor in San .Francisco w.here he spent a few days before leaving for his new headquarters at Portland, Oregon, where he acts as the General Sales Agent of the Oregon-American Lumber Co. The Oregon-American Lumber Co. have their mill operations at Verona, Oregon. Mr. Cool was formerly connected with the Kansas City office of the Central Coal & Coke Co. and has been associated with the lumber business in the Middle West for nearly twenty years. I In speaking of lumber conditions in the Uiaaie West, he stated that although there was a good volume of busipess, the market seemed to lack snap. He thought that there would be a brisk market there huring the rionth of October. This was his first trip to California, and he was accompanied by Mrs. Cool and their son and daughter.
C. E. Rathbone, well known in Southern California lumber circles, is the new manager for the Whitelock Lumber Company at Bell.
Harvey Isenhauer With HolmesEureka Sales Force
Hlrvey Isenhauer, for the past yeaf associated with the retail lumber business at Sacrameirto. is now with, the Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co. of San Francisco. where he will be connected with their sales department. He is now at the company's plant at Eureka, where he is familiarizing himself with their Redwood milling operations. On his return to San Francisco, he will represent the company, calling on the retail trade.
Henry F. Kavelage, well-known :Sa.n Francisco lumberrnan and formerly connected with the Trower Lumber Co., is now with the Smith Lumber Company of San Francisco. Mr. Kavelage before coming to San Francisco followed the wholesale lumber business in the Northwest, with headquarters at Portland, and he has a very large acquaintanceship among the mill operators of the Northwest.
Mr. E. D. Kingsley, President of West Oregon Lumber Company, has just placed an order f.orttZ new dry kilnS, each 104 feet long. The new kilns will be of Moore's Moist Air Progressive type and will be equipped with automatic humidity and temperature controls.
It is well known that the Western Oregon Lumber Cornpany has an enviable reputation for drying wide slash grain finish, which requires careful drying. The kilns will be built of tile construction of tile and concrete roof and will use Moore's Asbestos Metal Doors.
When you.receive shiprrrent of an order, delivered just as promised, just _the right grades, just the right price, just the right day, OH BOY ! it warms your heart.
There is a treat in store for you, if you will call:
U:rges 'Froper" Classification '
Spokane, Washington, Sept., 17'-'1 believe a law should be enact-ed.where all timber land will be classified as 'mature forest' and. 'immature foresti lands, and that'' such classification shculd be made from time to'time as conditions change.'1
W. Lon Johnson, lieuteuant-governor of Washington, said.this in interview here a few days ago.
"If an adequate reforestation policy is adopted, the question of taxation of such lands must be dealt with on a sound and business-like basis," he added in explaining that timber lands are now assessed.as 'unimproved lands.'
"At present individual timber owners, with large or small acreages of cut-over lands, unfit for agriculture or other purposes; except tirnber,grtowing, will.not pay the annual taxes. As a result lthouvands of ddrdsi'are being sold this year by'the counties'for;'unpaid ta*es, aild this cbndition 'rvill become woise as time goes on unless steps are taken."

Nash Managing Pima Yard
1\{r. J. F. NaSh is-,the fl€w rrxnager of the Gila T.umber Company, at Pinoa, Arizona, succeeding E. H, Wheat. Mr. Nash was foimerly with the Yosemite Lumber Company, Merced Falls, Caiiforriia.
Members .of , the', San. Fernando Valley Lumbermen's Club, with their ladies, enjoyed a delightful dinner dance and entertainment' prog.ram at the' American, Legion Clubhouse ou the,evening.of "September 9th.
W. W. Speer of San Fernando acted 'as Toastmaster.
The East Fir unit of the Long-Bell Lumber Companyts Douglas Fir manufacturing plants, now under construction, is laiger in area to be undei roof than is the West Fir, 91 first rinit, which began operations in July of last year, and was designed as one of the largest mills in the world. 'The new unii will have a total roof acreage of 38.3, which is 3.3 acres more than in the first unit. The difference is accounted forin three additional sheds to be built for the handling of hemlock lumber, as the East Fir mill will manufacture both fir and hemlock. The West Fir mill handles fir exclusively.
Construction of buildings for the new unitis about 50 per cent completed, and the entire job, counting from the driving of the first piling until the mill begins to operate, is about 25 per cenl completed, according to C. A. Huffman, ciinstruction engineendor the Long-Bell Lutnber Companyr'Who is in general charge. ,
Frank Mulgrew, for many years associated with the newspaper and publicity business in San Francisco, died recently at the Franklin hospital. For several years he was: closely'associated with the lumber industry in California;and during the state-wide shingle campaign he had charge' of the publicity work, representing the lumber interests'of the state. During the recent shingle campaign at Ber-' keley, he also represented the lumber interests in the same capacity. He wis a native of California.aRd a member of the. Bohemian Club. Interment was at Healdsburg.

William Gray Makes Trip To West Virginia
William Gray, well known Peninsula lumberman and associated witn ite Gray-Thorning Lumber Co', of Redwood Citv. is visiting his old home at Moundsville, West Vjrsinia. - While in the old home state, he'expects to place his 5rder for his next year's supply of West Virginia stogi-es, which he still continues to smoke with much gusto' He *itt-b" inthe'elst a-bout six weeks and will return to his desk around the latter part of October.

Walter Blick Tries His Luck At Hunting
Mrs. Rodman Hendrickson, wife of "Rod'f Hendrickso{r," the well known San Francisco whblesaler, was operated on at the tFabiola Hospital, Oakland, on Thursday, SSptember 17. She is 'rep^or,ted to have stood the operation nicely and is now convalescing.rapidly- .,.; ..:
Fontanayard To Move
Walter Blick, San representative of J. H' Kruse, has returned from a- two weeks' hunting- !r!p i,n Sonoma County. He made the trip with a party of {riend-'" and reports thit they had a grand time roaming through the griat open spaces, also that the expedition was very successful.
& GomPanY
2l2D-2t,0 Ettt 25th gtr?Gl loc Aneeles
We bavc bccn rupplying tbc larh and door tradc of Southcrn Califor' nia for a nunber of .ycarr, and fecl wdl iurtificd ln rtating our claimr of "The Bat at dl Tincr, et the Propcr Pricc."
The .,Hansen Lumber Qo.mpany, D. Hansen proprietor, will movi within sixty days, to their new locdtion on Perris Street, Fgntana.
Peter White Returns From Vancouver Trip
Peter White, White Brothers, San Francisco, has returned to the Bay District, after spending atwo weeks' vacation in the Northwest. He made Vancouver his headquarters from where he made side trips to Victoria and othet Btitish Columbia points. He says that conditions in Vancouver are active and that he had a wonderful time in the British Columbia metropolis.
Wesley White, White Brothers, San Francisco' accompanied by Mrs. White are on a six weeks' llp to the Atlantic Coast. They made the trip east via Vancouver, B. C., and the Canadian Pacific Railroad. They will spend a few weeks at Mr. White's old home, St. Johns, New Brunswick,.after which they will tour the New England states and other Atlantic Coast cities. They will return to San Francisco about the middle of October.
Fruit Growers Supply Company
Manufacturen of C-alifornia White and Swnr Ptne Lumbcr Millr et Suanville and Hilt, CaL !5O,(X)O,(X)O Fect Annud hPacitY
, B; W. ADAMS, Mgr. Saler Dcpt Firet National Bank Bldg. - San Franeirco
During thc annual rerion of tLc Pacific Logging Congrer and Logging Machinery Equipment Erhibition, ' Seattle, Warh., Oct. 28-31, 1925, wc will c:hibit THE SOUTH BEND we cordiatry,',",," r"ft:ff*lLa ",."-,"e the meritr of our production.
The South Bend Spark Arrester Co.
Officc and Factory, ?66 Savicr Sto Portland" Orcgon California Agentr: W.H. WORDEN CO., San Francirco