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This column of "wants" "[1":ffit',"i;its" is for:
The Fellow Who Wants to Buy The Fellow Who Wants to Sell The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
Rate: $2.50 per column inch The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired
\vANTED i\{anager for retail lumber yard in Arizona. N{ust be first class man. For particulars address Box A-71, care California Lumber Meichant.
Want To Buy Yard
Wanted to buy retail lumber yard, 20 to $40,000. Address Box 4-66, care California Lumber Merchant.
Wants Tobuy Retail Yard
Wanted, to buy retail yard Southern California, twentyfive to fifty thousand investment. Address Box A-65, care California Lumber Merchant.
A Southwestern Representative
The Louisiana yellow pine mill which I have served as sales manager for the past several years has recently cut out and left the field; I am now without a connection and want to get in touch with some high class operation who needs a high class representative in the Southwest.
In executive positions for fourteen years on the Retail Yard and nine years at the mill privileges me to feel that I know lumber from the stump to the consumer and I know the Southwestern trade as well as anyone could know it. If you are selling Texas, Louisiana and the Southwest, I can increase your volume of business.
If you contemplate entering that market, I will open an office for you and introduce your products in that territory. I would like to talk it over with you and, if you are interested, will be pleased to have you address me: C. B. M., care Gulf Coast Lumberman, Second National Bank Building, Houston, Texas.
Lumber company, corporation, near Los Angeles. rvants experienced lumberman to invest $15,000.00 to $25,000.00 for expansion needs and be active. Good location in a fast growing territory. Will .arrange appointment. Address Box A-72,care California Lumber Nlerchant.
forcash. Must be in good 'location. Information will be held strictly confidential. Hayward Lumber & Investment Co. P. O. Box 155, Los Angeles.
Business For Sale
A fast growing established yard close to Oakland. Showing good returns on investment. Low rent and no bonus. Very good reason for selling. Address Box 4-64, care California Lumber Merchant.
For Sale
Three Hercules two-wheel lumber trailers, good condition. One at $150.00 and two at $120.00. Sun Lumber Co., Beverly Hills, Cal.
Salesman Wanted
For Los Angeles industrial territory. Call on furniture manufacturers. etc. Want man who khows territory and this kind of .trade. Own car, will pay salary and allowance for machine. Address Box F-63. care California Lumber Merchant.
Well known pLaning mill superintendent and factory managcr open for porition about Septerrber lSth. Poaribly aooner.Any cize plant up to a preferable crew of forty. Pereonally rupervire production and e*imating. Addreu Box A-61, care Cdifomia Lumber Merchant.