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undcr thc trwr of Clllfmla
J. C.Dionm, Pru. ud..Trut J. E. Mstln, Vl€-Prc3.i A. C. Mcrrymu, Jr- Scy. Publfuhcd tha lrt erd fStL of .|ch Dcth et in&r9-t CENTRAL,T.BUILDING, LOS ANGELES, CAL, TELEPHONE, VArdlkc asts Ert rrd ar Sccqrd-clut nattrr Scptcnbcr 8, 112,, at rls Pqtofficr rt Lo Angcbr, C.UfctrL, ua&r Act ol Mircb !, f!t9.
How Lumber Looks
Douglas Fin The market haa shown'no new developmenta during the past: two weeks; t[e'market shows no improvement, there ica good volume of buriness moving with prices remaining about the rarle. No. 2 and No. 3 vertical grain flooring continues firrn with no surplus stocl$ on hand. Rotrgh green vertical cleare are also rcarce and the mar{ret firm. Commonr are keeping on an even kecl, the market rhowing very ,little..change. Pricer at tlre mills remain firm, although seyeral rvholeolerr report that they are now o,fiering imore stock to tihe Qtlifornia market.
There are from 12to 14 million feet of uncold lum. ber at San Pedro, wlfch runr heavy to No. 3 Corrmon S4S and Sappy Clean. There ie no eirplue of derir. able itemr at San Pedro cuch ar 2x4,2x6, and 2x12.
Cargo arrivale into Soutfiern California for the montfi of Scpternber will run around lfi)r(X)O,O0O feet. Aa compered with rome of tihe preceiling moirthr, thia wiil'ihow a decreare of 20 io iS millioi feet. There are 32 boate tied up and 4 bonts have been tnruferred to the intercoastal market.
The ned cedar rhingle market fu boeing'better. Perfecte are etro'ng at $3.75 and Star A Starc are celling around fi2.75. The lath mrrket chow3 no imn provement.
Re&/yood, During the part two wceks; the demand har rhown improvement. The mills report that the cut ie moving fairly well Heart common ic in
Harry White Returns From Hardwood Convention
Harry White, White Brothers, San Frahcisco, has returned from Ohicago where he attended the National Hardwood convention. On his return to California, he stopped off at Los Angeles where he was tendered a'luncheon at the Johathan Club by the Los Angeles hardwood dealers. He was back at his desk on September 27.
Lumberman Joins Benedtcts
Announcement has been made of the marriage of Katherine Jane Mclntyre to George F. Weis on September 17 at Los Angeles. Both are residents of Los Angeles, where they are well known. Mr. Weis is manager of the Geo. F. Weis Lumber Co.
Sel Francirco OGce
?ft Sutr Mlrlna BldS. U2 MskGt Strcct Tclaphru Drrcrpct very good demand with the lower grades movingl nicely. The demand for uppers is fairty active.
C-alifornia White and Sugar Pine. Commonc are moving well and there is a fair demand for shop and upperc. 'There is a firmer tone to sugar pine Prices with white pine prices about t'ihe same. The report ing milli show that production for 1926 to date was 1,054,8291528 feet ar compared to 8671644,668 feet for the Bame period in 1927, which isa decrease during 1927 of a trife over 187 million feet, or 17.8 per cent.
California ranked third in building totals during the month of August; New York waa first and lllinois sccond. Doring the month of August los Angeler took third place emong the citier of the nation; lor Angeler building permita for Augurt, 1925, totated $10,2211257. For .August, 1926, the total dropped to $8,826,108, but for last Augurt Loc An geler rhowed a total of $11,790,916. Building pcn mits for the montih of September in Los Angeler will run around $10,fi)0,000.
.For the firrt 37 weeks of 19271 88 mills reporting, the West Coast Lumbermentc Association barometer show: Production 3,1351572,199 feet, New Business 3,213,390,142 feet. Shipmentr 3,175,774,736 feet.
For the year 1927, to September 17, the Cdifornia Redwood Association barompter, 14 mille reporting, show: Onders Received, 328,627 M ft"; Shipmentr, 311,949 M ft.; Production, 275,712 M feet.
California Lumberman A Prize Winner
In the recent Pondosa Pine Question Contest conducted by the Western Pine Manufacturers Association, Herman A. Schindler, Ad.ams Bowers Lumber Co., Anaheim, was one of the winners and was awarded a prize of $100.00. Another Californian, Ernest Irving Freese, a Los Angeles architect was also awarded a prize of $100.00.
Bruce Lemon Passes
Bruce Lemon, San Francisco hardwood lumberman, died at San Francisco on August 11. He was well known by the lumber fraternity of the state and for several years followed the wholesale hardwood lumber business with headquarters at Oakland. He is survived by his wife and one son. He was an active member of Hoo.Hoo.