2 minute read
R. Mccorntclc Lunber Go.
Dougtae Flr . Gedar . Spruce . Henlock'
Annual Lumber Frolic at Del Mar Proved Great Success for Southwest Lumber Folks
It was a big success, the out-door lumber frolic that was staged at belutiful Del Mar by the lumber people of Southwest California on Saturday, Sept. 17th, and was much to the credit of the committeemen. It was for the lumbermen and their ladies, and nearly one hundred and fifty people turned out,
The doings started at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. There were beach sports below the hotel, and Harry McGahey' who had charge of that department, pulled lots of stunts that made fun for young and old alike. This affair lasted through the afternoon.
At the same time a golf tournament was sfaged at the Del Mar golf course under the direction of Frank Parks.
Dinner was served at 7 o'clock in the Del Mar Hotel dining room, after which the crowd gathered in the lobby, where there was a splendid orchestra to assist the program, and the program of the evening was splendidly staged.
H. G. Larrick, of Solano Beach, who was the general factotem of the entire show, introduced Jack Dionne, PubIisher of The California Lumber Merchant, who acted as Master of Ceremonies of the evening.
First the golf trophies were awarded, and the winnerg were:
Low Gross: Jack Dionne, winner, score 80,
High Gross: C. T. Pollar, 153. (A book on "How to Play Golf," was the trophy for this number.)
Earl McCormick won the San Diego Hoo-Hoo Cup in the regular handicap tournament
John Cooley won first prize in the Blind Bogey.
Willie Low won second prize in the Blind Bdgey.
Ed Cullinan won the trophy for being the best dressed and best equipped golfer.
Miss Louise, of the San Diego Lumber Company, gave a beautiful costume solo dance.
Tom Hurley, Supervisor for the Del Mar district, told his Alexander SimpSon stories.
George Beach, of Cardiff, sang some rollicking songs in a nne way.
Arthur Terry, now manager of the Terry Hotel at Cardiff, but formerly a cowboy humorist on Broadway, did a Will Rogers stunt that was very clever, swinging a rope, and doing wise cracks at the audience, and at things generally.
A very delightful part of the evening's entertainment was a serious few minutes, when Mr. Ernest Bullen, speak- ing for the lumbermen of the San Diego district, made a very eloquent little speech of appreciation and presentation addressed to Herb Sullivan. for the fine work that Mr. Sullivan has done in bringing order out of chaos in the lumber business of that district, the gift being a fine moving picture camera donated by the lumbermen of that territory. Mr. Sullivan made a very 'earnest and interesting speech of agceptance talking of improved conditions in that territory.
The program then turned into dancing, which continued with much fun and hilarity until midnight, when the crowd broke up after a very happy day.
Southern-HARDIVOODS-,'Southern Oak Ftooring and Mapte Ftoonbg
1109 Fint National Brnk Bdldins
Telephone Douglar 9117