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and material (California Pines) of the very highest quality are turned out by our system that comb,ines quantity production with craftsman-built workmanship.
with workmanship
Doors include our laminated, water-proof, warp-proof construction with panels and veneered faces of California Pine. Handso*e, attractive and dependable.
Builders like these goods. Dealers find them highly salable.
"l had a cook once," said Paul Bunyan, "who was one of the firet men to think of quantity production. He made up a month's supply of pancakes at one time. They got so tough we used them to half-gole our bootg and for hinges on the doors. He was sent down the tote'road, for I demand quality as well as quantity."
MIXED CZRS FROM RED RMR_of er unique ado_antages._ Wid_e range, of stocks, rates and shipment seroice. Do you get our"Weehly Stock Letter?"
"Producers of White Pine lor Over HaIf a Cenlury"