2 minute read
Redwood Sales
rftHE general characteristics of Redwood, its r adaptability for all kinds of construction and finishing purposes, provides an unusual sales appeal for the retail lumber dealer. This is an advantage for you-tell your customers about the "'Wood that Lasts."
Our large capacity sawmill located at Samoa manufactures lumber from some of the finest Redwood timber in California. Stocks in all grades and dimensions always on hand at our wholesale distributing centre, Los Angeles Harbor, and our Los Angeles retail yard.
Bill Hart Goes To San Francisco
Bill Hart, Hart-Wood Lumber Co., Los Angeles, will leave on October 1, for San Francisco where he will be connected with the company's San Francisco office. For the past seven months, he has been connected with the company's Los Angeles office and calling on the trade in the Southern California territorv.
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Sustenance of schools and Government.
Freight to support the railroads.
Taxes on the railroads that haul the freight.
And out in the world thousands of carpenters make their living building Redwood buildings. Tens of thousands of people house themselves and their possessions in these buildings. And the taxing goes on forever.
Did you kngw, Mr. Carr, that for every Redwood tree cut in California, thirty young Redwoods are planted, protected, nurtured and prepared for future forests?
Did you know that the forests of California have already produced for the people of this state more than twice as much wealth as the gold mines of California have produced, and that only a small portion of the California forests have been cut?
Did you know that trees are a crop, just as is corn, or oats? That trees grow, mature, and then begin deterior- ating and losing in the quality and value of their wood? Did yo-u know that the Pacific Coast has already lost untold millions of dollars because some of the tree crops are alr_e_ady far past their prime, and the wood is drying?
Have you any idea what would happen to California if
Don Doud A Southern California Visitor
Don Doud, sales manager of the Defiance Lumber Co., Tacoma, was a Los Angeles visitor the latter part of September where he conferred with Clint Laughlin, their Southern California representative. Accompanied by Mr. Laughlin, they spent some time calling on the Southern California trade.
the cutting of trees were to be prohibited, and the third largest industry in the state were eliminated?
Now, Mr. Carr, f haven't even touched on the subject of property rights, or several other sides to this guestion. But I have discussed the very life of the subject as I see it.
You said some hard things about those who cut Redwood. After reading these facts, isn't there something that in justice should be said on their side?

A year ago, in another state, I answered such an editorial as yours, with such a letter as this. The editor printed the letter, and editorially admitted that he had discovered for the first time what terrific destruction the forbidding of tree cutting would mean to great timbered districts. -
As one veteran editor to another, I have discovered that while our profession does not always rival Cato for practicability, nor Solomon for wisdom, that the average editor seeks to be a follower of Aristides the Just. And justice is all the Redwood people in California ask in the contemplation of their problem.
Sincerely yours,