1 minute read
Little River Redwood Company to Hold Opening at Their New Madera Yard
The new plant of the Little River Redwood Co. at Madera, which has just been completed, will'have an opening on or about October first.
This yard will be one of the most modern and most attractive retail lumber yards in the state. It is located on the main highway which runs through Madera, three blocks north of the main street, Yosemite Ave., and has a frontage of 380 feet and is 151 feet in depth. .A private spur tract, 380 feet long, runs into the yard.
The entire plant is built of Redwood. The accompany- ing photographs give an excellent idea of this attractive yard. The office is built of redwood log siding. The interior of the office contains a large spacious general office, private offices, reception room and a large display room showing complete building plans furnished by the Lumbermen's Service Association and built-in-fixtures. The of- fice is equipped with a beautiful floor made of redwood blocks.
The dry shed is 90 feet wide and 80 feet long and will hold three quarters of a million feet of lumber. The plant has a total storage capacity of two million feet. It is surrounded with a beautiful redwood trellis fence. Thev are stocking the yard with redwood and Douglas fir from'their own mills located at Crannell and Fairhaven, and will also carry a complete line of sash, doors, built-in-fixtures, wall board, roofing and other building materials.
Mr. Jim Chase, the popular and well known lumberman, is the manager of the yard and supervised the building of the plant, having incorporated many of his new ideai in both the office and yard. He is a merchandising enthusiast 1nd has been long interested and actively engaged in selling building materials and building service.
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