1 minute read
A Safe Grrarantee for Ev"rybody Concerrred
tll-\X/O trpes of ElReybuih-up asphak roofs arepositively Jl- guaranteed by th" los AngelesPaper Manufacturing Crmpany-one for ro years and the other for zo ybars.
Behind that guarantee sand the good fafth and large resorrces of one of the oldest marrufacnrrers in the roofrng indusuy on the Pacific Coast. It gives rcoftprotection to every architect who specifies an El Rey Guaranteed Roof conffactor who insalls one, every dealeq who supplies the material-and every owner whose building is covered with an El ReyGuaranteed Roof,
The Los Angeles Paper Manufacnrring Co. ii protected in the guarantee by th" qualiry of El Rey Roofug, and its own skill and thoroughness in superviritg the insallation. Hence the satement -a safe guarantee for uuyhdy concerned.
Wfth the full El Rey line in stock you c:rn meet any demand for any Vpe of asphalt roofing-smooth sur6ce, slate or slate shingles. \il7rite for samples and terms.
Il. W. Bookstaver, Bookstaver-Burns Lumber Co., Los Angeles, is back at his desk again after completing a business trip in Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. He was also a visitor at the operations of the Eclipse Mill Co. at Everett, Washington, r,vhich company they represent exclusively in the California territory.
Little River Redwood Co. Yard
(Continued from Page 20)
W. J. Conrad, W. J. Conrad Lumber Co. Marshfield, Oregon, was a recent Los Angeles visitor where he spent several days conferring with A. J. Sommerville and W. P. Frambes of the Spruce & Cedar Sales Co. Mr. Conrad spent a few days with Mr. Sommerville calling on the Southern California trade.