1 minute read
vaL ywT IPLYWOOD :onsider these fscts
Arnple Stock:
Whether your order be large or small, or in mixed selections, you are assured of a full and complete delivery.
The very choice woods are made available, and panel stock is more easily sold today due to economies, and low cost brought about by standardization.
Uniforrn Quality:
This is most important, for upon the quality of finish and material-the skill in matching grains-the quality of gluing--depends the lasting attractiveness, and your future sales,
quick Deliaery:
A complete and varied stock insures quick deliveries, and reduces your overhead by making these choice woods available o4 twenty-four hours notice.
AIso a Complete Lhc, of Pressed Wooil Mouldings
We Tel[ 'Em. . . You Sell tEm!

That's the idea behind the tremen& ous advertising campaign that Pio, neer is launching to open the Fatl Re,roofing season for its dealers.
Beautifully colored bill,boards, reach, ing practicafly all of California's population, are building business for Pioneer dealers at the rate of more than 51r75OrO0O selling impressions each month . . . 100,000 folders and letters, just mailed, add their weight to the message that is making home owners think and talk Pioneer and buy from Pioneer Dealers!
You can turn this help into profit'. .. Get behind our efforts. Keep your stocks complete and use t he litera, ture we have for you! Then you'll get your share of the business!
What Pioneer Gives the Dealer
1,A complete line of all the popular types and sizes of the best shingles on the market.'... the most comPlete choice of absolutely nonfading colors available!
2,Instant delivery service from the immense stocks always on hand.
3,The full cooperation of our En, gineering Department on estimates, diagnoses of your customers' Prob' lems and selling help.
4.The establishment of hundreds of Authorized Pioneer Application Agents to help you get more sales.... and to insure perfect application for your customers.
5,The benefit and backing of 40years experience in manufacturing and selling in the West.