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Lumbermen Hold Golf Tournament
There was a large turnout of Southern California and visiting lumbermen for the golf tournament held at the Brentwood Country Club, Los Angeles, on Friday, September 16. There were 65 entries in the tournament. Dinner was served at the club house at 6:30 D.m. and manv lumbermen who were unable to play golf in the afternooir attended the evening program.
Following the dinner, Fred Golding acted as toastmaster and called on Dave Woodhead, Paul Masters. Frank Burnaby, Clint Laughlin, W. B. Wickersham. Ed. Culnan and "Cappy" Slade for some stories and shori talks. Rov Stanton presented the prizes to the winners in the touinament. "Ted" Lawrence was awarded the prize for being the best dressed golfer. Frank Burnaby wis awarded ai appropriate prize for being the best squ-awker in the tour_ nament; Frank maintained that Rov Stanton was the logical candidate for this prize but Roy couldn't see it that way. Francis Boyd was the low. gross winner with a score of 80 and will have possession oJ the Jack Dionne Cup until the next tournamint. Frank Burniby *", tt. low net winner with a score of 69. The winners in the I'light Events were :.First Flight, first prize a goli aii"er, Paul Hill...:qgnd prize, a paii oi golf iocks, f,r"nf. H"ri ns; Second l.'light, first prize a golf driver, Gardner pond, second pti19 ? belt, J. E. I.loyd-Jones; Third Flight, firsi prtze a golf bag, Harry Hanson, second prize i box of golf balls. A. B. McAlpine; Fourth Flighi, first prize a pair of golf shoes, Max Landr.-; .."orr? prize-a'p"il.,
Stewart Smith. Fred Reeder was awarded the booby prize.
The following participated in the tournament: E. C. Betts, G. P. Pond, A. K. Condee, R. E. Seward, A. L. Muller, Francis Boyd, Roy Garner, "Pick" Maule, J. M. Landram, 'W. K. Vanderrvood, S. Suiter, S. J. Hathaway, Roy Stanton, Frank Burnaby, Gus Hoover, "Cappy" Slade, Harry Graham, Dave Woodhead, Art Sailor, A- P. Yost, J. M. Tyrrell, A. B. McAlpine, Walter J. Best, H. V. Hanson, G. V. Larned, E.L. Thomas, Fred Golding, Cliff Bergstrom, Ted Lawrence, W. D. Bradnock, Walter Riley, Harry Riley, C. C. Bohnhoff, A. C. Penberthy, Paul Penberthy, Paul Masters, W. R. Lindsey, G. A. Hole, Geo. Lounsberry, L. A. Beckstron-r, George Melville, Ed. Culnan, Bill Hamilton, C. lt. Hayes. H.F. Bowles. Leo Rosenberg, Clint Laughlin, Frink NI. Connolly, J. E. Lloyd Jones, Bob Osgood, E. T. Nelson, Frank Crowell, Frank B. Harris, J. E. Donald, Mark Lillard, Ed. Hummell, S. G. Roller, O. C. Wilcox, R. H. Meyers, C. F. Reeder, Jack Thomas, Stuart Smith, Paul Hill and A. P. Youst.
The tournament was sponsored by the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club with the following committee in charge of the arrangements: Chairman, "Cappy" Slade; Fred Golding, Roy Stanton; Arrangements, Bert Maule and "Pick" Maule; Handicaps and Starting, Jack Thomas, Paul Hill and Ralph Imhoff; Prizes, Roy Stanton and Bob Taenzer; Publicity, Ed. M a rt i n; Secretary-Treasurer, Clint Laughlin.