2 minute read
JackDiorne, furtlitl*
Iacclcrtod und.r |h. bvr of Grlffctlr
J. C. Dt6!.r Pro. end Trur.; J. E Mrrdt' Yica'Prcl; A. C' Morryur+ Jr', Srcy' Publfuhcd thc lrt ud fi$ ol src'h nmth r! -:- --- -.-
!II.I'.20 CENTRAL BUILDING; LOS ANGEL^ES' q^h' TELEPH9NE-VANdIb '5'5 -- - -E"d-A--- S.*a-a* Fattor S.ptcnbGr a. -'Xb" 1t -tho--P^cto{trcr rt ---- -t-o.- fuictsr, Cdlfaah, undff Act ol Dt'rEh !' f&''
Subrcription Pricc, lalX| pGr Ycrt Sinllc Coplcr, 2i ccntr cech.
How Lumber Looks
Tbe California demand continuer light. Priccr arc be!1s firmly i.i",t.t"a duc to tihe heavy curtailment at the millc in th; Northwcat during thc part two rveeks-- b",rglt 6r cergo. -The-markct rhowed practically no "h""g.-d"ti"g the-part two wcckr. Priccr at the nrillr are nt-i""--d" atti' "l"ate are very rtrong-, vertical-grain fooring it rcarce. Unrold rtock on the dockr at San Pedro ;; a;;"-J durins the part two weekr, the rupplv of rome itcmr bcing cut down conridcrebly.
-- p""O"tfir rai-L The rail rnarket ir velv 6rm'- Dimenrion l" g.ttfit tcarcc and dl low grade stockc are hard to buy at thc mills.
- I-th prioec are firmcr. Shingler are ltrong and are verSr acarce
A new high record for volume of lumber orden uia! €'' tablirhed in-the reportr received by the Wect Coart Lumi"n;{ Asrociation from 18? rraior mills in the D,o*glas ' fit;"si; of Warhinglon, $eg-on and British Columbie for tU" *L[ "rding Sept] f 5. Totfu fromthe-rcportr of-the 1E7 -ittr to the ac;iation are as followt: Production; 1q!rq91'Ol0feet; Orden, 2O7,442rO33 feeti Shipm€nq l70r837''879 feet. Orderr rcported were 28.5 per cernt in excelr of production; and rhiphentr were 5.8- per cent over cutting' 5"iit-tU"tio"r"t"o-"ru rhown in orden reported from each ;a th; indurtry'r principal marketri railn -dbmertic.cargo' ;;p*t "rra toot, with &port and domertic cargo ehowing the largett increarer.
- Thr"t"d;;d market lhowl practically no change' The volume of busineas rernains about the ra'me.with pncel
3rn Frucirco OEcr tlt Slntr Muh. Bldt ll2 ltrrlct sr!..t Tcbrho Drrupct ml Southca OEco Ad Nrdod BrlL BLL. Hourtcr Tcnr
Advcrtiring Rrtcr on lrpplicrtior rteady. Stockr at thc nillr are lowcr tlran at thir tinrc lert v"- !ti"g to production curtailmcnt. The Cdifornie whitc l"a .,tg"r-plni martctl rcrnain 6nn; rtockr at thc millr arc brdlv f,toi"tt on romc items-bor and comriron lurnbcr arc moving in ratirfectory volurnc. - ri t -it 'it * *
,dccording to reportr to the National Lumbcr Manufacturer! Asoliation hom 855 eofrwood arrd hardwood millr' it-tb"t ordJr during the rek ended Septernber 15 reached . new high for tte year, Yrhich recorded new buri' nerr to the amount of 432r2ll'0(X) feeL tt" total softwood movement for the 6rrt 37 weekr of 1928 rhowc: Production' 1O,O87'O48 M feet; Shipmentr' 1017261504 M feet; Orderu, lOrE?7,628^M fect.
A"""tai"g to the report'the Wed Coact Lurnberraentr Asociatiqr-figurel for thir rame perod are: Prod'uction, 4r447,699 M feet; Shipmente, 417641874 M feet; Orders, 4'834,366 M fect
For the millr of the California White and Swar Pine Aerociation for thir period, the report rhowr: Prodirction' 974,728 M feet; Shipments, lrOOO,30O M feet; Orden' 984,223 M feet-
Fi"r. are tfie figurer for the Southern Pine Al' sociation for the 6rrt 37 weekr of the year: Production, 2r' 544,066 M feet; Shipmente, 2,74Org2O M feet; Order' 2,76637A M feet.
'fh" tot"f hardwood movement for the firat 37 weekr of 1928 ir as followr: Production, 1'831,515 M feet; Shipmentr, 1r913r8OZ M feet; Order, 119621263 M fcet.