OLD STRUCTURES fall beaten at last in a long fight against time and the elements. New structures rise builded of sterner stuff.
It is happy f.or us that the forerunners of our present day civilization have perfected a material with which we can build in the assurance that our works will endure.
Dailyrnew uses are found for Plastite-uses that contribute to safety and comfort and will impress upon a world that follows our induscy.
Use Plastite wherever Portland Cement is specified. Plastite is a waterproofed cement. It embodies all the inherent qualities of Portland Cement and in addition offers a positive and permanent resistance to watef.
Baxter, J. H.
Beebg W. M. ...
Sohnhoff, C. W.
Blinn, L. W., Lumber Co.
Bookstaver-Burns Lumber Co. ....,....
Booth-Kclly Lumber Co. .. ......
Brown, Geo. & Co.
Bro*rr, Rollins A- ..
Brown & Derry Lumber Co. ....,
Cadwallader-Gibson Co.....
California Panel & Veneer Co. ..
California Redwood Association
Central Coke & Coal Co.
Chamberlin & Co., W. R.
Chicag-o_Lumber Co. of Washington...
Consolidated Lumber Co.
Cooper Lumbcr Co.. W. E.

Coos Bay Lumber Co, ...
Cowan, H. V., Inc.
DaUas Machine & Locomotive Works..
Defiance Lumber Co. ...
Dewey-Bower Lumber Co.
Dodge Co., E. J.
Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co. .. ....
Eaglc Lumber Co.
El Rcy Ptoducts Co.
Fageol MoJors Company
Findlay Millar Timbir io.
Gaynor Mastcrs Lumber Co. Geiger, F.,
J. E MARTIN lluerbr Edtr
A.M.THACKABERRY Chculrdo llelrrr
A C. MERRYITIAT{eAnrUrbi Dluercr
W. T. BL/\CK Sel Frrndro Covcn Ncilrra CrU. ud Pu!ftc Ncthlrtt
JackDiorne, furtlitl*
Iacclcrtod und.r |h. bvr of Grlffctlr
J. C. Dt6!.r Pro. end Trur.; J. E Mrrdt' Yica'Prcl; A. C' Morryur+ Jr', Srcy' Publfuhcd thc lrt ud fi$ ol src'h nmth r! -:- --- -.-
!II.I'.20 CENTRAL BUILDING; LOS ANGEL^ES' q^h' TELEPH9NE-VANdIb '5'5 -- - -E"d-A--- S.*a-a* Fattor S.ptcnbGr a. -'Xb" 1t -tho--P^cto{trcr rt ---- -t-o.- fuictsr, Cdlfaah, undff Act ol Dt'rEh !' f&''
Subrcription Pricc, lalX| pGr Ycrt Sinllc Coplcr, 2i ccntr cech.
How Lumber Looks
Tbe California demand continuer light. Priccr arc be!1s firmly i.i",t.t"a duc to tihe heavy curtailment at the millc in th; Northwcat during thc part two rveeks-- b",rglt 6r cergo. -The-markct rhowed practically no "h""g.-d"ti"g the-part two wcckr. Priccr at the nrillr are nt-i""--d" atti' "l"ate are very rtrong-, vertical-grain fooring it rcarce. Unrold rtock on the dockr at San Pedro ;; a;;"-J durins the part two weekr, the rupplv of rome itcmr bcing cut down conridcrebly.
-- p""O"tfir rai-L The rail rnarket ir velv 6rm'- Dimenrion l" g.ttfit tcarcc and dl low grade stockc are hard to buy at thc mills.
- I-th prioec are firmcr. Shingler are ltrong and are verSr acarce
A new high record for volume of lumber orden uia! €'' tablirhed in-the reportr received by the Wect Coart Lumi"n;{ Asrociation from 18? rraior mills in the D,o*glas ' fit;"si; of Warhinglon, $eg-on and British Columbie for tU" *L[ "rding Sept] f 5. Totfu fromthe-rcportr of-the 1E7 -ittr to the ac;iation are as followt: Production; 1q!rq91'Ol0feet; Orden, 2O7,442rO33 feeti Shipm€nq l70r837''879 feet. Orderr rcported were 28.5 per cernt in excelr of production; and rhiphentr were 5.8- per cent over cutting' 5"iit-tU"tio"r"t"o-"ru rhown in orden reported from each ;a th; indurtry'r principal marketri railn -dbmertic.cargo' ;;p*t "rra toot, with &port and domertic cargo ehowing the largett increarer.
- Thr"t"d;;d market lhowl practically no change' The volume of busineas rernains about the ra'me.with pncel
3rn Frucirco OEcr
tlt Slntr Muh. Bldt
ll2 ltrrlct sr!..t Tcbrho Drrupct ml Southca OEco Ad Nrdod BrlL BLL. Hourtcr Tcnr
Advcrtiring Rrtcr on lrpplicrtior
rteady. Stockr at thc nillr are lowcr tlran at thir tinrc lert v"- !ti"g to production curtailmcnt. The Cdifornie whitc l"a .,tg"r-plni martctl rcrnain 6nn; rtockr at thc millr arc brdlv f,toi"tt on romc items-bor and comriron lurnbcr arc moving in ratirfectory volurnc. - ri t -it 'it * *
,dccording to reportr to the National Lumbcr Manufacturer! Asoliation hom 855 eofrwood arrd hardwood millr' it-tb"t ordJr during the rek ended Septernber 15 reached . new high for tte year, Yrhich recorded new buri' nerr to the amount of 432r2ll'0(X) feeL
tt" total softwood movement for the 6rrt 37 weekr of 1928 rhowc: Production' 1O,O87'O48 M feet; Shipmentr' 1017261504 M feet; Orderu, lOrE?7,628^M fect.
A"""tai"g to the report'the Wed Coact Lurnberraentr Asociatiqr-figurel for thir rame perod are: Prod'uction, 4r447,699 M feet; Shipmente, 417641874 M feet; Orders, 4'834,366 M fect
For the millr of the California White and Swar Pine Aerociation for thir period, the report rhowr: Prodirction' 974,728 M feet; Shipments, lrOOO,30O M feet; Orden' 984,223 M feet-
Fi"r. are tfie figurer for the Southern Pine Al' sociation for the 6rrt 37 weekr of the year: Production, 2r' 544,066 M feet; Shipmente, 2,74Org2O M feet; Order' 2,76637A M feet.
'fh" tot"f hardwood movement for the firat 37 weekr of 1928 ir as followr: Production, 1'831,515 M feet; Shipmentr, 1r913r8OZ M feet; Order, 119621263 M fcet.
Coos Bay Sells Great Tract of Port Orford
Cedar and Fir
The Western White Cedar Company, of Marshfield, Or9gon. makes announcement of the following facts, an-d F'
1.. W"rtt.t. executive head of the Coos Bay Lumber Comoanv. San Francisco, confirms the timber sale report:
a1'E'. Adelsperger, president of the Western White Cedar Comoanv. t"d Cl E. bant, of Portland, Oregon, President oi tne sieat lumber concern of Dant & Russell, Inc', have oersona"lly purchased from the Coos Bay Lumber Company a tract of *ot. than23,00O acres of timber land of that concern, comprising all of the Salmon Creek and Sixes River holdinss 6t ttrai concern. This was the bulk of the Port Orford"Cedar holdings of Coos Bay, th91e being on the land ourchased over 200,000,000 feet of Port Orford, and 900,bOO,Om feet of Douglas Fir. The purchase was princiP-ally made for the purpose of securing this great tract of Port Orford, the biggeJt tract of that famous timber in existence.

This deal makes the Western White Cedar Company the holder of approximately 450,000,000 feet of Port Orford Cedar, which is about two thirds of all of that kind of timber there is left on the face of the earth. Fort Orford white cedar grows nowhere else on earth except in that one district near the coast of Oregon, and it is one of the nation's rarest as well as most valuable woods. There is less than a billion and a half of this timber in existence.
The Western White Cedar Company likewise announces that in consideration of the mutality of interest now existing between themselves and Dant & Russell, they have placed the exclusive sale of their products in the hands of the latter concern, effective September first. Dant & Russell is a lumber merchandising firm of International scope and reputation.
Definitions frorn the Gaynor Masters Book of Rtr,les

Something a little better than you expect delivered when you want it at a reasonable price.
As direct representatives of a large group of Puget Sound mills we are particularly adapted to handle practically any kind of an order in Douglas Fir.
Our boat service insures the lumber trade of California a dependable supply-every four days a sail' ing leaves Puget Sound for California ports.
Our Sales Organization is always striving for a closer contact between the manufacturer and the retail dealer.
And our mills stand behind their stock.
When in need of lumber-call or wire us.
Random Editorial Ramblings
':,1;i' " '' ,-,,t ' .{'1 i ' i,
By Jack Dionne; "Why not keep our homes as up-to-date as our automG. biles ?" asks Forbes Magazine of business in a liner. etJitorial. Oh ! Mr. Forbes ! If you could get that idea into the minds, and then into the operations of the lumber industry, this would be the most'prosperous of all basic industries. Hard times would be gone forever, if we werb keeping the . homes of the land as up-to-date as the automobiles; if we were continually and eternally selling the public new ideas and new building things to modernize their homes; if we were thinking and planning and merchandising as the automobile people are merchandising. But we aren't. We aren't even starting at it.
Mr. Jones buys a new car. Sixty days later the maker of that same car has a new model on the market. There are little changes here and there, little niceties in the new car that were not in the old, things that catch the eye and create desire. And Jones WANTS THAT NEW MODEL. His own car isn't even broken in yet. ft possesses all the good qualities that caused him to buy it. BUT HE WANTS

TIIAT NEW CAR. And THAT is the craving that is making the automobile business the marvel that it is. And complete lack of any such thinking, planning, and merchandising, keeps the lumber O_""tl"t: :rmong the also-rans.
This fellow Jones probably lives in a home that is ten to twenty years old. It is probably just exactly like it was the day he bought it, with very fenr improvements. IT IS JUST AS FAR BEHIND THE TIMES PROBABLY AS AN AUTOMOBILE BUILT WHEN THE HOUSE WAS. Jones doesn't think of that. He thinks NEW AUTOMOBILE IDEAS because the automobile people keep a .continual parade of new things passing before him, dazzling him, rousing his craving for such things, appealing continually to his dollars.for exchange. He lives in the 1915 model home because no one is making him think HOME IMPROVEMENT.. No one is showing him HOME IMPROVEMENTS. No one is telling his wife the wonderful little things that could be done to her home to make it more homelike, more practical, more liveable, more loveable to her, savingher steps and effort, giving her new pride in her dwelling. ***
If the lumber industry had any coordinated brains, it would invest its trade- extension money in a tremendous campaign to do just what Mr. Forbes juggest"--ake the homes of this land as modern as the automobiles, and keep them that way. It CAN be done. It wouldn't even be difficult. The need is so great, the opportunity hinges ,on that great human interest-HOME-that it would start easily, and gather momentum like the*proverbial snowball.
"V/hy don't the lumber dealers follow that advice?" asked a lumber manufacturer, when I talk that idea to him. Rats ! Do you think the automobile business is thriving because the dealer is selling the public on automobiles? Is that it? Or is it because away back at the very foundations of the industry, they are preparing, and thinking, an6 financing, and building this great merchandising campaign? Engineers work tirelessly and continuously, giving their genius to CREATING NEW IDEAS THAT WILL APPEAL TO THE PUBLIC CRAVING FOR 'NEWER AND
MORE COLORFUL THINGS. The thing is all donei when it reaches the dealer. All he has to dJis couple up' with it, and grab the great tide of business. No, friend, it, isn't the dealer's job to "1" Ihi"* industry.
If such thinking, such preparing, such engineering ef. fort, such creative genius, such financing and such mer. chandising, were found in the lumber industry, it would get up and fly. Enough money is being spent for trade extensi,on, work in the country to do the trick. But it isn't being spent that way. Following successful examples is not one of the wise traits of the lumber industry. We aren't any nearer. meeting this automobile competition today than we were fifteen years ago. And the fifteen million 1910 model homes in the United States continue to be 1910 model. We could have a prosperous year without selling a single new building, if we lived up to our*op*poTunities. But we won't.
So let's talk of something else. Laminated lumber, for instance. Somehow, that thing has a great appeal to me, as one department of the industry that is sure progressing. They are making beautiful boards as wide as five feetstout, perfect, beautifully grained. In thousands of ways will such boards be used, where without them there would be cutting, and matching and fitting and nailing and splicing in an effort to secure a great, smooth, stout wooden surface. There is certainly a great future to that business. The low value materials make up the core, the beautiful grain finish is the surface, and usefulness and beauty are the result'
In California wood is being put to a great and good use in heavy surface indoor foors, and that industry should be followed everywhere. California uses Redwood blocks, which have no resinous or other sappy contents. Not only the great factories and warehouses are putting in these foors and using them with great success, but many other buildings, such as country club and golf club locker rooms, where such a floor is ideal for golf shoe nails.
My personal opinion is that the Philippine Mahogany case was rather crudely handled, all around. They went through all those long hearings, and, so far as I can discover by skipping through the testimony, no one ever seemed to think of what seems to a business mind to be the most important question at issue, and one that should have been settled FIRST, namely, are there species of the Mahogany family in the Philippines? I won't state positively that that question was never brought up, but I can't find that it ever was. It's true that the particular species they were most interested in do not claim to be Meliaceae. But if there ARE species of Meliaceae in the Philippincs' that is, if there ARE Philippine Mahoganies, then it would be impossible to outlaw the term "Philippine M3hogany". And since it would require a botanial expert, with lenses, etc., to tell the difference between many of these woods that ARE and those that are NOT of that family; and since the average lumber buyer has not such botanist in his organization, the effort to separate Meliaceae from nonMeliaceae would be too great for anyone to tackle. We now believe that there. are a great number of Meliaceae trees in (Continued on Page 8.)
Spectfy lteGorrntelc lumber .. any size of ggade!
IIVERY possible lumber requirement within the range of West Coast woods can be had from McCormick. Correctly graded and delivered to you.

A lumber senrice all inclusive . . . ouf own timber standsr l"ggrg
c.rmps, four mills cutting 11200,000 feet per &yrfully-equipped treating plant, md fleet of coastal and inter-coastal vessels. In addition, our rail departrnent is well eq"ip-
ped to grr" fast service on orders for California and Arizona points. For lmore than a quarter cenfrryrMcCormick has built up and mainained a dependable lumber service. . . dependable quality; de pendable deliveries.
You can profit by this senrice. Let our representativequote you on straight or mixed cars. Or ask our nearest sales ofrce.
Ghas. R. McGorrnlck Lunter Go.
&clusb,e Califurnia distributors for Weyahcteuser Fir Flofing
SALES OFFICES: San Frcncisco-2l5 Marhet Stterl; Darcnwt |SOO. Ias AngeIs-77O0 Lane Mortgage Bailding; Tnnity 5241 Plroenk:C. P.Henty,rcpraentatite,423 Head Building. MILIS: St.Helens,Orccorr; Port Ltdlopand Port Gamble, Washingtott. TREATING PI-ANT: St. He6ns, Orcson. PLANING MILIS: SanDiqo. DISTRIBUTION YARDS: Vilningt6a od tun Diego. Douglac Flr . Gedar . Spruce . Eenlocl,
Random Editorial Ramblings Nearly Three Million Feet of
(Continued from Page 6)
the Philippines, that some of them are big, beautiful, useful woods, and piled in a pile few living men can tell them from their sister woods that are NOT from that same family. It looks like "Much ado about nothing", as Mr. Shakespearesaid.
Here is a good thought for us to ask ourselves, rather frequently: are we paying our way through life, or are 'we trying to get a free ride? Because the world doesn't owe us a living; ur€ owe the world a life. And it's payable daily. Not annually, or when we get more time, or in that future that's "just around the corner". It's payable every day, just as much for every man as for the Boy Scout who looks about to do his daily good deed.
Chas. R. McCormick, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., San Francisco, was a recent Los Angeles visitor where he spent a few days conferring with officials of their $outhern Califor,riia operations.

' Girth G. Beyer, Los Angeles representative for Sudden & Christenson, has recently returned from a two weeks' va-' cation spent at the mills at Willapa llarbor.
Lumber in Million Dollar Pier
Washington, D. C., Sept. 4.-Bids opened for Long Beach, California, Thursday, for the lumber built municipal pleasure pier, were based on specifications- calling f.ot American-Standard Lumber. Grades will be based on the requirements of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association Griding Rules. Select structural grades required lp?-r-oqr: mated 1,119,000 ft., b. m.; No. 1, eommon Grade, 1,516,000 ft. b. m. and round piling 124,W lineal feet.
The Western Division office of the National Association cooperated with the city engineers and furnished them such inf6rmation and material .as necessary to enable them to draw the desired specifications. Altho-ugh the material specified will cost appioximately $3,350 more than the specifications first consi-d-ered by the engineers, the small addition to the cost is expected- to resuli in a far more serviieable municipal structure.
The total cost of the new pier, which will extend 3,800 feet in horseshoe shape, will bl about $1,200,000. An auditorium is to be built bn an 8-acre fill within the shoe.
The ielephone numbers of the Santa Fe Lumber Cg.,-!an Francisco,-have been changed to Kearney 2074 and 2075,
We have manufactured and installed PACIFIC Tanks, Pipe and Vatg for mining and milling companies, irrigation distriits, etc., continuously since 1888. If you have a problem let our engineers help you.
Send for catalogs, prices and" information.
The very thought of building confuses the average man. YOUR job is to bring order-and orders---out of this confusion.

-9O Percent or More Red Heart
-100 Percent Oil Content
Genuine Tcnneree Aronatic Red Cedar, accurately manufactured, tonguc and grooved and end matched. Cortr no morc than unknown brands. Madc by George C. Brown & Co., Memphir, world'r largert manufacturer of TenBeascc Aromatic Rcd Ccdar.

Scaled in double-face 6brc board cartonr againrt durtn dirt, dempner or darnrge in rhipping or rtoragc.
For circular and quotation addrcss:
I.OS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO Distributors for Distributors for Southern California Northern Catif ornia
The investncnt spotlight of thc natlon ie today tuned upon ls An3clee' grot indurtrl,al Eut Slde. Thc eetabllshment of giut ladueh,lcr bu, ln turn, funbhcd cnplolment to rrmy tboucudt of gkillcd wckers. Tber people have cxprcaqcd g dealre lo Ilve neu their enploymcnt. A new city bu eome into bcing.
Pacific-Goodrich Rubber Cmrpany, Willys-Overbnd Comgmy, Kittinger Furniture Cmpuy-furt a few of the Eut Side lnductrial gimtr pickcd at rudoh. Millioc tlrcady investcd ln East Sidc industrial Los Angeler ud nce milliqs arc on thc way.
That meana more wks-and nqe homes!
807 PacificrSouthwest Bank Bldg. LOS ANGELES, CALIF.
TUckcr 5918
Exclurivc Southern Crlifornie and Arizonr Rcprcrcntativcr for thc
WESTERN WHITE CEDAR CO. Marrhfield, Oregon
Cargo and Rail Shipments
{!d now concc the annuncement that the old Rtspetto Rmcho, l55t aru, the nuest bqdq-line being wttlir 1% miler of tAe city hall, ir to be placed upon tte mket by the J. B. Rurcm Ccpcation-the rganiation which bu developed Bandini, Montebello Puk and Mutebcllo Puk Golf Club unit+ll letcd m the East Side nw Repetto Rucho. Firrt how*cr, cmcr the public ryndlcate offering. Rcpetto Lmd Trut Certificrter rc belng ptaccd In thc luds of iBvestc! in denmlnatioe of $rc0, $m and tr,ooe.
Jugt think ! Aftcr thc retum of thc Invelthmt, wlth lntcrert ctch Repltto Lud Truct Ccrtlllcatc wlll havc an addltioel pric participatlm ln tlc profltr to thc Gxtcnt o{ l0o pcr ent.
F. M, "Cappy" Sladc, llfc-lmg Loo Angctca lunbcm, hu tloght highly enogb o{ the oppdtunlty trcentcd to tavc the lumbcr burlrcu ud take up the ule of tlcc ccrdflotcr.
610 Natimal City Buk Btdg., Lc Angeles, Calif.
Withot tbe slightert obligation, pleue tell me nrc abot I ReFtto Lud Trust Certlfiete..

Southern California
Incorporated Feb. 14, 19Og
Going and Coming
W. L. Rawn, secretary of the Western Door Manufacturers' Association, and oi the recently formed Douglas Fir Plywood Institute, with headquarters in Tacoma, rvas a recent visitor to California.
Mr. Rawn was called to Los Angeles by his mother's death, attending her funeral oh Septemb er 17. He then went ahead with the business trip he had planned to make to Los Angeles and San Francisco, before returning to Tacoma.
George R. Kendrick, Coast territory salesman for the cargo department of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., San-Francisco, will be back on the job October l, from a vacation spent around the Monterey Peninsula.
A. C. Horner, manager of the 'Western Division of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, returned to San Francisco September 22, from a trip to Portland and Klarnath Falls.
W. D. Dunning, sales manager of The Little River Redwood Co,, San Francisco, recently spent a week in Los Angeles. where he conferred with W. R. Chanrberlin & Co., Sodthern California agents for his comPany.

George Cornitius, of the George C. Cornitius Hardwood Co., Inc., San Francisco, left September 23 to attend the annual confrention of the National Hardwood Lumber Association at Memphis, Tenn., September 27 and,28. Mr. Cornitius intends to visit some of the Southern Hardwood ceniers and will be awav about two weeks.
L. G. Lynch, Assistant Manager of the L. W. Blinn Lumber Company, Los Angeles, has returned from a two weeks' automobile trip up through the redwood country. Mr. Lynch stopped at Palo Alto to get a line on Stanford's football prospects for 1928.
G. F. Grant, who has been at the Baypoint office of the Coos Bay Lumber Co. for some time has been moved to the company's San Francisco office, where he is in charge of barges and tow boats.
Roy Stanton, President of E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, who attended the National Hardwood Lumber Association Convention at Memphis, is extending his trip to New York and Detroit before returning to Los Angeles. He is accompanied by Mrs. Stanton.
Telegraph and Telephone Poles
Lumber - Ptling
Oak Floors
" mad'e" these f,ouses
The exterior beauty of these lovely homcs is canied into the intcrior throuch the u* of "Perfection" Brand Oak Flooring.
You -can depend upon "Perfectim." In modern plants operated by .lailted lnmharmen ^nlw the finest mk is selected. Aftcr orooer season- Skilled lumbCrmen, only the ek Altcr propet s€asoninc and kiln-drvirig. ii is perfectly milled and matched 30 that it lays sriooth and stays -smoth. - It is graded and bandled so carefully -that upon anival anywhere, it is alwayi in perfect condition. I*ading lum' bir dealers gladly feature this nationally advcrtised brand.
Thue's a sise and gnde for evcry structure' tm or old. Write todal for fdt Particxlars'
Creosoted Wood Block Floors \. WE OPERATE OUR OWN
Which Means Abcolute Service and Satisfaction.

Peter C. McNevin
Thc old gag to the effect that "nobody loves a fat man", is just a gag, and that's all If thcre is anyone in the State of California that tears that old idea to tatters and throws the pieces in various and sundry directions, it's the object of these perg pertinent, and impqrtinent rernarks.
This picture that you see here is the first one we ever grabbed of this fat, forty, and forceful gentleman It's Peter C. McNevin, himself. They call him Pete for short. They call him lots of other things, too, but Pete will do for tlis present purpose.
Who is he? Be yourselfl ff you don't know, then you don't know your Cdifornia lumber. That's all.
He was born forty years ago right there on the foge of San Francisco Bay, and for twenty four consecutive years he has been working for and with a great and progressive Redwood manufacturing concern, The Pacific Lumber Company. And our personal opinion that might as *ell be expressed right here is that much of the reason why that concern is great and still more of the reason why it is progressive, is because of the punchfullness and virility of this go-gctting persol, Pete McNevin. You couldn't keep him down with a battery of clubs, and he contaminates everyone around him with that spirit of DOING things, regardless of tradition, or preceden! or anjr other of the ruts that rnost people ride in.
He started with Pacific when he was sixteen years of age, ,!d now he's forty. IIe's not w-hat you'd exactly call a changeable person. fle's been ct-mbing the ladder every year from the day they hired him. And he hasn't done it by deliberate ladder-climbing. He didn't even know he was on a. ladder. He knew he had a job, and he went to work with restless etrergy and limitless' enthusiasm to find out the -wliy and how and when that would make his job show results. And he did the same with each successive job.
_ Tofa;r _he's_ the big gun in the big San Francisco offices of the company. He is General -Sales Manager there. They sell their lumber in the east through i separate corporalioq The Pacific Lumber Company, of Illinois. He is President of that coipora- tiqr. He is a Director in the Redwood Export Company, and likewise in The Redwood Manufacturers Association.
He works like Helen B. Happy in every one of his jobs, offices, and activities. And ho is a progrcssive among the progrecsives. If the lumber industry had Pete McNevins sc-attered freely throughout its ranks there would never be any m6etings held to decide what's the matter with the industry. There would never be anything the matter. Pacific Lumber- Company productr arc well made. Also, they are well solil, well merchandis€d, and well serviced. They go at their work in game fashion. They know it costs tloney and requires time and efrort to create markets, and they go after lheir new marbetr with that assumption- They have done much to extend thq markets and uses of Redwood in the last few years.
You could writc a lot of stuff about Pete McNevin, and not slop over, nor overstep thc_ truth. ,I!e iq a Fo_yerful lov_eable, honorable, useful-perso4 as wlU as being forcefdl and most ably able. He has a fine past behind hirrr. and a crcat future before f,irn His vis-ion fg surltasset the-general vision of the industry. And besides, he's a loyal cmpl,oyee, a derrotion-getting employer, and a_ friend you can pin your faith tb. Ta&e it all &ouna, he is a very worth wtrile Shanty-Irishman.
J. M. Montgomery, Berkeley, representative of the Silver Falls Timber Company, Silverton, Ore., and the International Lumber Co., Portland, Oregon, traveled recently from Portland to Oakland by Pacific Air Transport plane. This plane on arrival in the Bay district lands the m;il at Crissy Field, and then lands passengers at the Oakland airport.
Mr. Montgomery, lvho was returning from a business trip to Oregon, reports that he found the air trip a very interesting one.
Fire, believed to have been of incendiary origin caused a loss estimated at more than $25,000 to the lumber yard and planing mill of J. H. Kruse, San Francisco, September 18.
Denver Taylor, well-known in California, and until recently sales manager of the 'Westwood Lumber Co., 'Wheeler, Ore., has moved to Lake, Miss., where he will sell Yellow Pine.

Here ir the

l-No. 42 R_eturnKitchenCupboardRSXorlJX. l-No. 18 Cooler Standard 2l in. d""p.
f -N". - 54 Kitchen_Cupboard-Standard. | -Pr. 24 in. Wing-Soaps and Apron.
l-No. 26 Shelf Unit LEO or REO. l-No. l-14 COWAN lroning Board. l-No' 26 DrawerUnit' r-No. ,r,u t.r,t;)&t13:,: D' c' Plain Plate Medicine cabinet'
We offer the attractive line of Cowan Standardized Built-ln Cabinets illustrated above for display . gse in yo_ur office or warehouse, at surprisingly low cost. This is the pick of our line in popr- ' larity and turnover. Write today for attractive introductory ofier and complete catalogue.
List of Meliaceae (Mahogany) Family Growing in Philippines
By Jack DionneOur recent editorial on the Phillippine Mahogany sub- MALASAGING; A. elaeagnoides Benth MATAMATA; ject has stirred up a whole lot of interest. Several re- A. everettii Merr. BULOG; A. harmsiana Perk. MALAquests have corne from hardwood men for a list of the TUMBAGA; A. laevigata Merr. GISIHAN; A. llanosiana Meliaceae in the Phitippines, so, as there are probdbly C.DC. BAYANTI; A. multifoliola Merr. KANSULUD; many others who w,ould like the same information, we A. turczaninowii C.D.C. SALAMUNGI x. take pleasure in printing it. Our authority is the same Genus AMOORA, with five or more species, the prinquoted from in our September 15th issue, "Commercial cipal of which is A. aherniana Merr. KATO x. Woods of the Philippines; their Preparation and lJses," Genus APHANOMYXIS, the chief species of which is by E. E. Schneider, 'Wood Expert, Bureau of Forestry A. cumingiana Ffarms SALAKIN. of the Philippine Islands. This book was printed in 1916 Genus AZADIRACHTA, the chief of which is a big and by the Philippine Bureau of Forestry, and in the introduc- useful tree, A. integrifoliola Merr. MARANGGO. tion in the front of the book W. F. Sherfesee, Director of Genus DYSOXYLUM, of which there are about 25 Forestry at that time at Manila presents,to "wood users all species, the better known ones being: D. decandrum Merr. over the world' complete and authentic information con- x. AGARU; D. euphlebium Merr. MIAO; D. turczaninowii cerning the woods of the Philippine Archipelago either C.D.C. KAYATAU x.
now in use in commercial quantities or which, if their qualities were better known, would make such a place for themselves."
Under the title "MELIACEAE," Mr. Schneider lists eight Genus of the family. He likewise lists under the various Genus heading the better known species of each Genus, where there are more than one, as in most cases. A general description is given of each Genus, and where species are listed, the particular tree is also described, the total being too long for this space. We will simply give the Genus and Species, which are as follows:
Genus AGLAIA, with about FIFTY Species, of which the following are listed: A. bicolor Merr. BATUKANAG; A. clarkii Merr. TUCANG-CALAO: A. diffusa Merr.
Forrest 'Wilson, The Little River Redwood Company, San Francisco, hap returned from his vacation.
C. C. Bird, Stockton Lumber Co., Stockton, was a visitor to the San Francisco Bay District early in September. When in Oakland he attended the meeting of the East Bay IJoo Hoo Club.
Genus SANDORICUM, of which there are two well known species: S. koetjape Merr. SANTOL; S. vidalii Merr. MALASANTOL.
Genus TOONA, three species of which the first is one of the best known trees of the islands: T. calantas Merr. & Rolfe CALANTAS; x. T. febrifuga Harms; T. paucijuga Merr.
Genus XYLOCARPUS, three or four. species, of which two are well known: X. granatum Koen. PIAGO; X. obovatus A. Juss. TABIGI.
This list shows that at least ninety and perhaps'many more species of the Meliaceae or Mahogany family grow in the Philippines. The book quoted from shows a photograph of a cross-section of each of the better known Genus.

The Standard Planing Mill of Fresno suffered a loss estimated at $4O,00O, September 18, by fire of unknown origin.
Jack Norton, Norton-Phelps Lumber Co., Santa Cruz, was the victim of a nasty accident recently when he caught his hand in one of the machines in the mill, sustaining the loss of two fingers.
R edurrrrr.l has a 1'eal Sales Sto15r
o. f,TrE Jfou tetlin$ 7a?
The combined qualities that recommend California Redwood for exterior and interior home construction are found in no other species. Each quality forms a new sales story for the retail lumber dealer to tell his customer.
In your community newhomes are being built and many others corltemplated. 'How many are and will be Redwood homes? Are these prospeets fully aequainted with the adaptability of Redwood for home construetion? Have you told them the Redwood story?

Redwood homes in your dis. trict are permanent records in your favor. Redwood sales build profit in dollars and good will, a profit you should not be missing.
Redurood ls a I/ersatile Wood
For home exteriors, Redwood has no equal. Roofs, walle and founda. tions of Redwood will rerve without attention forgenerations. Itedurability is inherent.
For the home interior Redwood responds to itE fullest beauty. Sand etching brings out thc depth of grain-handhewn bearrrs give character antl personalitypaneled walls impart distinction and provide a restful baekground of richness and quality-in antique treatment Red. wood proves a maetermedium.
Pacific National Specializes in Maranggo Maho gany---Says Identical With Tobasco
"'We have known for years that Maranggo is genuine Mahogany, and I have sold it as such," said Lawrence Kunkler, owner and operator of a new wholesale hardwood yard at 2059 East 51it Street, Los Angeles. Mr. Kunkler was with the Wilson Hardwood Company for the past four and a half years, and previous to that he was in the hardwood business in Southern Indiana. When Wilson sold out several months ago, Mr. Kunkler decided to go in business for himself. He leased a very good plant at ihe address given, and has a very good stock of domestic and foreign hardwoods already in stock.
But it is the Philippine Mahogany angle that is particul- arly interesting just at this time. Mr. I(unkler slys that more than four years ago he became interested in Maranggo, a little known wood of the Philippines, and had its botanical family certified by experts. He says that both the Department of Commerce and the Smithsonian Institute_r_eported that Maranggo was of the Family Meliaceae, the Mahogany. They likewise discovered, he says, that in appearance and character it is apparently identical with Tobasco_Mahogany, of Central America. Expert Mahogany users of Southern California assured themselves of the Charagter of this wood, and since that time much Maranggo has been imported and used in this territory.
u1{t01{ IUMBER C0.
Member California Redwood Arcociatioa
Crockcr Building
Phonc Suttcr 6170
Lanc Mortgegc Bldg.
Phonc TRinity 22t2
Adequatc rtoragc rtocl et San Pedro
For instance, the furniture in the new Roosevelt Hotel, in Hollywood, is solid Maranggo. So is that in the May- florver Hotel, Los Angeles, the Pickwick Hotel, at San Diego, and the Flintridge Hotel, Pasadena. In Tijuana, Mexico, several of the biggest resorts have their fixtures and trim entirely of Maranggo, while a new place in Los Angeles, called Jake's Place, on Sunset Boulevard, is of Maranggo. The Anderson Company, of Los Angeles, furniture manufacturing institution owned by Barker Brothers, have made and sold much Maranggo furniture. So have Schiefer & Son, of San Diego, and Acme Fixture Store Company, of Los Angeles.
Mr. Kunkler is a Maranggo enthusiast. He believes it to be one of the most beautiful and useful of cabinet woods, and practically identical with some of the so-called "true" Mahoganies.
This is one of the rvoods The California Lumber Merchant recently named and pictured, to show that there IS Mahogany in the Philippines.
llong-Bell Sold Big Stand of California Pine
Announcement was made recently at Longview, Wash., by J. D.Tennant, general manager of the Long-Bell Lumber Co. that they had sold 600,000,000 feet of standing California Pine timber in Klamath and Lake counties, Olegon, to the Lamm Lumber Co., of Modoc Point, Oregon. This timber.was purchased by the Lamm Co. for reserve supply.

W. R. Chamberlin Jr.
Barbara C
Head Oftce
618 Matron Bldg. SAN FRANCISCO
2E2 Chanber of Commcrce BIdg.
PORTLAND-Paci6e BIds. sElrrrs;whitG Brds.
Whe_n a gggd man makes a _gooC effort to sell I good product to good people with good credit-business is good.'
The location of our yards and good climate produce excel[ent results with air drying of McCloud Shevlin Pine.
*Co-mon Grades Only (All Shop & Btr. Kitn Dried)
V. G. KAIIMAhI, Salcs Mgr.
L S. TURNBULI" Asr't Salec Mgr.

Terse and Interesting Facts
McCormick Interests Push "Business is Good" Mill Sidelines at St. Helens Says'C. C. Bohnhoff
The McCormick lumber interests are pretty firmly of the opinion that the side lines to the sawmill business in the 'West are preferable to the business itself, and they base that opinion on their early results of manufacturing "sawmill side lines", you might call them, in their big sawmill town at St. Helens, Oregon.
The St. Helens Pulp & Paper Company, which operates a big pulp and paper mill there from sawmill waste, is one of the most successful operations in the Northwest, and is making splendid profits on splendid paper. One of their latest lines of endeavor is manufacturing cement sacks from Craft paper. The demand for these-sacks has been increasing steadily, and many large cement firms in California and elsewhere are shipping their product in these strong and practical sacks. They have a special plant for making these cement sacks, and are now erecting-an additional and. separate plant for manufacturing smaller sacks for general c,ommercial use. Every department of.this paper business is flourishing and prosperous.
"We have had a very satisfactory summer volume of business.,. and look hopefully into the approaching winter season," says C. C. Bohnhoff, son and partner of-C. W. Bohnho{, big hardwood wholesalers of Los Angeles. The Bohnhoff yard on Alameda street is one of the best located lumber yards in the city for reaching all sorts of trade, and is always a hive of industry.

C. W. Bohnhofi started in the lumber business in Los Angeles twenty-nine years ago, working for the late E. JStanton. He started in business for himself at his present location in 1910, his son joining forces with him after the war, and taking a constantly increasing load from the shoulders of the elder man. They handle a general line of foreign and domestic hardwoods, as well as white and Sugar Pine.
G. N. Railroad Will Build Line to E. K. Wood Mill
Now they are preparing to build a plant to manufacture It is announced that construction of the Great Northern what they iall Fii-Tix, a-wall and buiiding board made en- Railroad extension to the sawmill of the E. K. Wood Lumtirely oui of sawmill refuse, bark, knots] trimml"gs ana ber Co. at Burrows B1)', 1ea_r_A_11corJe;, will start at onceedgiir_gs. _ Tttg board is much like other insulatini wali At the same time the E. K. Wood Lumber..Co. will go boirdl, dark in color, and stands up to wonderful" tests. ahead with the construction of a planing mill, a batteiy The Fir-Tex Insulating Board Compiny is a new .otfor.- of- six dry kilns, and large dry. and loading sheds, plans for tion being organized t-o build the ;la;t and. manufa"t.rre which were completed some time ago. llris product, and they expect e.t en bigger things from FirTex than they do from the paper mill.
Mr. chas. R. Mccormick expresses the opinion that the
DiamOnd Match Takin$ Over
day will come when they will grind up, not only their NeW YafdS refuse, but their low grade logs as well, in the Pacifii North-
r \.rv YY t aL lru west, and that they can make them into boarcl and into /' The Diamond Match Company has been very busy for paper to better advantage than cutting them into low grade ln. p".Li,r "*J.[. i"r.i"g o.r'.,i ii-,. pnyiicat afiairs of their lumber. - (
There is another plant at st. Helens.they cau.the St. L"#l",th:iltff:ffiTtT."#?frff"ht$',$:ttitrof,S1$;; Helens Wood Products tCompany, rVhich manufactures frbm thi Tilden LumLei 6; n4iff -o-p""y: The trans"fer D-o-uglas Fir into broom handlei, and is doing a big volume was a little slower than anticip"t.a, ""i it will be October of business. 1 before all the transfers have been efiected.
Oncofa scries ofadvcrtiscmcnts now sclling th;idce of "Maplc Floors in Color" to thc millions who read Hduse Bcautiful, Arts & Dccoration, Homc Building, Amcrican Buildcr, Amcrican Homcs, Architcitural Forum. Architectural Rccord. Building Age, National Rcal Estatc Jouraal, Pacific Coast Architcct, Thc Small Homc.
eve aaed
Mcmbcrs of the Maplc Flooring Manufacturcrs Association erc :
Cobbs & Mitchcll, Ioc. C.dilla, tr{ich.
Coooor, R. Compeoy Mrshficld, Wis, Cmmcr-DiggiosCoopoy Cedillec,Micb.
Flmncr Cooproy Blackwcll, Wis.
Fostcr-Letimir iumbct Co. Mellcn, Wis.
-Hol. He_dw@d CooFst -_ Ocooto, Wis.
Iodieor Floriog Compmy, Ncw Ymk, N. Y. (Mill et Rccd Citv- Mich-\
Koiclmd-Bigclow iomp-y' Bey City, Micb. Koelmd.MiLug Lun6.. Co. i'hilliis, wis.
Mitchcll Bro.bcrs Compaay, Cedillac, Mich,
Nicbols & Clr Lumbcr to.'Grod Repids, Micb.
Notth Brmcb Flmtiog Co. Clicego, Ill.
Northwcscm Coxretc & Luobcr Compeny- Gledrooc, Mich.
Orgood a Btodgc'tt lfug. Co. St. Paul, Mioo.
Ovrl Wood Dish Corrcretioo ' Tuppcr Lelc, N, Y. Robbios Ftoring Compeoy d[ioclaodcr, Wis. Sewycr Goodmeo Combaoy Merioccrc, Wis. Soluobcr Cooprnv' ' Gliddcn, wis. Stcpbcnson, l. Co. Trustcca Wclls, Micb, W;d Brorhcr3 Big R.pi&, Mich. Wclls,J.W. Lumbcr Caopot, Mcoooiocc,Mich. Itt ou Scmicc andReuarcbDaletmcnt astitt lot witb yu fooring poblcms. llritc ttr.
In any selling field, the road to profirs lies in the good will which has been created in the public mind. We've paved thar road for rhe man who handles Northern Hard Maple Flooring.
Month after month, we have been telling-and are conrinuing to tell-the home builders, real esrare operators and architects of America the powerful story of "Maple Floors in Color."
Month after month, we are smashiag home the advantages of Northern Hard Maple to industrial executives, flour mill owners, school board members, hotel operators, hospital superintendenrs, building managers.
The great story of Maple is yoar story-as well as ours. It paves the road tolou profits. You know that you can do your customers no greatef sefvicc than sclling thcm genuine Northern Hard Maple Flooring-and that you profit substantially by doing that scrvice. Why not join us in thc boosting of this forcmost of flooring materials? Why not ride, with us, on this well-paved road ro profits. Talk Northcrn Hard Maplc!

1788 McCormick Building, Cbiczgo, Illinoit
Hoo Hoo News
The Orange Belt Hoo Hoo Club held their annual meeting at the San Bernardino Vallev Countrv Club on Friday, September 21.
A golf tournament was held in the afternoon over the Country Club's course in which the following participated: Dee Essley, Duff llansen, Glenn Fogleman, Earl Galbraith, Homer Wilson, R. B. Saucke, C. E. Peterson, Ralph Fell, A. W. Donovan, Richard Loveday, W. B. Wickersham, Roy Sandefer, V. W. Grubbs, Jt., H. H. Spaulding and J. E. Martin.

Dinner was served in the Club House at7:N p.m. About fifty were present. Following the dinner the winhers of the golf tournament were announced: Low Gross, Dee Essley, a $10.00 money order donated by the Riverside Portland Cement Co.; Second Low Gross, Homer Wilson, golf club donated by the Cresmer Manufacturing Co.; Low Net, V. W. Grubbs, Jr., a dozen golf balls, donated by the California Door Co.; Second Lorv Net, Richard Loveday, dozen golf balls, donated by the Schumacher Wall Board Corp.
The following officers were elected to serve for the com' ing year: President, Roy Sandefer, Dill Lumber Company, Arlington; Vice President, J. W. Bowman, Bowman-Johnson Lumber Co., Redlands; Homer Wilson, Cresmer Manufacturing Co., Riverside; Secretary-Treasurer, H. H. Spaulding, Hemet; Ed. Suverkruft, San Bernardino; Wesley Shrimp, Riverside and Dee Essley, Ontario, were elected to serve as directors.
Charles C. Adams, Adams Lumber Co., San Bernardino, was recommended for Vicegerent Snark of the Orange Belt District for the ensuing year.
Vicegerent Snark Dee Essley and the members of his Nine had charge of the Concatenation. The following Kittens were initiated: Stephen L. Gill, John Suverkrup, Riverside; Joseph M. Glines, Manor T umber Co., Rialto; Holly G. Sargent, Hansen Lumber Co., Fontana.
_ Harry V. Hanson, president of the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club, announces that Boyd Comstock, head coach at the Los Angeles Athletic Club, will address the Club at the next luncheon on Thursday, October 4. His subject will be "Staleness in Football." A big crowd is expbcted to attend.
President lfanson has arranged for a fine list of speakers for the fall months on topical subjects that will -be of great interest to the Club membership.
_ Cl"q Fraser, retiring president of East Bay Hoo Hoo Club No. 39, was made the recipient of a handiome traveling kit as a token of the club's appreciation of his work in the. last -y9ar, at the regular monfh-ly dinner meeting of the club, held at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland, Septem- ber 11.
Clem turned the gavel over to his successor, H. S. Morton, of Hill & Morton, Inc.
Mr. Morton appointed the following chairmen of committees: Program, George Troth, Boulevard Mill & Lumber Co.; Finance, C. I. Gilbert, Eureka Mill Lumber Co.; Attendance, H. D. Cook, Western Door & Sash Co., and Reception, Charles Lamb.
Songs and stories by a professional entertainer were enjoyed, and later in the evening Nels Quist, Quist Brothers & Co., Hayward, led the crowd in comr4unity singing.
The president annorrnced that the directors intended to discuss at an early date the matter of holding some of the club's meetings at various points in the East Bay territory, and said that it was suggested that the next meeting would be held at lfavward.
W. J. McAvoy has been elected president of the Hilt Hoo Hoo Club. R. E. Short has been elected vice president and E. E. Vail, secretary-treasurer. The directors are: P. W. Foster, C. W. Hebard, P. M. Lyon, A. C. Olson and G. B. Bump. R. E. Boyd has been nominated for vicegerent snark.
The winners of the Fred Roth Cups for the two California Clubs having the best attendance during the_past Hoo Hoo year will be announced rn the October 15th issue.
Ug*, m
Out of every dollar of premium investment in Lumber Mutual Insurance, 22/2 cents goes for operating expens€ and 39Vz cents for losses. Insurance cost is thus 62 cents or 62/o. If insgrance were provided at cost, the dividend therefore would be 38%. The average dividend paid is 40/o, so that ultimate cost to policy-holder is 2% less than actual insuring costs. Other income, from investment of surplus, etc., makes it possible to pay 40lo dividend and also add 5/o to the surplus held for protection of policy' holders. Your 100% premium therefore grows to 107/o in protection and dividends.
Lumber Mutual Insurance is the best insurance investment a lumberman can buy, backed by resources and a reputation which guarantee prompt payment of losses.
Ask ang of our comPanies about the protection provided by our policies, about our fire preztention seraice, about our diaidends, and about the actual cost of Lumber Mutual Insurance.
John W. Koehl @ Son, Inc.

SINCE 1-gr1-2
Your Business'Needs Exercise
A lot of trouble in this world is caused by what the doctors call an "anaemic" condition-run down-sort of weak and wobbly. It's a shape that's easy to get into, and hard to get out of. I-lnless yor; have the constitution to build on, you don't get out at all. It's just a case of "send flowerg".
That's the way with men. And it's the same way with business. It's easy to get into slack habits, careless habits, bad habits-and so hard to break them. A little carelessness in handling an order, the wrong stuff is delivered, or it gets there late, or it isn't just right some other wayand you've lost a customer. Then you have the job of getting him back.
It takes constant care to keep your own health or that of your business, from getting anaemic. The best remedyor preventative-is fresh air, and exercise.
And those things are just as good for your business as they are for your body.
Fresh air in business ? Sure ! Fresh IDEAS, fresh METHODS, fresh WAYS.
And exercise in business ? Sure ! Keep your business moving. Keep the stuff coming in and going out. Keep it "turning over". In that rvay you keep it healthy.
Your business is like your money in that respect. Money, you see, is simply the wofking power of a specific piece of paper or metal.
Credit is not money. It is merely the belief we have in what cash-in-the-bank is able to do when it gets to work.
The only difference between money and materials is the convenience with which cash is handled.
When the money you expect to receive in return for the goods you give, is loafing, when it is not working for YOU -when your customer holds it out under the guise of an "open sqsgsn1"-1hen your business suffers from lack of nourishment and becornes anaemic.
Your goods and the other fellow's money are two essential halves in a deal in lumber. Each stands exactly upon the same footing. Both are "things" and both are earning or losing "interest", "profit", t'hire" or "keep", or whatever you want to call it-every minute of the.day. When your customer wants $100 rvorth of lumber, give it to him in exchange for $100 in cash, or its equivalent. If he wants $100 worth of lumber and $10 worth of time, give them to him, and charge hirn $110.

In that way you exercise your business, and your money:
This is one of the most beautiful o f Philippine woods and is ideal for cabinet and trim purpores. It is identical in appearance and usie to Tobasco Mahogany and coneiderably cheaper.
Let merchairts compete in service giving and the price-cutter will soon disappear.
ll tonior* doors are nout being manafactrred of l\PbilippkeHarduood as uell ar of Dorylas Fir
This yellow guarantee label is on every genuine Laminex door

E"AMINffi Guamntec
Thls Lemincx door, bsllt by Ou. cxclu. alvc prgccal, la guaraitccd. In ceac ot tallu.c not duc to naglcct or ml.usi wc wlll rcplrcc lt wlthout chr.gc.
'HE WHEELER,OSGOOO COMPANY Trcoma, Wa.hlngton. U. S. A.
FIACK of the yellow replacement guaranree label on every genuine r/ I-aminex door is the reputation of the wodd's largest door manufacnrrer. Unproven doors may be offered to you ftom timeto time -but they lack the moisture-resistance of Laminex waterproof cement. 

(Operations of Southwestern Portland Cement Company Now Nationwide
Western Industry Reverses Usual Procedure and Expands Eastward-Locating Large Plant at Osborn, Ohio
The Southrvestern Portland Cement Company with headquarters at Los Angeles, California, possesses the distinction of reversing the time-honored advice of Greeley, "Go west, young man, go west." In the past, as well as-in the present, the trend of capital for new enterprise has been from East to West, but through the en'ergy and ability of the late Carl Leonardt, founder of this large cement manufacturing institution, his company in .1925 erected at Osborn, Ohio, near Dayton, one of the rnost modern cement plants in the United States. Thus the flow of enterprise in this instance was from West to East.

The Southwestern Portland Cement Company was organized. by Carl Leonardt in 1907 with the "dry process" mill at El Paso. Tex.. as its first unit for the production of El Toro brand Portland cement. .Shortly aftei followed the construction of the "w,et process" Victorville, California, mill where Victor brand Portland cement; well known in Southern California and Arizona, is manufactured.
The Victorville mill is recognized in the industry as a model for efficiency of design and operation resulting in the manufacture of a uniformly high grade Portland cement.
At this plant there is also manufactured Victor HydroPlastic waterproofed Portland cement and Victor brand special oil well cement, the latter being long recognized as a leading product of its type by the oil industry in the Pacific Coast fields. Victorville has five large rotary kilns of most modern type. New cement storage silos cornpleted at Victorville last year give total storage space for 1'fO,00O barrels or 56O,000 sacks.
In 1926 the Osborn, Ohio, plant for the production of Miami brand Portland cement was pushed to completion. giving the company a total output as follows:
Osborn, Ohio .22,W sacks per day
El Paso, Tex. . ...15,000 sacks per day
Victorville, Calif. . .24,@O sacks per day
Total ...61,000 sacks per day
The headquarters of this typically western institution which has eipanded to become a nationwide organil.ation are located in Los Angeles, Calif., where the officers, F. H, Powell, president; C. C. Merrill, vice-president and general manager, and M. A. Koffman, secretary, reside, as does also T. K. Partridge, general sales manager.
Wendling-Nathan Co.
Wholesalera of Douglas Fir Redwood
California lVhite & Sugar Pine
If you have never had
BROWN'S SUPERCEDAR cloret-linins business is GOOD.
Have you foreseen thir great demand with a stock or have you been left at the port? Put in a stock of BROWN'S SUPERCEDAR closet-lining and PROTECT YOUR CUSTOMERS WITH MOTH INSURAITICE"
Let us sell you a car. It can be mixed with any other items of Old Growth Yellow Fir worked uppers.
Main Office: A. L Hoover, Agt. San Francisco Los Angeles
I l0 Market St. Standard Oil Bldg.
Northen Califomia Dicdbuton
Vcrtical Grain Flooring
Vertical or Mixed Grain Finbh
Vcrtical Grain Stcpping
Thick V. G. Glcar K. D. Factory Stocl' Vertical Grain Shop

AII made ftom the fine,sl of OLD GROWTH DOUGLAS FIR of soft tcxture, dried in strictly modcrn dry kilnr
llillr : Rrlmond, llfarhington
Selcr Ofice: Garco Bldg., Portland, Oro.
A twenty thousq,nd dollo,r I
California Retailers to Meet
November 15, 16 and 17
A bigger and better convention of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association is predicted for this year by Mrs. J. E. Fraser, secretary. Convention headquarters are-in the Hotel St. Francis, San Francisco. and the convention will be held on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, November 15, 16 and 17.

The convention committee announces that all non-members are welcome and urges all retailers to attend.
E. J. Brockmann, Pacific Coast Manager, San Francisco, and R. E. Walker, District Manager, for the Lumbermen's Reciprocal Association, have returned from a trip calling on the _lumber yards in Inyo County and the Valley territiry. Mr. Brockmann accompanied Mr. Walker to Lbs Angelei, where he spent a few days on company business matters.
$ 1,500 $20,000)
Assefs Oaer a Million
Lumbermen's Reciprocal Association
R. G. Wallace, Masonite Corporation, Chicago, lvas a recent visitor in Los Angeles where he was confeirine with Fletcher & Frambes, their Southern California repre-senta- tives. While in Los Angeles, together with W. P. Frambes, they called on the lumber trade.
George F. Weis, Geo. F. 'Weis Lumber Co.. Los Angeles, is in the east where he attended the National Hardwood Lumber Association annual convention at Memphis on September 27 and 28. He will also visit his father who resides at Wheatley, Arkansas. Mrs. Weis accompanied him on the trip.
R. W. Cowlin, manager of the Hess Lumber Co., Bishop, spent, a few days in Los Angeles around the middle of tlie month where he was looking over lumber conditions and calling on the trade.
^-Jamg! !.. Hall, San Francisco, California agent of the Chas- K. Spaulding.Logging Co., rvith mills aiSalem and Newberg, Uregon, returned to San Francisco, September lO. from his semi-annual visit to his mill connectiois. Mr. Hall found the manufacturers determined to continue their curtailment prog'ram throughout the winter months.
C. -M. Cooper, vice president of the W. E. Cooper Lum- ber Company, Los Angeles, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul penberthy were in Houston early this month, stopping over on a cross country trip by auto, in which business and pleasures were combined. Mr. Penberthy is sales manager for the company.
_ T!.y starte.d from Los Angeles, September 1, stopped in El Paso and San Antonio, and arrived in Houston thi evening of September 4. After a few days here, Mr. Cooper returned to California by train, Mr. and Mrs. Penberthy continuing their auto trip to Florida. Mr. Penberthy il visiting the hardwood mills in the South and will attend the annual convention of the National Hardwood Manufacturers' Association in Memphis the latter part of this month.
Pride In the finished Quality Lumber Being Sold at a Profit !
Lumber is like every other commodity that is sold on a quality instead of a price basis, for when the quality is really there-identified and guaranteed by the manufacturer's trade-mark you can always get a price for it.
C. C. & C. C. Trade-marked Fir is lumber of superior quality, scienifically kiln dried, thoroughly seasoned and perfectly manuf361u1gd-a quality product that dealers have found, that even under highly competitive conditions, can be sold at a profit.

A Building Pays
Adeline M. Conner, delightful lumber poetess, of Sacramento, California, rread in one of our recent issues the editorial line, "A useful building does not cost-it pays" and with that for an inspiration she wrote the following delightful little poem A Building Pays
You say a useful building COSTS?
You're wrong, my friend, it PAYS; It's bringing values back to you As speed the fleet-winged days.
The rustic shed that guards your tools, That shelter for your car, Are paying dividends to you On stocks they keep at par.
A building? Why a building PAYS !
That's what a building's for.
When storm clouds sweep the sullen skies, And nature's forces war, So a building fronts the stormy blast Protecting things you prize
Until the sunlight beams again From blue, unclouded skies.
Now, what you owe a building, friend, You never can repay; A nifty kennel for the pup, A barn crammed full of hay, An office, store, or neat garage, Of each and all 'tis true, Through every hour, both day and night Your buildings WORK for you.
A HOME that shelters those you love? A HOME will PAY and PAY.
, Oh, bring to it your gratitude, And cherish it each day.
It PAYS rich dividends indeed, Of peace, and health, and pride, You'll never know how HOME can PAY, Until its joys You've tried.
-Adeline M. Conner.Francisco Lumbermen To Play Golf
A big entry has been received for the San Francisco Lumbermen's Golf Tournament, to be held at the Presidio Golf Club, San Francisco, October 5, according to J. E. "Eddie" Peggs of the general committee. The tournament will be followed by a dinner at the club house at 6:30 p.m., which will be attended by a number of lumbermen who are unable to take part in the toufnament.
Pickering Buys More Timber
The W. R. Pickering Lumber Co. was the successful bidder September 5 for the Badger Springs 400,000,000 feet timber unit of the Modoc National Forest, Modoc County, California. This tract brings the Pickering stand in the county up to approximately 2,000,000,000 feet.
Following this purchase comes the announcement by th9 Pickering tumbei Co. that plans ,are now -being prepared in the c6mpany's Kansas City office for the constructioh of a big sawmiil at Alturas, county seat of Modoc County, to cut this timber

Fir-Tex Company | - Elect Directors
Directors of the newly formed Fir-Tex Insulating Board Co. were elected recently in Portland. These' are as follows: Charles E. Dant of Darit & Russell, Portland, chairman of the board; Herbert Fleishacker, San Francisco; Jqltn !. Baker, Tacoma; Kenneth D. Dawson, and Franklin D. Griffith, Portland.
The officers of the company are: H. F. McCormick, St. Helens, president; K' D. Dawson, vice-president;-A. E. Millingto:n, vice-president and general manager, andr.Iom G. Taylor, secretary-treasurer.
.The company plans to start construction-at an early date of a $2,500,000 plant at St. Helens, Ore', for the manufacture of insulating and building board, using mainly wood wdste from the local sawmills for raw material.
g money to get more money apPeals to many, but Spendh practiced by-few. That's *hy the FEllr and not the MANY succeed.
Triple-Sheath Sisalkraft
Our Own Loggirg - Mifling - Transportation and Distributing Facilities
FROM Lumber Company Los Angeler

IN THE MANUFACTURE OF 'fum\n^ Ddti6las Fir
Let Us Denorrrtrate Our Senrice
Millr: Wendling, Ore., Springfield, Ore.
California Oficer
In"Robbins" Flooring you are assured of the very finest that has ever been, or ever will be produced. Our geographical location, the modern machinery in our mill, and the type of men who make our flooring, all go to make this statemenlpoq"rlJe. "Robbins" Maple and Birch Flooring is the best.
Southcrn Cetifornia
5it5-G Pctrotcum Sccuriticr Bldg. Lor. AngclcrWErtmorc g0$l
Northcrn Colifonria: GEORGE C. CORNITIUS MercLantr Erchangc Bldgo San Francirco
By Jae Dio'l'rlvAge not lluaf,anteed-Some I have told for 2O yearu-bme less
Death and Taxes
"Captin," said the dark5r, "Ah wants t' git ofi next Friday fo' the day."
"\illhat for?" asked the boss.
"Ah wants t' go to mah brothe's fun'ral."
"Why, when did your brother die/'
W. B. Dickenson has moved his home from Chico, California, where he has been located for many years, to Los Angeles, where he has taken up his permanent residence and business office, effective Sept. 20. He is manager of the Apiary Department of the Diamond Match Company, the headquarters of which will henceforth be in Los Angeles. An Apiary Department Warehouse and office is being constructed, as formerly announced in these columns, at 1797 Pasadena avenue, and will be ready for occupancy October l.
"Captin, he ain't dead yet."
"'11[/hat ?"
"Then how do you know he'll be dead Friday?"
"Cause dey's fixin' t' hang him Thu'sday, Captin, an' dese hangin's is mos' awful dependable."
W. B. "Bill" Dunning of San Francisco, General Sales Manager for the Little River Redwood Company, recently spent several days looking over conditions in Southern California. He made a very optimistic report of their summer business, and fall prospects.

Frank Curran, Manager of E. K. Wood Lumber Company, Los Angeles, has been enjoying a three weeks' vacation in the Northwest, visiting the mills.
Comnander Byrd's radio communication depends utrron Burgess Batteries, protected by PAUL BUIIIYAN'S SUGAR PINE.
Maximum dependability under extreme climatic conditions and rough handling.
What is the best material, rcgardless of cost?
Sugar Pine.
How can we get it on time?
Wire Red River.
(tff we run into any mountains or ice-bergs the Commander cantt fly over, f'[ take Babe, my blue ' ox, and drag them to one side.tt
The Red River Lumber Co. 36O North Michigan Ave., Chicago.
Gentlemen: Attention Mr' H' v' scott
August 29,1928.
You will be inteiested to know that your Sugar Pine was used by us in making battery boxes for Commander Byrd's Antarctic Expedition.
The dry batteries are to be used for the power supply of five small radio transmitters in planes, on dog sleds and at bases and intetmediate stations. A light weight but very strong box matetial was therefore rrocessary. Because of sleet and snow conditions a lumber that would not warp, twist or shrink was required. The low temperature demanded good thermal incr.rlation.
The Forect Products Laboratories suggested the uee of Sugar Pine, which we have found to be splendidly worlable and well suited to otr purpose.
We are glad to have found a material with theee properties and we appreciate your cooperetion in hurrying it to us, so t'hat the shipment of batteries could leave with the expedition on scheduled time.
Tradc MerL
Very truly yourq
BURGESS BATTERY COMPANY, (Signed) By W. B. SCtIULTts, Secretary.
"Producers of White Pine tor Over HaIf a Canlury"

Hoo FIoo Notes
Harry Hanson Elected Presi- San Francisco Hoo Hoo Club dent of L. A. Hoo Hoo Club
The Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club resumed their regular meetings on Thursday noon, September 2O, at the Commercial Club, Los Angeles. The meeting was largely attended, about 50 being present.

The following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: President, Harry V. Hanson, California Pairel & Veneer Co.; Vice President, Don Philips, Hart-Wood Lumber Co.; Secretary-Treasurer, Mel Coe, Mel Coe Lumber Co. The following directors were elected: \M. B. Wickersham, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co.; Russell Edmonson, E. K. Wood Lumber Co.; Leon Foster, Patten & Davis Lumber Co.; Lloyd Cole, Hammond Lumber Co.; Kenneth Smith, The Lumber Dealers Association of Los Angeles.
J. E. Martin, "The California Lumber Merchant", was recommended for Vicegerent Snark of the L. A. District.
President Hanson announced the following to act on the Program and Entertainmeht Committee: Earl Bowe, National Lumber Manufacturers Association; Cliff Estes, Los Angeles Wholesale Lumber Association; Gene DeArmond, T. B. Hatton Co.; A. L. Hoover and J. E. Martin.
Manufacturers of Douglas Fir and Port Orford Cedar
Sawmills, Marshfield, Oregon
Distributing Plant - Bay Point
Annual Production 200,000,000 Feet
San Francisco Sales Office 1208 Balfour Bldg.
[.os Angeles Office, ,t"tt"ft,'j."!ifl.
Bert Johnson, retiring president, turned over the gavel to the new president, J. E. "T'ed" Higgins, J. E. Higgins Lumber Co., at the regular luncheon meeting of the San Francisco Hoo Hoo Club, held at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, September 13.
Short talks were given by the president, and by Matt Harris, C. H. White, Ben Reed, John Stroud, E. A. Chamberlin, R. S. Grant, Fred Roth and Bill Clarkson.
After the meeting the directors met and decided to recommend to the Hoo Hoo Annual that Parson P,eter A. Simpkin be sent on an organization trip to Honolulu, Australia and New Zealand.
Don't advertise. Don't merchandise. Don't improve your place of business and make it an ornament. Don't try to give your trade modern service. Don't try to create any business but simply take what comes. Don't try to give your trade a square deal. Don't put yourself out to try and give your trade the things they have a right to expect. Just be bull-headed'and old-fashioned. These, and a few other don'ts, are guaranteed to put any dealer in th6 red.
For Smooth, Faster Cutting
If you have nottried the Planer Saw -1h31 ns$' smoothcutting saw f o r woodworkersyou'are missing an opportunity. This saw cuts almost assmoothly as a planer knife, rips and crosg-cuts equally well on hard or soft wood and stands fast hand feed.
Specify the Planer Saw when you want better service. SIMONDS SAW AND STEEL CO.
4lX) E. Third St., Lor Augeler 220-ZA Firrt St., Sare Franicrco, Calif.
Heiman Cheim
Heiman Cheim, one of the best known retail lumbermen in California, died September 18 in Sah Francisco, after an illness lasting two months.
Mr. Cheim, who was 76 years of age, came to this country from Germany 60 years agci, and settled in Marysville, where he became associated as a young man with the Union Lumber Company, later becoming the owner of this concern, which was establishpd in 1852.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Rosa Cheim, and 10 children, of whom Isidor is manager of the Union Lumber Co., Marysville. Leo is manager of the McElroy-Cheim Lumber Co., San Jose, and Arthur, manager of the McElroy-Cheim Lumber Co', Santa Clara.
Establish Insulation DePt.
The E. K. Wood Lumber Co. in Los Angeles, being convinced that Insulation is an established commodity in the building field, have established a sales department and have placed'Jerry G. Brennen in charg-e. This department is selling wholesile as well as retail. Mr. Brennen is well known Throughout the retail lumber trade in California, having been Jelling in this state for the. past three years' He alEo is well veried on insulation problems, having been in that field the past four Years.

After a thorough search- and comparison E' K' Wood decided on Maso"nite for the Insulation they wanted to sell. There were several reasons for this'selection' It is an all wood board, nothing being added for a binder' It tras:ttte same efficiency as ill othe? materials and for sound
I""a""i"S has a higher absorption than any other material handled bv the lumber trade.
Masonitl is used for sheathing, plaster base, roof insulation, interior finish, accousticil -connection, cabins and other uses too numerous to mentlon.
They also manufacture a board called Presdwood which is usei for concrete forms, cabinets, radio panels, display signs, panelling, interior finish, store fixtures, partitions, truck bodies and many industrial uses.
Masonite is manufaciured out of the waste from the lumber mills at Laurel, Mississippi. It is made by lumbermen ior lumbermen and is one of ttte very few products which is sold exclusively to and through the retail lumbermen' Terrv Brentten is conceded to be ohe of the most thorouih insutating men on the Pacific Coast with this form oi-insulatiott ""nd with a firm so well known to the retail trade of California as E. K. Wood, there is no doubt but that this department will be a huge success'
Y;:n Sash Door and Mill Workers
Now Cornes Certified Millwork

On July 18, 19 and. fr, the members of the Millwork Institute of California, meeting in Tri-Annual Conference at the Hotel Alexandria, Los Angeles, adopted a Certification Program, u-nder which_such member-plints as can qualify and subscribe to certain stated requirements, including i set of Accredited Standards of Construction, will UJticensed as "Manufacturers of Architectural Woodwork,, and their products certified by the organization.
The Institute, which is state-wide in scope, comprises 122 sash, door and millwork establishments. It has bien in existenc'e since 1925 and at its incep- tion adopted the following statlment as its ofticial .and public declaration of prrrposes: "An educational organization of independent and competing operators, devoted to elevating the status of the industry, and pledged to d,eliver to the consum-er the highest quality of product at the most economical cost."
The certification program is but an amplification of thosi principles, plus a definite guarantv that ihev shall be carried out. It has its coun-
use the Certification-M.aqk on off grades, even though they be so sold with the full knowledgE of the buyer.
As regards architects' specifi-cations, apllicants must agree to conform in letter and spirit to all reaionable speci- fications, and to confer with ttri architect or buyer,- "r' it " :3s: may.r€quire, concerning ?ny unreasonable'o, imprac- trcal specttrcattons prior to making alterations.
In the event of controversies involving completed jobs. applicants must agree to submit them -to an'arbitrition board of three disinterested persons. of which one shall be an architect, one a general Contractor and one a millwork manufacturer, approved by the Institute, and to abide without reservation by the decisions of the board.
- -Apnljc-a1ts will be_licensed only in conformity with the kind of jobs which they are competent to handle. Those able to-qualify in the field of smill house jobs, will be so licensed; those competent to take care of apartment house jobs, will be licensed under that classification; such opera- tors who qualify in complicated residences, churches, hbtels and thelike, will be licensed in that division I and, of course, those- com-petent to take care of any kind of job regardless of classification, will be awarded in all embracing Iicense.
save oniy that the tire indusiry productsand..bandifl
H. T.
i?f, .";;t"T:t"'#; fa-ct.. however, makes.the certification oi rnillwork ;.;J;;i; a_ll the more beneficial to the consum., U.""u"., ";;;;;;: tively, he has been taking far greater risks and i" a-nif,a which involves a product-usualiy purchased for a life-iime servrce.
Briefly outlined. the salient features of the certification program are these:Members applying for Certification must be vouched for by two other-mimb-ers and by th; i;_ stitute director in theii territory. They must agree to main- tain a uniformly good product worthy in all Gpeci;;iih. official certificatidn Mirk; to adhere [o ail accrehited standards of construction prescribed by the Institute; .nJ to "ot
.A,s evidence of the qualit_v- and craftsmanship of products delivered by him, each applicant must submit-for reference ten jobs which he furnishid one year or more prior to date of application. The name and address of the architect, general contractor and owner will be required in each case.-The Institute will then rvrite each of the thirty references. ff all m_ake satisfactory replies, the applicant is automatically cgrtified, but if one or more reply iJ unsatisfactorn the eri- tire matter is laid before the Boird of Directors 6f the Institute for further investigation and final decision.
The license of any certified member is subject to revocation at any time for failure to carry out any of the orovisions which govern. Complaints witt Ue reviewed arid decided upon by the Board of Directors.
For the purpose of identification, all certified products will bear labels or brands of the Certification Mark which will carry the words "Architectural Woodwork,' and ..Certified by Millwork Institute of California,', together with
We cater to the smdt yald-----
Didiscl tute,
with the Sash Door and Mill Workers
the central shield of the Institute insignia and the license number of the member furnishing the work.
Where it is desired an individual "Job Certificate" will be issued by the Institute. All such certificates will be registered in the office of the Institute and will guarantee that the millwork for the job stated has been manufactured in accordance with the accredited standards of construction, and if found to be improperly manufactured or otherwise in conflict with the provisions governing certification, will be replaced without iost to the buyer. -
Beyond question, the adoption of this program is not only a very forward step, but is actually a history-making achievement for the industry. Through it the Millwork Institute of California becom'es the first millwork group anywhere to actually and definitely guarantee the products of its members. All who are in anv way concerned are bound to profit from the program. Foi the architect it means that he can specify that the millwork for his jobs shall be of accredited standards of construction and certified by the Millwork Institute of California. For the general contractor it means knowing that his millwork figure for certified work will not be put into competition with inferior or shoddy goods, and that controversies, if they arise, will be equitably adjusted through arbitration. Both elements will know, as will also the owner, exactly what constitutes the right kind of materials and right kind of constructions and that the combined power and reputation of the entire membership of the Millwork Institute of California stands behind every certified job and every item bearing the certification label.' The entire program, it is planned, will be in formal operation by November l, 1928.-Reprint from September issue of "Planer Talk."
After having been shut down since June 1927, the plant of the Peninsula Lumber Co., will resume cutting early in October, it was ahnounced recently. The mill will be operated by the Peninsula Mill Co., which has leased the property. L. B. Menefee is president of the new company.

Inlaid Panel Represents Forest Scene
The accompanying illustration shows an inlaid panel which represents a forest scene on the Van Dusen River, Humboldt County, California. The following woods were used to bring out the necessary detail and coloring effects: American black walnut, Siamese teak, plain and birds-eye maple, magnolia, birch and poplar. This panel was made in the shops of the Los Angeles plant of the Hammond Lumber Co.
Inlaid panels of this character are becoming very popular and are especially adapted to beautify the interior of homes.
Someone I love comes back to me
With every gentle face I see; Beneath each wave of soft, grey hair I seem to see my mother there. With every kindly grace and word It seems as if I must have heard Her speak, and felt her terider gaze With all the love of olden days. And I am moved to take her hand, And tell noiv, I understand How tired she grew beneath the strain Of feeling every loved one's pain. No further burdens could she bear; The promise of that Land more fair Alone could tempt her from her child; And now, if I could keep her here, No sacrifice could be too dear.
No tempered winds for her too mild. Then I would smooth and kiss her face, And by her side take my old place, And sob rny tears and cares away. The tears I have so long repressed Would lose their ache upon her breast; I think if I could feel her touch
Once more, it would not matter much How sunny, or how dark the day.
-Author (fnknown.
It was two in the morning. The doctoi had been on his feet for twelve consecutive hours and he was dead tired. Just as he slid into bed and reached up to turn out the light, the telephone rang.
"Dammit !" said the doctor, wearily, "there's one born every minute."
'Oh, Daddy, look at the statue on the top of the tower."
"Sh, son, that's not a statute; that's a carpenter."
It is not the critic who counts, nor the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat; who strives valiantly and may fail again and again; because there is no effort without error or shortqoming. But who does actually strive to do the deeds; who does know the great enthusiasm, the great devotion; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; who, at tha worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those whose cold and timid souls know neither victory nor defeat.-Theodore Roosevelt.
The automobile salesman had been trying for hours to sell the Scotchman the car, but the prospect would only shake his head at every effort to get his name on the dotted line. Finally he demonstrated the pulling power of the car on a hill.

"Watch her when f throw in the clutcl5" said the salesman.
"I'll take the car," said the Sotchman. "f knew if I held oot long enough ye'd throw in somethin'."
Man owes his growth, his energy, chlefly to that striving of the will that conflicts with difficulty, which we call efrort. Easy, pleasant work does not make robust minds, does not give men a consciousness of their powers, does not train them to endurance, to perseverance, to steady force of will, that force without which all other acquisitions avail nothing.-William Eltery Channing.
It isn't classic, it may be prof,ane, But mortals have need of it time and again, And you'll.,find you'll recover from fate's hardest slam, If you never'say "die"-say "damn".
L's for vacation time-Love, Live, Laugh and Loaf.
(ln His Memoire)
"Back once more at my desk, built, by the way, like the Parquet fooring of my den, of wonderfully beautiful mahogany which I brought back with me from the Philippines on one of my passing visits."

TYe HaYe, tlre lDoors Tou lYant
QuicL senrice on Ever5rthing.
We operate one of the biggeet and most eficient millwork plantr in the whole country, and manufactuie everything from etock doorg to radio and automobile equipment, from Western sofrwoods and the cabinet woodc of all the world.
For stock or special trim, doors, windows, sash, screens, mouldings, panels, Yeneers, etc., our products are marrrels of quality, and our service is of the radio sort.
Give us a trial.

Lar ger Sales-M ore Profits
Putting timely selling ideas behind QUALITY merchandise, is what The El Rey Products Company is doing to help the dealer and roofing contractor increase his sales and profits.

Selling the public the idea of using El Rey Asphalt Shingles for side walls as well as roofs, is the theme of the Company's advertising now running. The same selling arguments apply for both uses. And sutfacing a new home, or resurfacing an old home with El Rey Shingles means a bigger sale-rnore profit. The dealer benefits as well as the Company.
Get in touch with the nearest El Rey Representative. He will explain o u r quality, service and prices.
Seventy Fifth Anniversarlr of Friend & Terry Lurnber Co.
Seventy-five years of continuous and honorable existence, and still going stronger at the same old stand and under the same old name, is the proud boast of the Friend & Terry Lumber Company, of Sacramento, California. Certainly they have much right to be proud of their long and useful record, and the lumber industry of Qalifornia undoubtedly will join in congratulating them on this remarkable anniversary.
So far as we know. no other lumber concern in California, or in the entire west, can boast a record of seventyfive years continuous operation under one name. Their history goes back to the very earliest days of California business-the days immediately following the great gold rush that has been often emblazoned in song, story, and screen.
And not only has the Friend & Terry Lumber Company

survived all the trials and tribulations and the business storms of that three score years and fifteen that they have lived, but unlike many "old .timers" they have progressed as the world around them progressed, kept up with changing conditions and changing times, until today, as seventyfive years ago, they play a colorful and leading part in the building drama of the Sacramento Valley. It is indeed an old-young concern, virile and upto-date in spite of their great-grandad age. Strong men have handled the business, and, in their turn, handed it on to other and younger strong men, until at the end of seventy-five years it is as young as its youngest conternporary.
Up to a few years ago there was another great retail lumber concern in the Sacramento Valley that rivalled Friend & Terry for honorable age and continuous service, the Simpson-Gray Lumber Company of Stockton. It is likely that this latter concern claimed seniority. But the Simpson-Gray Lumber Company finally went out of business about a year ago, leaving Friend & Terry alone in the pioneer field.
It was not an unfriendly rivalry in historic usefulness that used to prevail between these two old concerns, because they came from a common source.
In 1851 Capt. A. M. Simpson started a retail lumber yard on the corner of Second and "M" Streets, in Sacramento. About that same time his brother, Andrew Simpson, started a yard at Stockton, which became the Simpson-Gqay Lumber Company. But it is with the Sacramento yard that this story has to deal. In a short time Capt. A. M. Simpson sold the Sacramento yard to Friend t& Terry, a partnership of Joseph S. Friend and W. E. Terry. And that business continues to this day. Jciseph S. Friend is lost in the darkness of the past. More than his name, and the facts just stated, he has left no record. A few years ago a farm house rvas sold near Sacramento and in the attic was found a big framed picture of two men, and they proved to be Friend and Terry. This is the only picture of them in existence, and belongs to Mrs. W. E. Terry, who still lives in San Francisco.
The records of the concern used to be intact. Until 1913, when a great fire destroyed the yard and office, all the old ihvoices, record, etc., of the company remained intact. Since that time all that remains is the old minute book, which is a very interesting one, and contains, among other things, some of the clippings of newspapeq advertisements that Friend & Terry used to run three generations ago. One of them is most interesting. It shows a foot race between two athletesboth of whom wear long rvhiskers-one athlete marked "Truth" is winning from the other marked "Fraud," and the heading is "Truth Wins," with the name of Friend & Terry Lumber Company at the
(Continued on Page 46)
1213 Inrurance Exchange Bldg.
TUckcr l4ill
2055 E. 51ct - Mldland 1286 - Lor Angeler
Southcrn California Rcprcrcntativc
Memphir Hardwood Flooring Co.
Robbing Flooring Co. ' Beltgrade Lumber Co'

536 Pctrolcum Sccuriticr Bldg, Lor Angclcr lVErtrnorc 9955
S. C. HO()PER tBR C().
California Redwood
Oregon Pine - White Pine Lath and Shingles
Ccntral Bldg.-TRinity 5905-5996
fi; B()HNHOT'F
Phone ISOO S. .Alameda St.
WEstmore 2tA6-2UZ - LOS ANGELES
Wc Want to Scll Your 'Wcetcrn Lumbsr in Tc:er. Opcn to e Firrt Clelr Account.
HARDWOOD FLOORING Ar.lD LUMBER Dircct Mill RcPrcrontotivc
831 So. Curron Ave. - WHitney 9244 - Lor Angclcr
Good Space For Sale
Good Space For Sale
Good Space For Sale
Good Space For Sale
The Tire That Fits The Ta,sk

For the lumber truck that hauls heavy loads that makes short hauls at low speeds over all kinds of roads . the GOODYEAR HEAVY DUTY CUSHION TIRE gives unusual mileage.
It has the road-gripping AII-\XZeather tread, with a well-balanced design grving structural strength. ft is sure-footed, easy-riding and durable to an extent that makes for real economy.
Lrlt a representative of the Motor Tires, fnc., store in your locdity demonstrate this Heavy D.rty Cushion Tire to you.
',1 Trrc lfot Everg Ne e d--
Friend and Terry Lumber Co.
(Continued from Page 44)
bottom. Athletes in track suits but with long whiskers would make a hit nowadavs.
But the records show ihat it was earlv in 1853 that Friend &_ Tely bought the yard of Capt. A. M. Simpson. 4s. stated before, we don't know what became of Joseph Friend, but in 1879 the firm was incorporated rvith- $15b,- 000_capi!rl_t!o4 by W. E. Terry, A.'M. Sinrpson,'E. j. Dodge, C. W. Elliott, and Tohn Stevens. The all lived in Sacramento except E. J. Dodge, whose home was Alameda, and who was a well known lumber manufacturer.
It_ seems that Cap(ain A. M. Sirnpson, after selling the yard to Friend & Terry, became a stockholder with ihem, and when the corporation was formed he was one of the largest stockholders. Gradually he became the controlling. owner of the corporation, and his estate controls the cor--' poration to this day.
W. E. Terry died in January, 1894. He was. survived by his wife, and four children, Joe Terry, Dr. Wallace Terry, and two daughters. Joe Tirry was,manager of the yard under his father at the time bf his father's.d1ath. and for some time thereafter. After the death of the elder 'Ierry,_ Capt. Simpson gradually absorbed the Terry interests. Mrs. W. E. Terry is now past 92 years of age.
-Captain A. M. Simpson died January- 1fth, 1915, nearly ningt,v years of age. He is survived by his sons Edgai and L. J. Simpson, and a daughter, tVtri. gaith SimpJon Pike.
Frienil & Terry d,eliztery seraice. A Moreland Truck, nine years old, that has run oaer 100,000 miles, deliaering a big loatl of flooring.
Now another family comes into the picture, the Shep- ards. L. G. Shepard went to u'ork for the Friend & Teriy Lumber Company when jtrst a kid. He used to go out on a bicycle making collections for the office. He worked throggh all departments for years, beginning in 1888, and in 1898 he was made manager of the company. Later he rvas elected vice president as well as manager, and served faithfully until April 6th, 1922, when he died. His son, Jo Shepard, started working in the yard in 1910, and in 1924 he was made manager of the business. His brother, Charles, two years his junior, started with the company in l9ll, in the office. Ife was made acting secretarv many years ago, and finally, in 1924, he was made secretary and treasurer.
Today the officers of the company are as follows: E. M. Simpson, president; Stanley Pedder, vice president and general manager; Charles L. Shepard, secretary and treasurer; Jo Shepard, manager of lumber business.
Mr. Pedder is the attorney for the Simpson estate, and manager of all Simpson estate affairs, and lives in Sacramento.
(Continued on Page 48)
Stands the Test of Time and Use
The widespread us€ of Monolith Plastic Waterproof Portland Cement in exterior plaster wogk today is the tribute paid by architects, confractors and builderg to its superior qualities.

The exterior wdls of thousands of homes, business bloclcs, churches and other stnrG. tures give ample evidence of the beauty and permanent watetproofness imparted to these buildings through the use of Monolith.
The tests of time and usage under dl sorts of weather conditions have won for drig cenrent a pre-eminent position in the building field.
Not only for exterior work, but for feservoirs, swirrrming pools, retaining walls-in f,act evety type of concrete construction where superior strength and water-tightncs' are desired, Monolith is in great favot.
Friend and Terry Lumber Co.
(Continued from Page 46)
The Friend & Terry Lumber Company today operates one of the most efficient lumber plants in the state of California. Their office is a very modern and attractive one, roomy, well lighted and ventilated, and illustrating well the use of the materials they sell.
Russel Tracy is sales manag'er, and a very keen and active one. The sales are divided into four district departments, this being one of the business hobbies of Jo Shepard, the manager. One man sells luhrber to the local contractor and building trade. One man sells millwork to the local trade. A third man handles the jobbing and industrial sales. A fourth man. the last one added to the force, calls only on farmers. The addition of this man proved a sound investment, inc-reasing their farm sales more than one hundred per cent from the time he started. Mr. Shepard plans to put in another department, the small order department, calling on the people direct and promoting the use of lumber and building materials in small lots, selling to the user direct for repairs, improvements, modernizations. He believes that much business can be created in this way that otherwise goes begging.
It was Socrates, the wise Athenian, who said: "Knoru thyself." Jo Shepard likes to apply this axiom, not to himself, but to his business. It is doubtful if there is a lumber manager in the country who know's any more about the details of his own business, than does this Mr. Shep-
The lumber yard is a big one. They carry in stock an average of three and one-half million feet of Fir and Redwood lumber, including a well assorted stock of timbers of all sorts and sizes. An unusually large percentage of their lumber stock is under cover in their Series of big sheds.
They operate a mill capable of turning out anything from a piece of moulding, tb--Th€*entiie-millwork of a cathedral, equipped with the latest and best machinery, and making everything in sash, doors, and millwork, both soft and hardwood.
1 They do a jobbing as well as a retail business. Their jobbing business is mostly to the small yards of the entire Sacramento Valley, and the very large stocks they carry enable them to giye the small dealer service, and save hirn the trouble of carrying many lineS that he only wants a little of now and then. They do a big timber business with the small yards, supplying them L.C.L. shipments ttpronto."

They especially represent The Little River Redwood Compiny, bf S"ti Frincisco, in the jobbing of Redwood, and carry a very'big stock of everything the Valley uses in Redwood, for this purpose. Quick service is the answer.
In addition the jobbing department sells a number of building sidelines. For instance, they have just taken on the Johns-Manville lin6 of asbestos materials, and have built a new warehouse to stock it. They will add this to their jobbing department. Of course they carry a full line of building paper, wall boards, cement, etc-
(Continued on Page 50)

: The F'ellow Who'Wants to Buy The Fellow Who Wanti to Sell ' '
The Fellow'Who Wants to Hire
R&fcr 82.50 per column.inch The Fellow Who Wants to
Young lady wants place with local lumber or dealer in building materials. Seven years' local experience. Excel.lent ste^nographer, good knowledge of book-keeping, able to handle traffc rvork by rail or cargo. Address Box C-220, care California Lumber Merdhant.
Middle aged man rvith 14 years' experience as Manager of retail yard in this state rvants position with retail concern. Now employed in wholesale end. Go anywhere any time. J. O. Harris, Sloat, California.
Modern Lumber, lfardrvare and Building Material business. __Newly established. In growing community. On State Highway near Sa.n Diego. - Fine 5pportunity ior live lumber merchant. Address Box C.223, Cat. California Lumber Merchant.
Friend and Terry Lumber Co.
(Continued from Page 48.)
ard. With him it is a religion, to keep absolutely in touch with every detail of the physical facts of the business. Systems of his own devising have been installed in the four 1'ears he has been running the business that are most admirable and useful. Ife knows what everv detail of everv d_epartment costs, and their cost of doing business is ai their finger tips at all times. Very clever lndeed, and also very unusual are-many of his accounting ideas. But they know just what they are doing all the time. This extendi to their mill as well, where they know the exact cost of anything and everything they miy be called upon to make. There is no guess work.
And in the yard itself, much cost has been saved and unnecessary labor eliminated through practical and ori- ginal methods of handling their stocks. A special built power crane ts one ot the lnteresting sights in the yard. Useful in any part of the yard and -sheds, this powerful contrivance unloads cars, piles lumber in big units, and saves much time and money. Mr. Shepard say it about paid for itself the first year.
- Jo Shepard worked in the yard for years, and the things he is doing now are the things he discovered should b'e done, when he was out on the job.
A book -might be devoted to telling interesting things about_the tri1to1y, accomplishments, and present i,orth "of The Friend & Terry Lumber Company.
Suffice it to say that it is as honorecl in its methods and its accomplishments as in its old age and long continued service, and is distinctly an ornamint to the*indirstrv it represents.
Be Hired
Exp-erience: Purchasing Department, Estimator and Yard \4anager, also building loan finance experience. AddresS Box C-221, California-Lumber Merchant.
Open for position. Familiar with retail, trade. Seventeen years with the one firm which I left July first. Will consider any-p9s!1i_on in Los Angeles or vicinity which has a future. 2019 West 43rd Place, Los Angeles,-Calif.
in exchange for real estate. Part cash. Address Box C-222, care of California Lumber Merchant.
l.umber yard in a growing community. dollar stock. For further particulars wiite 2O7, Half. Moon Bay, Calif.
\il'. M. BEEBE
Thirty thousand Post Office Box
O* Flooring and ltlaptc Flooring
tt09 Fint Narional Brnk Buldinl . Tclcphonc Dorglar 9117
Sponeored by Douglas Fir Club
rrltill Bc Hcld
Fridan Octobcr 5, 12 Noon
At the Preridio Golf Club
Entrance fee for townarnent, which includ'er the Crrecn Fee i! $4.m-Dinner, $3.OO.

Make Out Check for 97.00 and Mail it at Oncc to J. E. PEGGS, care W. R. CHAMBERLIN & CO., 618 Matson Bldg., SAN FRANCISCO
If you can't ettcnd thc Golf Tournemcnt, coma to tbc dinncr wf,icL will bc rt 6:30 p. m.
(,rfirc Clcafing Hourc)
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