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Coos Bay Sells Great Tract of Port Orford
Cedar and Fir
The Western White Cedar Company, of Marshfield, Or9gon. makes announcement of the following facts, an-d F'
1.. W"rtt.t. executive head of the Coos Bay Lumber Comoanv. San Francisco, confirms the timber sale report: a1'E'. Adelsperger, president of the Western White Cedar Comoanv. t"d Cl E. bant, of Portland, Oregon, President oi tne sieat lumber concern of Dant & Russell, Inc', have oersona"lly purchased from the Coos Bay Lumber Company a tract of *ot. than23,00O acres of timber land of that concern, comprising all of the Salmon Creek and Sixes River holdinss 6t ttrai concern. This was the bulk of the Port Orford"Cedar holdings of Coos Bay, th91e being on the land ourchased over 200,000,000 feet of Port Orford, and 900,bOO,Om feet of Douglas Fir. The purchase was princiP-ally made for the purpose of securing this great tract of Port Orford, the biggeJt tract of that famous timber in existence.
This deal makes the Western White Cedar Company the holder of approximately 450,000,000 feet of Port Orford Cedar, which is about two thirds of all of that kind of timber there is left on the face of the earth. Fort Orford white cedar grows nowhere else on earth except in that one district near the coast of Oregon, and it is one of the nation's rarest as well as most valuable woods. There is less than a billion and a half of this timber in existence.
The Western White Cedar Company likewise announces that in consideration of the mutality of interest now existing between themselves and Dant & Russell, they have placed the exclusive sale of their products in the hands of the latter concern, effective September first. Dant & Russell is a lumber merchandising firm of International scope and reputation.