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ENERATIONS from now a "Perfection"
Brand Oak Floor will still retain its beauty.
You can depend upon "Perfection." In modern plants operated by skilled lumbermen, only the finest oak is selected. After proper seasoning and kiln-drying, it is perfectly milled and matched so that it lays smooth and stays smooth. It is graded and handled so carefully that upon arrival anywhere, it is always in perfect condition. Leading lumber dealers gladly feature this nationally advertised brand.
There's a ise osd gnde ft dcr! slilct*re, *m or old. Wite todar lr ftll Qarti<ylarsARKANSAS OAK FLOORING CO., Pin BM, &L
Brand OaL Flooring
Brand Oat Flooring, BlcLe and Plulr, may be obtaiaed-chemielly tratcd by tbc rCELLidry pro.
lVendling- Nathan Co. SAN
Wholeralerr of Douglas Fir
C,alifornia White & Sugar Pine
If yqr havc nevcr bad
Let us sell you a car. lt can be mixed with any other items of Old Growth Yellow Fir worked uppers.
Main Ofice: A. L Hoover, &t San Francisco Los Angeles
| 0 Market St. Standard Oil Bldg.
Nothing is so easy as to cut prices; and nothing is so Ilard as to get them back when once they have been pulled down.
Any child can throw a glass of water on the floor, but all the wisest scientisls in the world can't pick that water uD.
Who gets ihe benefit of price-cutting?
The man who sells makes no net pro6t; and the man who buys soon finds himself getting an inferior article. No manufacturer can permanently keep up the standard of his goods if ttie price is fiersistintly cut. Pretty soon he is compelled to use cheaper materials, and to cut down the wages of his workeis.
The man who cuts prices puts up the sign: "This way to the junk heap !"
He admits his own failure as a salesman. He admits he has been defeated according to the Marquis of Queensbury rules of business. H&dmits he canhot win by fighting fair.
" He brands himself as a hitter-below-the-belt.
If the business world werd dominated by price-cutters, there would be no business at all.
Price-cuttr,ng, il fact, is not business any more than smallpox is health.
L._A. Morrison, manager of the San Francisco office of the Eastern & Western Lumber Co., Portland, Ore., returned to San Francisco September 25 after an absence of six.-months during which hi acted as manager of the mill rvhile Manager Kurt H. Koehler was in Euripe.
^ E. R. Morrison, who has taken his brothirt place in the San Francisco office during this time has retu'rned to his regular position in the home office at Portland.
__Accompanied by a gmup of highway'engineers R. F. Hammatt, secretary-manager of the California Redwood Association recently made a tour of insoection of State and County bridges in ihe Redwood Empiie territory. Stocks of structural grade Redwood were also inspected at the various mills, and on the return journey the party found time to do some fishing in the Klamaih Rivir, iatching eight salmon and four trout.
Harry Terrell, salesman for Hill &'JVtorton, Inc., Oakland.,_a-cco-m^panied by Jo H. lhepard, gbneral manager of the -Friend & Terry Lumber Co.,-Sacramento, left SJptember 19 for a ten-day automobile trip to the Northwest. They will visit the plants of the McCloud River Lumber Co., ai McCloud, Calif., and Cobbs & Mitchelt C.o., Valsetz, Ore.
Work-Lumber Co., Monterey, accompanied by Mrs. {ork, recently spent part of a vacation trip in San Francisco.
Jg- of T.