3 minute read
Announcing New Shevfin Pine Safes Company
For rnany years past Shevlin, Carpenter & Clarke Company has l>een a saies company as rveil as a management corporation. For efficiency in operation we have decided to separate the selling function from the other activities of our company. We are, therefore, pleased to announce the organization in the United States of Shevlin Pine Sales Company, and in Canada of Shevlin Pine Sales Company, Limited.
The Shevlin Pines Sales Company will sell in the United States and the Shevlin Pines Sales Company, Limited, will sell in Canada, the products of the four' large pine lumber manufacturing cornDanies under the generil management of Shevlin, Carpenter & Clarke Company, namely:
The McCloud River Lumber Company, McCloud, Cali!91nia, producers of Ponderosa Pine and Sugar (genuine White) Pine; The Shevlin-Hixon Company, B?nd, Oregon, producers of Ponderosa Pine; Carpenter-Hixon Company, Limited, Blind River, Ontario, producers of Northern (gen- uine) White Pine, Norway or RedPine and Easiern Spruce; Shevlin-Clarke Company, Limited, Fort Frances, Ontario, producers of Northern (genuine) White Pine and Norway or Red Pine.
The directors and officers of Shevlin Pine Sales Company and Shevlin Pine Sales Company, Limited, are identical and are as follows:
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E. L. Carpenter, P. V. Eames, J. P. Hennessy, F. P. Hixon, R. W. Wetmore.
Pr-esident, J. P. Hennessy j vice-president, L. W. Carpelter; vioe-president, F. W. Coan; vice-president, _C. -!{. Shevlin; vice-president, L. O. Taylor; secretary, Rr W. Wetmore; treisurer, P. V. Eames; assistant secretary, C. R. Bazal ; assistant treasurer, W. E. Bast; comptroller, D. P. Larsen.
Mr. L.W. Carpenter will, as heretofore, be in charge of sales of Northern (geuine) White Pine and "Norway or Red Pine. Mr. F. -W. Coan will, as heretofore, be in charge of sales of the Western varieties of Shevlin Pine, namely, Ponderosa and Sugar (genuine White) Pine. Mr. C. H. Shevlin's field will be thatof general contact man between the executive offices and district sales offices, sales repiesentatives and the trade generally. Mr' L.- O. Taylor will have charge of sales of factory lumber and box shook as well as trade promotion and general sales development work.
The executive offices of both companies are located at 900 First National-Soo Line Building, Minneapolis, Minn. Branch offices of Shevlin Pine Sales Company are located at Chicago, Minneapolis, New York and San Francisco. The Credit Department will be located at Minneapolis in charge of John S. Hodges, credit manager. The Traffic Depirtment will be located at Minneapolis and in charge of Roy H. Dahlberg, traffic manager. The Minneapolis district sales office will be in charge of Mark R. Moulton, district sales manager. The New York sales office of the company is located at 1205 Graybar Building, New York City, in charge of N. H. Morgan, district sales manager. Thl Chicago iales office of the company is located at 1866 208 South- La Salle Street Building, in charge of A. .F. Boyd, district sales manager, who has occupied a similarposition with Shevlin, Carpenter & Clarke Company for the past ten years.
The San Francisco sales office of thq company is located at 103O Monadnock Building, in charge of W. G. Kahman, district sales manager, who for many years has been sales manager at the plant of The McCloud River Lumber Company, McCloud, California; also at their San Francisco office. Mr. Kahman is assisted in the San Francisco territory by W.H. Nigh, L. S. Turnbull, Petroleum Securities Buitding, Los Angeles, and R. C. Callaway, 506 First National Bank Building, Fort Worth, Texas, will also work under Mr. Kahman's jurisdiction.
At the four mills, whose production is sold by the Shev1in Pine Sales Company, A. G. Paul, Jr., will be acting sales manager of the Shevlin-Hixon Company, B'end, Ore-gon. W. J. Lawrence, mill sales manager for The McCloud River Lumber Company, McCloud, California; A. E. Nelson, mill sales manager for Shevlin-Clarke Company, Limited, Fort Frances, Ontario, pnd C. A. Needs, acting mill sales manager for Carpenter-Hixon Company, Limited, Blind River, Ontario.

The Shevlin Pine Sales Company, Limited, district sales office is located at 1806 Royal Bank Building, Toronto, Ontario, and will be in charge of R' C. Monroe, district sales manager. He will be assisted by F. Rossborough, -W. C. Morley and C. L. Reed; all of Toronto.
W. G. Kahman, of San Francisco, Western Sales Manager for Shevlin Pine, was in Los Angeles recently confertingwith L. S. Turnbull.
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