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xqctly whot we needed" is o{
SoFrs Nsw Gnaoruo R,urrs by lumber deqlers who know
IEADING lumber deolers throughout lhe country ore endorsL ing SOFI's New Griding Rules with genuine enthusiosm-for they hove been quick to profft by this outstonding improvement in the stondords thot govern the monufocture of Ook Flooring.
Write todoy for your copy of SOFI's New ond lmproved Groding Rules. See how you, too, con profft by hondling SOFI trode-morked ond grode-morked Oqk Flo_oring.
TgrS door is one of the Philippine LAMINEX designs noted for the artistocratic, straight, slender ribbon grain that is associated with the most expensive hardwoods.
THssE doors are made with wide top and bottom rail in core to admit of cutting circle top, s€gment top, etc.
This design is also available in Douglaa Fir.