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an unfair advantage to inflict upon you the problems peculiar to my own duties.
I am taking this risk, however, because I firmly believe our- duties and responsibilities to society are complementary so in order tojustify the importance of our own tasks I must, of necessity, include a discussion of your duties.
We have been meeting here from year to year to discuss matters of mutual interest regarding farm buildings. The University is directly concernld with the educatio"nal aspects of farm development while you are more directly concerned with the commercial possibilities relating tliereto. It is apparent that the farmer who is the recipient of our interests is likewise concerned. He stands between us looking from one to the other for service and sense. If we are all in accord then our mutual interests are served but if we fail to appreciate the functions of the several groups concerned there is discord, discontent and lack of gEnuine service.
The agricultural industry, great as it is, is still under independent and individualistic management. Unlike our public utility corporations, materials industries, automobile companies and other centrally controlled organizations, ag- riculture cannot with individual manasemCnt and owneiship support the industrial services w[ich are mobe common to other industries. It is this peculiar condition that has brought about the establishment of Land Grant College! and Experiment Stations such as represented by this institution you are visiting today.
The function of an Agricultural Experiment Station is to serve {gficulture, otherwise it would be just an Experiment Station. Farm buildings constitute an important item in rural life and progress. Naturally it is one bf the func, tions of this institution to make studies and investigations of structures and equipment used on the farm, and to make our findings available to the citizens of our state. The facilities for such experimental studies are fairly adequate both in personnel and laboratory equipment. We are-able to approach a building problem from all the various 4ngles involved, as for example: the function of the building;1he probable allowable investment, sanitation, appearance, relation to management, and many other factors. Careful experiments are -frequently ma{e with equipment and appara- tus to determine its suitability, economy and convenience. Sometimes problems_ of insect pests, new managemenl practices, new materials, and other factors must bi tried out before our findings can be released. Our tasks will
(Continued on Page 19) ro4l(!A1.{.P Ili.g-.b.9*S."..^1.
(Continued from Page 18) never be finished so long as we are committed to a program of progress.
The various findings of our Experiment Station bn farm structures are issued from time to time through our plan service, and the publication of circulars and bulletins. This subject matter is subsequently distributed byour Extension Service and carried to farmers as quickly as possible with the means avaiiable.
This service is growing from year to year both in quality and extent. At present we have projects under way relating to dairy structures. This is a cooperative project between the agricultural engineers and the animal husbandry research workers but these men alone are not responsible for the final plans. A committee of the California Dairy Council has acted as consultants to us. They represent the dairy producer, the manufacturer, the State Departmelt of Agriculture and others. Likewise, these plans have been submitted to committees representing the California Association of Dairy and Milk Inspectors of the California League of Municipalities for criticisms and suggestions from the sanitary point of view for high quality production. Thus you can understand that our plan service is not the product of a single worker but of many authorities repres.enting every angle of the dairy industry. Not only farmers but leaders in every agricultural field recognize the importance of such planning and its potential value to the luture of California dairying.. But this alone is not the consummation ofa successful building plan service. It is only the basis for educational programs in teaching and extension.
A plan for a farm structure is valueless unless somebody uses it. Ifit is used materials must be sold and it must be built by some one interested in the project from the standpoint of a commercial enterprise. Heretofore, I have been talking largely of our job, now I shall have something to say about yours. Our business is to determine the needs and requirements of the farmer in the way of structures and then to organize our educational activities to create an interest in these improvements. We may have subject matter, plans and arguments but final action in building rests upon a business transaction between the material dealer and the farmer who pays for the structure. This is, frankly, our reason for being interested in you and it is about the only excuse I can offer tojustify any discussion of your job. It ismy belief if we cooperate in these matters our plan service will be more generally used; you will sell your customer with greater commercial satisfaction, and the farmer will secure a structure which will most nearly meet his requirements for profitable farm production.
I realize that I am on thin ice when I attempt to discuss your responsibilities in farm building service. Some may say it is impossible to interest the farmer, others will say the farrner doesn't know what he wants, others think the farmer buys only on price and never buys-on a quality basis, and-still oihers ire too indifferent to become interested in analyzing the farm business.
It seems [o m-e agriculture offeis o{re of- the most. interesting and profitible outlets foq building .materials' (Pleaselrnderstind I assume I am talking to building ma- (Pleaselrnderstind to ierial deelers end not irrst lumbermen. You ierial dealers and not just You are interested primarily in suitable building materials even though your fureatest- stock may be lumber.)
Let us consider for a moment some of the farm prospects wnrrr hnsiness- Poultrv is an examDle. The University in your business. Poultry an example. tvpe poultry house is rather widely accepted as a suitable rather as a suita tibe f-or much of this State. One doesn't have to overco type to overcome riich sales resistance to convince thepoultry producer this is a good type of production house. California has
(Continued on Page 22)
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