1 minute read
Age not guaranteed-Some I have told for 2O years-Some less
The Renegade
The good old Ozark mountain family "borned" and reared to manhood seventeen stalwart sons, who were their fatfier's pride and joy, and well known to the mountain folks for several counties.
As each boy came of age he registered for voting and on each and every election day he came in to the Democratic primary, and voted the good old straight ticket.
Until finally one election season one of the boys failed to show up to vote, and the news traveled fast that he had
Gus Hoover Back From Northern Trip
A. L. "Gus" Hoover, Southern California reprcsentative of The Pacific Lumber Co., and of Wendling-Nathan Co., San Francisco, returned to Los Angeles September 25 ftom a week's trip to Northern California. Mr. Hoover, who was accompaniea by aparty of friends, visited, the mill and loggin-g operations bi ttre Pacific Lumber Co. at Scotia, anid-wEile-in the Redwood Empire did some fishing in the Klamath River. He also visited the San Francisco office of the company and the office of W'endling-Nathan Co.
proven a turn-coat, and had voted Republican.
So several of the old friends of the father called on him to ask the facts concerning this unheard-of thing. With hanging head and lack-luster eye the old man admitted the truth of the rumor.
"I'll tell ye", he said, "just how it was. I've tried to bring up all them boys right, in the fear of the Lord, and Democrats to tbe bone; but John, the ornery cuss, he got to readint ".
Announcement is made by the Parson Simpkin Sequoia Memorial committee that arrangements have been made to hold the dedication ceremony of the giant tree which is to be a permanent memorial to the late Parson-piqpk!-n, at the Caliveras Grove on Sunday, October 11. Dr. Tully Knowles, of the College of the Pacific, Stockton, will be the principal speaker. -The committee hopes thata large crowd of lumbirmen will be present for the ceremony.
Booth-Kelly Douglas Fir, the Association grade and trade mark certify to your customers the quality of the stock you handle. Builders quit gueesing about what they're buying, and buy where they know what they're getting.
Generd Sder Office: Eugene, Ore.
Millc: Wendling, Ore., Springfield, Ore.
Southera California
I E. J. Stanton & Soa
2l)50 E. 3tth St, Lor Argclcr
Northcrn Californir Hill & Morton' Inc.
Dcnniron St. WLarf, Oaklard
Ccntral Californie Gco. W. Robinron 266 Wilhoit Blds., Stockton