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Third Farm Buifding Conf erence Hefd at Davis

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l/ _ The third farm buitding conference sponsored bv the ' Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club was held jt the University Fa-rm jt Davis, Saturday, September 1b. I""itations were issued to all lumbermen tb attend this con_ ie1e19e, which was in the form of a joint meeting with ihe Division of Agricultural Engineering of the University of California.

Professor H. B, Walker, head of the Division of Agri_ cultural Engineering, presided at the morning sessioi.

First on the program was a progress ."poit on fence posts. and wood durability -invertigations ly j. D. Long, of the Agricultural Engineering Div:ision.

. "fnsulating-JVlaterial Values" was the subject of a most interesting' talkby R. L. Perry of the Agritultural Engi_ neering Division.

J. P. Fairbank, Division _of Agricultural Engineering, g3v.e a report_on a septic tank survey made by hlm for tlle University. The lumbermen app€ared to firid this information most useful, and many-questions were asked and answered.

-E.-T. Bq!i", Auburn I umber Co., Auburn, vice-president of the California Retail Lumbermen,s Asiociatibn, in a short talk expressed his appreciation of the opportunity afforded by the University Jor these educational confeiences.

- _ A, C. Horner, manager of the Western division of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association. San Francisco, said th-e possibilities of these meetings are enormous, but regretted that many of those who mosi need the information given out at thbse conferences were absent.


C. A.. Minard, president of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club, Sacramento, presided at the lunchJon session, and in his remarks reviewed the l9D and l93O conferences, and said he hoped these educational conferences would develop into a lumber school.

Dr. W. L. Howard, director, branch of the Colleee of Agriculture, g'ave the address of welcome to the visi"itors. - Professor H,. B. Walker, delivered an address entitled, "Farm. Building Service-Our Jo! -and yours.,, This appears in full on another page of this rssue.

H.- 1,. Belton, Division of Agricultural Engineering, pre- sided at the afternoon session.

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