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The Swede Lumberjack Reports Lumber Meeting
A new feature of the conference was the demonstration of interior plastering and finishes conducted by B. D. Sims, Sacramento, salesman for the United States Gypsum Corporation.
Another feature which attracted much attention from the dealers was a demonstration of various stucco treatments, both exterior and interior, conducted by Will F. Peterson, California Stucco Products Co., San hrancisco. Prior to this demonstration Percy R. Stuart, president of this compan_y,. g'ave a carefully prepared talk bn ..Stucco, Its.Uses and Adaptability to Buiiairigs of Various Types.,t
At both these demonstrations many questions wei'e answered.
Chet ast mister Robey frum Auburn to tell about how tings vas goin a_n by hooky I vas supprised dat tings are n6t neer so bad as ve tink dey are an 6y hooky dats lood news an I shur am glad dat I vent tu dat meetin.
(By S. J. Maakestad, Sacramento).
Vun day las veek I vent to College an dis is de vay it happen to cum about as dey say.
De Sacramento Valley Lumbermans Club had a big meetin over to Davis vich you maybe kno is a big farmei College close to Sacramento. So I figgered dat bei"n it vas a meetin for lumbermen maybe a svlde lumberyak culd eesy lern a cupla tings or so about lumber so I vent alons vit Chet Minard who is de head man vich is president- I shul ag- glad I vent and lissened to all dat speekin and stuff.vich dem perfessers had on ther chests. Vun guy told us all bout horv to keep posts frumgitten rotte-n in de gr-ound_but,my gudnes de more dey gii rotten de more ve sell so I diden see no sens to dat. Anudder guy told about how to make ice boxes an dat shur vas sum iense beleev me. And vun feller told all bout how to build an take care of a septik talk so dat you culd grow alfalfa or maybe a qar{e1fru-m de vater dat cums frum de drane pipe (pirew). And after he got done vit his speesh ve all vent- out io lunjh but dat diden make no diffrents caus times like dis a man in de lumber bisness is glad to eet any time beleev me.
Dey had sum more speekers vile ve vas eeten lunsh an
"The nations of the world have overstocked themselves with machinery and manufacturing plants far in excess of the wants of production. ThiJfirll supply of economic tools to meLt the wants of nearlv -ail branches of commerce ahd industry is the mosi important factor in the present industrial depression. Though the discovery of new processes of riranufacture will rrndoubtedly continue, and this will act as an ameliorating influence, it will not leave room for marked extension such as has been witnessed in the last fifty years, or afiord employment to the vast amount of capital which has been created during that period. The day of 'large profits is probably pait..
(From the official report of the United States Department of Labor in 1886.)
VERY lumberman who listened to E. St. Elmo Lewis' "Target Talks" at lumber merchant conventions this Spring, will wantthe Printed copy of this stimulating address.
At these meetings retaillumber merchants and retail association secretaries asked questions on twenty-eight of our most knotty merchandisin g Problems.
I hrvc ben rskcd bv thc Nrtionrl Lunbc Mrnu(*tum Asirtim b cm bci.,c 'o" t"a.r to dixus thc prcblcmr of b.tt.r elct for l9ll, ar : rn o{ thc Ir,'s'rm of rh. Ailoci{iotu I'clp incw rhc mhmdiring cficicmy of tlr thc lumler businx, l you lmw ir l'll into tlr: lon fm 3cci6 tP Pt.!4 tt w ontiitr tiit comm lol I mnr vbt b h.? vho ir 'lr? Shc :dvi*dly-bccrw thq th x@n'.GG in thc nrbriry of crs. llc or.lE i! iu' t Phi4 qdit'rt l-tt" ur arilc c l&-ilotstrnt or Crtholief mrnv trci'l b*t8@dFhm mnt orhd tsdHftfi t[ th. clpr.ctaLtica of hi' rt'idnt' ovircnm'nt' drc'or l@.nt, ?iq hzn egSsi"c,intclli$nq dumFbFg u#ruPlet-Nt
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:i:;;";;;;U iritrcd'ucod lirc r *hka irbtit out of r hrr' rnd *irr to homc dnrppointcd. -fhc ii-"i^;8 !0 pcr ccnt vill hzvo I god dil rnd rtkc lbm'Dthin8 but r had:c[c! Th:t is nrturrl. I, it a". i-.. "f'v *. million ncn out oI thc 40 miltion rorlo to rhc j.b' il ,#";;;;,;; t.. ii.i ::,ooo di*llv ot indi@rlv bos $c bsn
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In "Target Talks," Mr. Lewis has answered each of them.
The Author, E sr. ELMoLEwrs,le'amerchaadlslnt rnd rdvertlElnE coun*lor wlth mGo thcni0 yerg' erpclence. He knows a lot about ooolJwhat they buy-how th€y buy{nd ihm they buy. He has handled m€trch'ndlslng for pmctt-elli every form of bulldlnE matertal aod he t oo*l how bulldtnE materlsls should be eold.